10 changed files with 1524 additions and 13 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include "tictactoe.h" |
void printBoard(); |
struct ticTacToe GAME; |
struct usrCommand COMMANDS[MAX_COMMANDS] = { |
{ 1, "\"start menu\" - startet das menu", startMenu}, |
{ 2, "\"start game\" - startet das spiel", startGame} |
}; |
void startTicTacToe(){ |
setbuf(stdout, 0); // for debug output |
printf( "%s\n", getWelcomeMessageTicTacToe() ); |
printf( "%s\n\n", getRulesMessageTicTacToe() ); |
GAME = createTicTacToe(); // create the "game object" |
while( GAME.currentState != -1 ){ |
commandFunction usrCommand; |
//printf("search command!\n"); |
usrCommand = getCommandById( GAME.currentState + 1); |
if( usrCommand != NULL) |
usrCommand(0); // 0, for non test behavior |
else{ |
printf("command not found"); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
char* getWelcomeMessageTicTacToe(){ |
return "Hallo und willkommen zu unserem TicTacToe Spiel. Anbei die Anleitung:\n"; |
} |
char* getRulesMessageTicTacToe(){ |
return "Das spiel wird über die Komandozeile gespielt.\n" |
"Jeder Spielzug ist eine Eingabe in die Konsole. Die enstsprechenden Befehle stehen jeweils unterhalb des Spielfelds.\n" |
"Um ein Zug zu tätigen musst du \"set x,y\" in die Konsole Eingeben. Die Koordinaten stehen dabei für Zeile und Spalte.\n" |
"Mit dem Befehl \"start\" startest du das Spiel" |
"Mit dem Befehl \"rules\" kannst du diese Nachricht erneut aufrufen."; |
} |
struct ticTacToe createTicTacToe() { |
struct ticTacToe newGame; |
newGame.currentState = 0; |
return newGame; |
} |
int handleCommand( char* input ){ |
if( strcmp(input, "start menu") == 0 ){ |
return 0; |
}else if( strcmp(input, "start game") == 0 ){ |
return 1; |
}else{ |
return -1; |
} |
} |
commandFunction getCommandById( int id ){ |
commandFunction result = NULL; |
size_t arraySize = sizeof(COMMANDS) / sizeof(COMMANDS[0]); // calculate size of Array |
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { |
//printf( "%s", COMMANDS[i].description ); |
if( COMMANDS[i].id == id ){ |
result = COMMANDS[i].fun; // save the function pointer as result |
break; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
char* getUserInput(){ |
static char userInput[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; |
printf( ":" ); |
fgets(userInput, sizeof(userInput), stdin); |
size_t lengthOfInput = strlen(userInput); |
if (lengthOfInput > 0 && userInput[lengthOfInput - 1] == '\n') { |
userInput[lengthOfInput - 1] = '\0'; // declare end of command |
} |
return userInput; |
} |
void initializeBoard( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE] ){ |
for (int line = 0; line < 3; ++line) { |
for (int column = 0; column < 3; ++column) { |
board[line][column] = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
/** |
* The function checks if the user has written a valid command |
* @param input |
* @return 1 for a valid command and 0 for an invalid one. |
*/ |
int handleGameInput( char* input ){ |
if( strstr(input, "set") != NULL ){ |
return 1; |
}else{ |
return -1; |
} |
} |
int startMenu( int code ){ |
if( code == -1 ){ // usrCommand test |
return 1; |
} |
printf("Welcome to the menu!\n"); |
while( GAME.currentState == 0 ){ |
int nextState = handleCommand( getUserInput() ); |
