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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


save() - Static method in class playground.SaveGame
saveDynamicState() - Method in class controller.CollisionAwareEgoController
SaveGame - Class in playground
SaveGame() - Constructor for class playground.SaveGame
scol - Variable in class gameobjects.GameObject
setActive(boolean) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
setColliders(LinkedList<Collider>) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
sets colliders.
setComponentProperty(String, String, Object) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
calls via reflection a method of a component if this GameObjects instance and provides the given value as String parameter.
setController(ObjectController) - Method in class collider.Collider
setter for GameController
setDummy(String) - Method in class controller.ObjectController
setGameTime(double) - Method in class playground.Playground
set the game time value (in seconds)
setGlobalFlag(String, Object) - Static method in class playground.Playground
Sets a level-wide permanent flag.
setLevelFlag(String, Object) - Method in class playground.Playground
setObject(GameObject) - Method in class collider.Collider
setter for corresponding GameObject
setObject(GameObject) - Method in class controller.ObjectController
setObjectController(ObjectController) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
Sets a new object controller (replaces any former one).
setObjectFlag(String, Object) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
setOffsets(double, double) - Method in class collider.Collider
setter for offset values to be used relative to GameObject center. default is zero.
setPainting() - Method in class ui.GameUI
setPaused(boolean) - Method in class playground.Playground
setPlayground(Playground) - Method in class collider.Collider
setter for Playground instance this collider belongs to
setPlayground(Playground) - Method in class controller.ObjectController
setPlayground(Playground) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
setPlayground(Playground) - Method in class ui.GameUI
setText(String) - Method in class gameobjects.TextObject
setText(String) - Method in class rendering.TextArtist
setTextHeight(double) - Method in class rendering.TextArtist
setTextWidth(double) - Method in class rendering.TextArtist
setTimestep(double) - Method in class playground.Playground
setVX(double) - Method in class controller.ObjectController
setVX(double) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
set screen x speed in pixel per frame
setVY(double) - Method in class controller.ObjectController
setVY(double) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
set screen y speed in pixel per frame.
setX(double) - Method in class controller.ObjectController
setX(double) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
set screen x position.
setY(double) - Method in class controller.ObjectController
setY(double) - Method in class gameobjects.GameObject
set screen y position.
SHOTSPEED - Static variable in class playground.SpaceInvadersLevel
showtimeList - Variable in class playground.Animation
SimpleShotController - Class in controller
SimpleShotController() - Constructor for class controller.SimpleShotController
SIZEX - Static variable in class base.GameLoop
Pixel width of Game GUI ( above 0)
SIZEY - Static variable in class base.GameLoop
Pixel height of Game GUI (above 0)
SpaceInvadersLevel - Class in playground
Class that realizes all the game logic of a very simple game level.
SpaceInvadersLevel() - Constructor for class playground.SpaceInvadersLevel
stopObject() - Method in class controller.CollisionAwareEgoController
stopObject() - Method in class controller.EgoController
checks the position and respects level boundaries and own radius or width/height set on constructor.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values