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added code section comments, added config param for VPC to support starting in envs with multiple vpcs, added output for lb dns

Sebastian Rieger 4 years ago
  1. 66
  2. 45


@ -3,44 +3,41 @@ import time
import boto3 import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
# Configuration Parameters
region = 'eu-central-1' region = 'eu-central-1'
availabilityZone = 'eu-central-1b' availabilityZone = 'eu-central-1b'
imageId = 'ami-0cc293023f983ed53' imageId = 'ami-0cc293023f983ed53'
instanceType = 't3.nano' instanceType = 't3.nano'
keyName = 'srieger-pub' keyName = 'srieger-pub'
vpc_id = 'vpc-eedd4187'
subnet1 = 'subnet-41422b28' subnet1 = 'subnet-41422b28'
subnet2 = 'subnet-5c5f6d16' subnet2 = 'subnet-5c5f6d16'
subnet3 = 'subnet-6f2ea214' subnet3 = 'subnet-6f2ea214'
userDataDB = ('#!/bin/bash\n'
'# extra repo for RedHat rpms\n'
'yum install -y\n'
'# essential tools\n'
'yum install -y joe htop git\n'
'# mysql\n'
'yum install -y mariadb mariadb-server\n'
'service mariadb start\n'
'echo "create database cloud_tug_of_war" | mysql -u root\n'
'echo "create table clouds ( cloud_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, value INT, max_value INT, PRIMARY KEY (cloud_id))" | mysql -u root cloud_tug_of_war\n'
'echo "CREATE USER \'cloud_tug_of_war\'@\'%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'cloudpass\';" | mysql -u root\n'
'echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cloud_tug_of_war.* TO \'cloud_tug_of_war\'@\'%\';" | mysql -u root\n'
'echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" | mysql -u root\n'
# if you only have one VPC, vpc_id can be retrieved using:
# response = ec2Client.describe_vpcs()
# vpc_id = response.get('Vpcs', [{}])[0].get('VpcId', '')
# boto3 code
# convert with: cat install-mysql | sed "s/^/'/; s/$/\\\n'/"
client = boto3.setup_default_session(region_name=region) client = boto3.setup_default_session(region_name=region)
ec2Client = boto3.client("ec2") ec2Client = boto3.client("ec2")
ec2Resource = boto3.resource('ec2') ec2Resource = boto3.resource('ec2')
response = ec2Client.describe_vpcs()
vpc_id = response.get('Vpcs', [{}])[0].get('VpcId', '')
elbv2Client = boto3.client('elbv2') elbv2Client = boto3.client('elbv2')
asClient = boto3.client('autoscaling') asClient = boto3.client('autoscaling')
@ -156,6 +153,27 @@ except ClientError as e:
print("Running new DB instance...") print("Running new DB instance...")
print("------------------------------------") print("------------------------------------")
userDataDB = ('#!/bin/bash\n'
'# extra repo for RedHat rpms\n'
'yum install -y\n'
'# essential tools\n'
'yum install -y joe htop git\n'
'# mysql\n'
'yum install -y mariadb mariadb-server\n'
'service mariadb start\n'
'echo "create database cloud_tug_of_war" | mysql -u root\n'
'echo "create table clouds ( cloud_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, value INT, max_value INT, PRIMARY KEY (cloud_id))" | mysql -u root cloud_tug_of_war\n'
'echo "CREATE USER \'cloud_tug_of_war\'@\'%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'cloudpass\';" | mysql -u root\n'
'echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cloud_tug_of_war.* TO \'cloud_tug_of_war\'@\'%\';" | mysql -u root\n'
'echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" | mysql -u root\n'
# convert user-data from script with: cat install-mysql | sed "s/^/'/; s/$/\\\n'/"
response = ec2Client.run_instances( response = ec2Client.run_instances(
ImageId=imageId, ImageId=imageId,
InstanceType=instanceType, InstanceType=instanceType,
@ -319,3 +337,5 @@ response = asClient.put_scaling_policy(
'TargetValue': 5.0, 'TargetValue': 5.0,
} }
) )
print('Load Balancer should be reachable at: ' + loadbalancer_dns)


@ -3,36 +3,23 @@ import time
import boto3 import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
# Configuration Parameters
region = 'eu-central-1' region = 'eu-central-1'
availabilityZone = 'eu-central-1b'
imageId = 'ami-0cc293023f983ed53'
instanceType = 't3.nano'
keyName = 'srieger-pub'
subnet1 = 'subnet-41422b28'
subnet2 = 'subnet-5c5f6d16'
subnet3 = 'subnet-6f2ea214'
userDataDB = ('#!/bin/bash\n'
'# extra repo for RedHat rpms\n'
'yum install -y\n'
'# essential tools\n'
'yum install -y joe htop git\n'
'# mysql\n'
'yum install -y mariadb mariadb-server\n'
'service mariadb start\n'
'echo "create database cloud_tug_of_war" | mysql -u root\n'
'echo "create table clouds ( cloud_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, value INT, max_value INT, PRIMARY KEY (cloud_id))" | mysql -u root cloud_tug_of_war\n'
'echo "CREATE USER \'cloud_tug_of_war\'@\'%\' IDENTIFIED BY \'cloudpass\';" | mysql -u root\n'
'echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON cloud_tug_of_war.* TO \'cloud_tug_of_war\'@\'%\';" | mysql -u root\n'
'echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES" | mysql -u root\n'
# convert with: cat install-mysql | sed "s/^/'/; s/$/\\\n'/"
# boto3 code
client = boto3.setup_default_session(region_name=region) client = boto3.setup_default_session(region_name=region)
ec2Client = boto3.client("ec2") ec2Client = boto3.client("ec2")