if( nextState == -1 ){ |
printf("command not found!"); |
}else{ |
GAME.currentState = nextState; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
void printBoard(){ |
// calculate the size of the board and print the upper frame |
for( int i = 0; i < BORAD_SIZE*4+1; i++ ){ |
printf("-"); |
} |
printf("\n"); |
for (int line = 0; line < 3; ++line) { |
printf("| "); |
for (int column = 0; column < 3; ++column) { |
if( GAME.board[line][column] == true ) |
printf( "X" ); |
else |
printf ( " " ); |
printf(" | "); |
} |
printf( "\n" ); |
} |
// calculate the size of the board and print the upper frame |
for( int i = 0; i < BORAD_SIZE*4+1; i++ ){ |
printf("-"); |
} |
printf("\n"); |
} |
/** |
* Get a the user input and parse it. |
* @param input |
* @return a array with the x and y direction where the user wants to set the marker. |
*/ |
int* getMarkerParameters( char* input ){ |
int* array = (int*)malloc(2 * sizeof(int)); |
int index = strchr(input, ',') - input; |
int firstArgument = input[index-1] - '0'; |
int secondArgument = input[index+1] - '0'; |
array[0] = firstArgument-1; // return x |
array[1] = secondArgument-1; // return y |
return array; |
} |
void setBoardMarker( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE], int* params ){ |
board[params[0]][params[1]] = 1; |
} |
void handleGame(){ |
char* input = getUserInput(); |
int nextState = handleCommand( input ); |
// check commands, if no command found return for new Input |
// gameCommands are saved and processed after this block |
int gameCommand = -1; |
if( nextState == -1 ){ // no stateCommand |
gameCommand = handleGameInput( input ); |
if( gameCommand == -1 ){ |
printf("command not found!"); |
return; |
} |
}else{ |
GAME.currentState = nextState; |
return; |
} |
// gameCommand processing |
if( gameCommand == 1 ) { // set marker in field |
int* params = getMarkerParameters( input ); // get the x and y values |
setBoardMarker( GAME.board, params ); // apply the x and y values in the field |
free(params); // prent memory leakage |
printBoard(); |
if( playerHasWon( GAME.board ) ){ |
printf("\n\nDu hast gewonnwn!\n\n"); |
// start menu |
GAME.currentState=0; |
} |
} |
} |
bool playerHasWon( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]){ |
bool player = 1; |
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
// check the rows |
if ((board[i][0] == player && board[i][1] == player && board[i][2] == player) || |
// check the columns |
(board[0][i] == player && board[1][i] == player && board[2][i] == player)) { |
return true; // Spieler hat gewonnen |
} |
} |
// check the diagonal line |
if ((board[0][0] == player && board[1][1] == player && board[2][2] == player) || |
(board[0][2] == player && board[1][1] == player && board[2][0] == player)) { |
return true; // Spieler hat gewonnen |
} |
return false; |
} |
int startGame( int code ){ |
if( code == -1 ){ // usrCommand test |
return 1; |
} |
printf("Welcome to the game!\n"); |
bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]; |
initializeBoard( board ); |
printBoard(); |
while( GAME.currentState == 1 ){ |
handleGame(); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
#ifndef TICTACTOE_H |
#define TICTACTOE_H |
#include <stdbool.h> |
#define MAX_INPUT_LENGTH 20 |
#define MAX_COMMANDS 3 |
#define BORAD_SIZE 3 |
