* "sudo crontab -e" add "*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/curl -o /var/log/virl-scheduler-cron.log http://localhost/virl-scheduler/api/cron.php" at the end of the file
* Have fun using the scheduler to start VIRL simulations automatically, by accessing /virl-scheduler on your VIRL host. Login using a VIRL username and password, be sure to add a Session name (simulation name) and a VIRL topology (XML source of a topology file)
* output of the cron job can be seen in **/var/log/virl-scheduler-cron.log** or by accessing http://VIRL-Host/virl-scheduler/api/cron.php" manually in your browser
* output of the cron job can be seen in **/var/log/virl-scheduler-cron.log** or by accessing http://VIRL-Host/virl-scheduler/api/cron.php manually in your browser