# # Cluster Config # docker_root_dir: /var/lib/docker enable_cluster_alerting: false enable_cluster_monitoring: false enable_network_policy: false local_cluster_auth_endpoint: enabled: true name: openstack-rke # # Rancher Config # rancher_kubernetes_engine_config: ##################################################################### # # Config for OpenStack @ NetLab Hochschule Fulda Start # # Paste the following section into rancher_kubernetes_engine_config # be sure to use correct indention, if in doubt, use YAML syntax # checker # # You need to replace tenant-id with your project id, you can see # the id, e.g., in the OpenStack Web Interface (Horizon) here: # - https://private-cloud.informatik.hs-fulda.de/project/api_access/view_credentials/ # # Replace floating-network-id with the id of the network "public1". # Click in network "public1" here: # - https://private-cloud.informatik.hs-fulda.de/project/networks/ # and use the value shown for ID. # # Replace subnet-id with the id of the subnet (not network!) that you # use for your RKE node instances. If you use network # "my-terraform-rancher-network-1" you can got to: # - https://private-cloud.informatik.hs-fulda.de/project/networks/ # click on my-terraform-rancher-network-1, then click on its subnet # my-terraform-rancher-subnet-1, and use the shown ID of the subnet. # # Replace the router-id with the id of your router. Go to: # - https://private-cloud.informatik.hs-fulda.de/project/routers/ # click on the router you use for the network of your RKE instances # and use the shown ID of this router. # # Replace password with the password of your groups' OpenStack # account # # You can also see other config options in RKE docu here: # https://rancher.com/docs/rke/latest/en/config-options/cloud-providers/openstack/ # ##################################################################### cloud_provider: name: openstack openstackCloudProvider: block_storage: ignore-volume-az: true trust-device-path: false global: auth-url: 'https://private-cloud.informatik.hs-fulda.de:5000' domain-name: Default tenant-id: username: IntServ19 password: load_balancer: create-monitor: false floating-network-id: lb-version: v2 manage-security-groups: true monitor-max-retries: 0 subnet-id: use-octavia: true metadata: request-timeout: 0 route: router-id: ##################################################################### # # Config for OpenStack @ NetLab Hochschule Fulda End # ##################################################################### addon_job_timeout: 45 authentication: strategy: x509 dns: nodelocal: ip_address: '' node_selector: null update_strategy: {} enable_cri_dockerd: false ignore_docker_version: true # # # Currently only nginx ingress provider is supported. # # To disable ingress controller, set `provider: none` # # To enable ingress on specific nodes, use the node_selector, eg: # provider: nginx # node_selector: # app: ingress # ingress: default_backend: false default_ingress_class: true http_port: 0 https_port: 0 provider: nginx kubernetes_version: v1.21.8-rancher1-1 monitoring: provider: metrics-server replicas: 1 # # If you are using calico on AWS # # network: # plugin: calico # calico_network_provider: # cloud_provider: aws # # # To specify flannel interface # # network: # plugin: flannel # flannel_network_provider: # iface: eth1 # # # To specify flannel interface for canal plugin # # network: # plugin: canal # canal_network_provider: # iface: eth1 # network: mtu: 0 options: flannel_backend_type: vxlan plugin: canal rotate_encryption_key: false # # services: # kube-api: # service_cluster_ip_range: # kube-controller: # cluster_cidr: # service_cluster_ip_range: # kubelet: # cluster_domain: cluster.local # cluster_dns_server: # services: etcd: backup_config: enabled: true interval_hours: 12 retention: 6 safe_timestamp: false timeout: 300 creation: 12h extra_args: election-timeout: 5000 heartbeat-interval: 500 gid: 0 retention: 72h snapshot: false uid: 0 kube_api: always_pull_images: false pod_security_policy: false secrets_encryption_config: enabled: false service_node_port_range: 30000-32767 ssh_agent_auth: false upgrade_strategy: max_unavailable_controlplane: '1' max_unavailable_worker: 10% node_drain_input: delete_local_data: false force: false grace_period: -1 ignore_daemon_sets: true timeout: 120 windows_prefered_cluster: false