struct ticTacToe{ |
int currentState; |
bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]; |
}; |
// Typdefinition für einen Funktionszeiger |
typedef int (*commandFunction)( int ); |
struct usrCommand{ |
int id; |
char* description; |
commandFunction fun; |
}; |
extern struct ticTacToe GAME; |
extern struct usrCommand COMMANDS[MAX_COMMANDS]; |
void startTicTacToe(); |
char* getWelcomeMessageTicTacToe(void); |
char* getRulesMessageTicTacToe(void); |
struct ticTacToe createTicTacToe(); |
int handleCommand( char* input ); |
void initializeBoard( bool board[3][3] ); |
int handleGameInput( char* input ); |
int* getMarkerParameters(); |
void setBoardMarker( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE], int* params ); |
bool playerHasWon( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE] ); |
/* commands */ |
commandFunction getCommandById(int id); |
int startMenu( int code ); |
int startGame( int code ); |
#endif //TICTACTOE_H |
@ -1,9 +1,260 @@ |
#include "SchereSteinPapier.h" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <time.h> |
#include <string.h> |
void gameLoop(); |
char* getWelcomeMessageSSP(); |
int selectCOMChoice(); |
void printResult(int, int, int); |
int getuserSelection(); |
int schereSteinPapier() |
void schereSteinPapier() |
{ |
srand(time(NULL)); |
printf("%s", getWelcomeMessageSSP()); |
gameLoop(); |
} |
void gameLoop() |
{ |
printf("Test"); |
return 1; |
while(1) |
{ |
int comChoice, userChoice; |
userChoice = getuserSelection(); |
if(userChoice == 0) |
{ |
printf("Vielen Dank fuers Spielen! Tschau!\n"); |
break; |
} |
else if(userChoice == 1 || userChoice == 2 || userChoice == 3) |
{ |
comChoice = selectCOMChoice(); |
int winNum = calculateWinner(userChoice, comChoice); |
printResult(winNum, comChoice, userChoice); |
} |
else |
{ |
printf("Deine eingegebene Wahl ist ungueltig\n"); |
} |
} |
} |
//Berechnung,welche Auswahl gewinnt. |
//@return: 0 = unentschieden; 1 = gewonnen; -1 = verloren; 3 = Fehler bei der Wertuebergabe |
//@param userSelection = UserChoice; comSelection = COMChoice |
int calculateWinner(int userSelection, int comSelection) |
{ |
switch (userSelection) |
{ |
case(1): |
switch (comSelection) { |
case(1): return 0; |
case(2): return -1; |
case(3): return 1; |
default: return 3; |
} |
case(2): |
switch (comSelection) { |
case(1): return 1; |
case(2): return 0; |
case(3): return -1; |
default: return 3; |
} |
case(3): |
switch (comSelection) { |
case(1): return -1; |
case(2): return 1; |
case(3): return 0; |
default: return 3; |
} |
default: return 3; |
} |
} |
int selectCOMChoice() |
{ |
return rand() % 3 + 1; |
} |
int getuserSelection() |
{ |
int userSelect; |
printf("Bitte treffe deine Wahl!\n" |
"1: Schere \n2: Stein \n3: Papier\n0: Spiel verlassen\n"); |
scanf("%d", &userSelect); |
return userSelect; |
} |
char* getWelcomeMessageSSP() |
{ |
return "\nHallo und Willkommen zu\n\n" |
" _____ _ _____ _____ _ \r\n" |
" | __ \\ | | | __ \\ / ____| (_) \r\n" |
" | |__) |___ ___| | __ | |__) |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | (___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ \r\n" |
" | _ // _ \\ / __| |/ / | ___/ _` | '_ \\ / _ \\ '__| \\___ \\ / __| / __/ __|/ _ \\| '__/ __|\r\n" |
