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  1. #
  2. # Cluster Config
  3. #
  4. docker_root_dir: /var/lib/docker
  5. enable_cluster_alerting: false
  6. enable_cluster_monitoring: false
  7. enable_network_policy: false
  8. local_cluster_auth_endpoint:
  9. enabled: true
  10. name: openstack-rke
  11. #
  12. # Rancher Config
  13. #
  14. rancher_kubernetes_engine_config:
  15. #####################################################################
  16. #
  17. # Config for OpenStack @ NetLab Hochschule Fulda Start
  18. #
  19. # Paste the following section into rancher_kubernetes_engine_config
  20. # be sure to use correct indention, if in doubt, use YAML syntax
  21. # checker
  22. #
  23. # You need to replace tenant-id with your project id, you can see
  24. # the id, e.g., in the OpenStack Web Interface (Horizon) here:
  25. # -
  26. #
  27. # Replace floating-network-id with the id of the network "public1".
  28. # Click in network "public1" here:
  29. # -
  30. # and use the value shown for ID.
  31. #
  32. # Replace subnet-id with the id of the subnet (not network!) that you
  33. # use for your RKE node instances. If you use network
  34. # "my-terraform-rancher-network-1" you can got to:
  35. # -
  36. # click on my-terraform-rancher-network-1, then click on its subnet
  37. # my-terraform-rancher-subnet-1, and use the shown ID of the subnet.
  38. #
  39. # Replace the router-id with the id of your router. Go to:
  40. # -
  41. # click on the router you use for the network of your RKE instances
  42. # and use the shown ID of this router.
  43. #
  44. # Replace password with the password of your groups' OpenStack
  45. # account
  46. #
  47. # You can also see other config options in RKE docu here:
  48. #
  49. #
  50. #####################################################################
  51. cloud_provider:
  52. name: openstack
  53. openstackCloudProvider:
  54. block_storage:
  55. ignore-volume-az: true
  56. trust-device-path: false
  57. global:
  58. auth-url: ''
  59. domain-name: Default
  60. tenant-id: <id of your project here>
  61. username: IntServ19
  62. password: <your password here>
  63. load_balancer:
  64. create-monitor: false
  65. floating-network-id: <id of network public1>
  66. lb-version: v2
  67. manage-security-groups: true
  68. monitor-max-retries: 0
  69. subnet-id: <id of the subnet your use for rke instances>
  70. use-octavia: true
  71. metadata:
  72. request-timeout: 0
  73. route:
  74. router-id: <id of the router you use for the rke instances>
  75. #####################################################################
  76. #
  77. # Config for OpenStack @ NetLab Hochschule Fulda End
  78. #
  79. #####################################################################
  80. addon_job_timeout: 45
  81. authentication:
  82. strategy: x509
  83. dns:
  84. nodelocal:
  85. ip_address: ''
  86. node_selector: null
  87. update_strategy: {}
  88. enable_cri_dockerd: false
  89. ignore_docker_version: true
  90. #
  91. # # Currently only nginx ingress provider is supported.
  92. # # To disable ingress controller, set `provider: none`
  93. # # To enable ingress on specific nodes, use the node_selector, eg:
  94. # provider: nginx
  95. # node_selector:
  96. # app: ingress
  97. #
  98. ingress:
  99. default_backend: false
  100. default_ingress_class: true
  101. http_port: 0
  102. https_port: 0
  103. provider: nginx
  104. kubernetes_version: v1.21.8-rancher1-1
  105. monitoring:
  106. provider: metrics-server
  107. replicas: 1
  108. #
  109. # If you are using calico on AWS
  110. #
  111. # network:
  112. # plugin: calico
  113. # calico_network_provider:
  114. # cloud_provider: aws
  115. #
  116. # # To specify flannel interface
  117. #
  118. # network:
  119. # plugin: flannel
  120. # flannel_network_provider:
  121. # iface: eth1
  122. #
  123. # # To specify flannel interface for canal plugin
  124. #
  125. # network:
  126. # plugin: canal
  127. # canal_network_provider:
  128. # iface: eth1
  129. #
  130. network:
  131. mtu: 0
  132. options:
  133. flannel_backend_type: vxlan
  134. plugin: canal
  135. rotate_encryption_key: false
  136. #
  137. # services:
  138. # kube-api:
  139. # service_cluster_ip_range:
  140. # kube-controller:
  141. # cluster_cidr:
  142. # service_cluster_ip_range:
  143. # kubelet:
  144. # cluster_domain: cluster.local
  145. # cluster_dns_server:
  146. #
  147. services:
  148. etcd:
  149. backup_config:
  150. enabled: true
  151. interval_hours: 12
  152. retention: 6
  153. safe_timestamp: false
  154. timeout: 300
  155. creation: 12h
  156. extra_args:
  157. election-timeout: 5000
  158. heartbeat-interval: 500
  159. gid: 0
  160. retention: 72h
  161. snapshot: false
  162. uid: 0
  163. kube_api:
  164. always_pull_images: false
  165. pod_security_policy: false
  166. secrets_encryption_config:
  167. enabled: false
  168. service_node_port_range: 30000-32767
  169. ssh_agent_auth: false
  170. upgrade_strategy:
  171. max_unavailable_controlplane: '1'
  172. max_unavailable_worker: 10%
  173. node_drain_input:
  174. delete_local_data: false
  175. force: false
  176. grace_period: -1
  177. ignore_daemon_sets: true
  178. timeout: 120
  179. windows_prefered_cluster: false