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adapted aws-boto3-rds-db example of tug-of-war in the clouds to AWS Educate Accounts, however, RDS is not allowed in our current classroom

Sebastian Rieger 3 years ago
  1. 46
  2. 19


@ -1,40 +1,54 @@
import boto3 import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
################################################################################################ ################################################################################################
# #
# Configuration Parameters # Configuration Parameters
# #
################################################################################################ ################################################################################################
# !!!!!!!! You cannot use RDS in AWS Ecucate Account !!!!!!!!
region = 'eu-central-1'
availabilityZone = 'eu-central-1b'
vpc_id = 'vpc-eedd4187'
imageId = 'ami-0cc293023f983ed53'
instanceType = 't3.nano'
keyName = 'srieger-pub'
# place your credentials in ~/.aws/credentials, as mentioned in AWS Educate Classroom,
# Account Details, AWC CLI -> Show (Copy and paste the following into ~/.aws/credentials)
# if you only have one VPC, vpc_id can be retrieved using:
# response = ec2Client.describe_vpcs()
# vpc_id = response.get('Vpcs', [{}])[0].get('VpcId', '')
# changed to use us-east, to be able to use AWS Educate Classroom
region = 'us-east-1'
availabilityZone = 'us-east-1a'
# region = 'eu-central-1'
# availabilityZone = 'eu-central-1b'
# AMI ID of Amazon Linux 2 image 64-bit x86 in us-east-1 (can be retrieved, e.g., at
imageId = 'ami-0d5eff06f840b45e9'
# for eu-central-1, AMI ID of Amazon Linux 2 would be:
# imageId = 'ami-0cc293023f983ed53'
# potentially change instanceType to t2.micro for "free tier" if using a regular account
# for production, t3.nano seams better
instanceType = 't2.nano'
keyName = 'srieger-pub'
################################################################################################ ################################################################################################
# #
# boto3 code
# boto3 clients and resources (dependencies)
# #
################################################################################################ ################################################################################################
client = boto3.setup_default_session(region_name=region) client = boto3.setup_default_session(region_name=region)
ec2Client = boto3.client("ec2") ec2Client = boto3.client("ec2")
ec2Resource = boto3.resource('ec2') ec2Resource = boto3.resource('ec2')
rdsClient = boto3.client("rds") rdsClient = boto3.client("rds")
# if you only have one VPC, vpc_id can be retrieved using:
response = ec2Client.describe_vpcs()
vpc_id = response.get('Vpcs', [{}])[0].get('VpcId', '')
# if you have more than one VPC, vpc_id should be specified, and code
# top retrieve VPC id below needs to be commented out
# vpc_id = 'vpc-eedd4187'
subnet_id = ec2Client.describe_subnets( subnet_id = ec2Client.describe_subnets(
Filters=[ Filters=[
{ {
@ -42,6 +56,12 @@ subnet_id = ec2Client.describe_subnets(
} }
])['Subnets'][0]['SubnetId'] ])['Subnets'][0]['SubnetId']
# boto3 code to deploy the application
print("Deleting old instance...") print("Deleting old instance...")
print("------------------------------------") print("------------------------------------")


@ -9,9 +9,22 @@ from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
################################################################################################ ################################################################################################
region = 'eu-central-1'
availabilityZone = 'eu-central-1b'
imageId = 'ami-0cc293023f983ed53'
# place your credentials in ~/.aws/credentials, as mentioned in AWS Educate Classroom,
# Account Details, AWC CLI -> Show (Copy and paste the following into ~/.aws/credentials)
# changed to use us-east, to be able to use AWS Educate Classroom
region = 'us-east-1'
availabilityZone = 'us-east-1a'
# region = 'eu-central-1'
# availabilityZone = 'eu-central-1b'
# AMI ID of Amazon Linux 2 image 64-bit x86 in us-east-1 (can be retrieved, e.g., at
imageId = 'ami-0d5eff06f840b45e9'
# for eu-central-1, AMI ID of Amazon Linux 2 would be:
# imageId = 'ami-0cc293023f983ed53'
# potentially change instanceType to t2.micro for "free tier" if using a regular account
instanceType = 't3.nano' instanceType = 't3.nano'
keyName = 'srieger-pub' keyName = 'srieger-pub'