" | | \\ \\ (_) | (__| < | | | (_| | |_) | __/ | ____) | (__| \\__ \\__ \\ (_) | | \\__ \\\r\n" |
" |_| \\_\\___/ \\___|_|\\_\\ |_| \\__,_| .__/ \\___|_| |_____/ \\___|_|___/___/\\___/|_| |___/ \r\n" |
" | | \r\n" |
" |_| \n" |
"credits to wynand1004\n\n" |
"In diesem Spiel spielst du gegen einen COM Schere-Stein-Papier!\n" |
"Waehle, sobald dich die Konsole dazu auffordert, deine 'Waffe' aus, indem du die entsprechende Zahl eintippst.\n" |
"Gibst du bei der Aufforderung 0 ein, gelangst du zurueck ins Hauptmenue!\n\n"; |
} |
void printResult(int winNumb, int comSelect, int userSelect) |
{ |
char comWeapon[10]; |
switch(comSelect) |
{ |
case(1): |
strcpy(comWeapon, "Schere"); |
break; |
case(2): |
strcpy(comWeapon,"Stein"); |
break; |
case(3): |
strcpy(comWeapon,"Papier"); |
break; |
default: |
strcpy(comWeapon, "Not found"); |
break; |
} |
if(userSelect == 1) |
{ |
switch (comSelect) |
{ |
case(1): |
printf(" _______ _______\n" |
"---' ____)____ ____(____ '---\n" |
" ______) (______\n" |
" __________) (__________\n" |
" (____) (____)\n" |
"---.__(___) (___)__.---\n" |
" Scissor vs Scissor\n"); |
break; |
case(2): |
printf(" _______ _______\n" |
"---' ____)____ (____ '---\n" |
" ______) (_____)\n" |
" __________) (_____)\n" |
" (____) (____)\n" |
"---.__(___) (___)__.---\n" |
" Scissor vs Rock\n"); |
break; |
case(3): |
printf(" _______ _______\n" |
"---' ____)____ ____(____ '----\n" |
" ______) (______\n" |
" __________) (_______\n" |
" (____) (_______\n" |
"---.__(___) (_________.---\n" |
" Scissor vs Paper\n"); |
break; |
default: |
printf("ungültige Eingabe\n"); |
break; |
} |
} |
else if(userSelect ==2) |
{ |
switch (comSelect) |
{ |
case(1): |
printf(" _______ _______\n" |
"---' ____) ____(____ '---\n" |
" (_____) (______\n" |
" (_____) (__________\n" |
" (____) (____)\n" |
"---.__(___) (___)__.---\n" |
" Rock VS Scissor\n"); |
break; |
case(2): |
printf(" _______ _______\n" |
"---' ____) (____ '---\n" |
" (_____) (_____)\n" |
" (_____) (_____)\n" |
" (____) (____)\n" |
"---.__(___) (___)__.---\n" |
" Rock VS Rock\n"); |
break; |
case(3): |
printf(" _______ _______\n" |
"---' ____) ____(____ '----\n" |
" (_____) (______\n" |
" (_____) (_______\n" |
" (____) (_______\n" |
"---.__(___) (_________.---\n" |
" Rock VS Paper\n"); |
break; |
default: |
printf("ungültige Eingabe\n"); |
break; |
} |
} |
else if(userSelect ==3) |
{ |
switch (comSelect) |
{ |
case(1): |
printf(" _______ _______\n" |
"---' ____)____ ____(____ '---\n" |
" ______) (______\n" |
" _______) (__________\n" |
" _______) (____)\n" |
"---.__________) (___)__.---\n" |
" Paper VS Scissor\n"); |
break; |
case(2): |
printf(" _______ _______\n" |
"---' ____)____ (____ '---\n" |
" ______) (_____)\n" |
" _______) (_____)\n" |
" _______) (____)\n" |
"---.__________) (___)__.---\n" |
" Paper VS Rock\n"); |
break; |
case(3): |
printf(" _______ _______\n" |
"---' ____)____ ____(____ '----\n" |
" ______) (______\n" |
" _______) (_______\n" |
" _______) (_______\n" |
"---.__________) (_________.---\n" |
" Paper VS Paper\n"); |
break; |
default: |
printf("ungültige Eingabe\n"); |
break; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
printf("ungültige Eingabe"); |
} |
switch (winNumb) |
{ |
case(-1):printf("Der Computer hat %s gewaehlt, Du hast verloren!!!\n\n", comWeapon); |
break; |
case(0): printf("Der Computer hat %s gewaehlt, Es steht unentschieden!!!\n\n", comWeapon); |
break; |
case(1): printf("Der Computer hat %s gewaehlt, Du hast gewonnen!!!\n\n", comWeapon); |
break; |
default: printf("Error!"); |
break; |
} |
} |
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ |
int schereSteinPapier(); |
void schereSteinPapier(); |
int calculateWinner(int, int); |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ |
#include "hangman.h" |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <time.h> |
#include <stdbool.h> |
#include <ctype.h> |
char wordlist[LISTSIZE][MAX_WORD_LENGTH] = { |
"Kartoffel", "Zigarette", "Haus", "Fenster", "Kartenleseettiketiergeraet", |
"Kleiderschrank", "Schnee","Wasserhahn","Fernbedienung", |
"Computertastatur", "Verlies","Zucchini","lizenzieren", |
"Portemonnaie","brillant","Rückgrat","Toilettenpapier", |
"Dachpappe","Hund","Zwiebelsuppe","Zebra", |
"Kruzifix","Anschnallgurt","Bügeleisen","Fliesenleger", |
"Adventskranz","Weihnachtsbaum","Autoreifen","Waschbecken", |
"Busfahrkarte" |
}; |
char hangmanStages[STAGENUM][ASCII_ART_SIZE]={ |
"+---+\n" |
"| |\n" |
"|\n" |
"|\n" |
"|\n" |
"|\n" |
"=========\n", |
"+---+\n" |
"| |\n" |
"| O\n" |
"|\n" |
"|\n" |
"|\n" |
"=========\n", |
"+---+\n" |
"| |\n" |
"| O\n" |
"| |\n" |
"|\n" |
"|\n" |
"=========\n", |
"+---+\n" |
"| |\n" |
"| O\n" |
"| /|\n" |
"|\n" |
"|\n" |
"=========\n", |
"+---+\n" |
"| |\n" |
"| O\n" |
"| /|\\\n" |
"|\n" |
"|\n" |
"=========\n", |
"+---+\n" |
"| |\n" |
"| O\n" |
"| /|\\\n" |
"| /\n" |
"|\n" |
"=========\n", |
"+---+\n" |
"| |\n" |
"| O\n" |
"| /|\\\n" |
"| / \\\n" |
"|\n" |
"=========\n", |
}; |
void hangman() |
{ |
srand(time(NULL)); |
char userSelection; |
getWelcomeMessageHangman(); |
do |
{ |
char guessWord[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; |
int length; |
int countWrongGuess=0; |
strcpy(guessWord,getWordFromList(rand() % LISTSIZE)); |
length = strlen(guessWord); |
char displayWord[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; |
drawHangman(countWrongGuess); |
for (int i = 0; i <= length; i++) |
{ |
if(i<length) |
{ |
displayWord[i] = '_'; |
} |
else if(i == length) |
{ |
displayWord[i] = '\0'; |
} |
} |
printf("\n\n%s\n", displayWord); |
while(1) |
{ |
printf("Bitte gib einen Buchstaben ein!\n"); |
scanf(" %c", &userSelection); |
if(userSelection == '0') |
{ |
break; |
} |
if(!letterGuessed(userSelection, guessWord, length)) |
{ |
countWrongGuess++; |
printf("Der von dir getippte Buchstabe war falsch! Du hast noch %d Versuche.\n", POSSIBLE_TRYS-countWrongGuess); |
} |
changeLetter(userSelection, guessWord, length, displayWord); |
drawHangman(countWrongGuess); |
if(wordGuessed(guessWord, displayWord)||noTrysLeft(countWrongGuess,guessWord)) |
{ |
break; |
} |
printf("\n\n%s\n", displayWord); |
} |
userSelection = endGame(); |
}while(userSelection != '0'); |
printf("Danke fuers Spielen! Auf Wiedersehen!\n"); |
} |
void getWelcomeMessageHangman() |
{ |
printf("Willkommen bei Hangman!!!\n\n"); |
drawHangman(6); |
printf("\nPer Zufall wird jede Runde ein Wort aus einem Pool ausgewaehlt. Gebe einen Buchstaben ein, von dem du vermutest, dass er in dem gesuchten Wort ist, sobald die Konsole dich dazu auffordert.\n" |
"Fuer jede falsche Antwort kommst du dem Tod immer naeher, also waehle weise!\n" |
"Mit der Auswahl 0 kommst du zurueck ins Hauptmenue\n\n"); |
} |
char* getWordFromList(int x) |
{ |
if(x>=0 && x<LISTSIZE) |
{ |
return wordlist[x]; |
} |
else |
{ |
return "Index nicht vorhanden"; |
} |
} |
bool wordGuessed(char guessWord[], char displayWord[]) |
{ |
if(strcmp(guessWord, displayWord) == 0) |
{ |
printf("Du hast gewonnen!\nDas gesuchte Wort war \"%s\"\n\n",guessWord); |
return true; |
} |
else |
{ |
return false; |
} |
} |
bool letterGuessed(char selectedLetter, char guessWord[], int length) |
{ |
int counter = 0; |
for(int i = 0; i<length; i++) { |
if(isupper(selectedLetter) != 0) |
{ |
if (selectedLetter == guessWord[i] - 32 || selectedLetter == guessWord[i] ) |
{ |
counter++; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if (selectedLetter == guessWord[i] || selectedLetter == guessWord[i] + 32) |
{ |
counter++; |
} |
} |
} |
if(counter>0) |
{ |
printf("Dein gewaehlter Buchstabe %c war ein Treffer!\n", selectedLetter); |
return true; |
} |
else |
{ |
return false; |
} |
} |
void changeLetter(char selectedLetter, char guessWord[], int length, char ptrDisplayWord[]) |
{ |
for(int i = 0; i<length; i++) { |
if(isupper(selectedLetter) != 0) |
{ |
if (selectedLetter == guessWord[i] - 32 || selectedLetter == guessWord[i] ) |
{ |
if(i ==0 && isupper(guessWord[0]) != 0) |
{ |
ptrDisplayWord[i] = selectedLetter; |
} |
else |
{ |
ptrDisplayWord[i] = selectedLetter + 32; |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if (selectedLetter == guessWord[i] || selectedLetter == guessWord[i] + 32) |
{ |
if(i == 0 && isupper(guessWord[0]) != 0) |
{ |
ptrDisplayWord[i] = selectedLetter - 32; |
} |
else { |
ptrDisplayWord[i] = selectedLetter; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
void drawHangman(int wrongGuessCount) |
{ |
printf("%s", hangmanStages[wrongGuessCount]); |
} |
bool noTrysLeft(int wrongGuessCount, char guessWord[]) |
{ |
if(wrongGuessCount >= POSSIBLE_TRYS) |
{ |
printf("Du hast verloren!\n\nDas gesuchte Wort war \"%s\"\n\n", guessWord); |
return true; |
} |
else |
{ |
return false; |
} |
} |
char endGame() |
{ |
char userSelect; |
endGameQuestionHangman(); |
scanf(" %c", &userSelect); |
return userSelect; |
} |
void endGameQuestionHangman() |
{ |
printf("Moechtest du nochmal spielen?\n\nBeliebige Taste: Nochmal spielen\n 0 : Beenden\n"); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
#include <stdbool.h> |
#ifndef HANGMAN_H |
#define HANGMAN_H |
#define LISTSIZE 30 |
#define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 30 |
#define STAGENUM 7 |
#define ASCII_ART_SIZE 1000 |
#define POSSIBLE_TRYS 6 |
void hangman(); |
void getWelcomeMessageHangman(); |
char* getWordFromList(int); |
bool wordGuessed(char[],char[]); |
bool letterGuessed(char, char[], int); |
void changeLetter(char, char[], int, char[]); |
void drawHangman(int); |
bool noTrysLeft(int,char[]); |
char endGame(); |
void endGameQuestionHangman(); |
#endif |
@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ |
#include "tictactoe.h" |
#include "unity.h" |
void setup(void){ |
} |
void tearDown(void){ |
} |
void test_compileTest_shutBeAllwaysTrue(void){ |
} |
void test_welcome_message(void){ |
// arrange |
char* expectedMessage = "Hallo und willkommen zu unserem TicTacToe Spiel. Anbei die Anleitung:\n"; |
// act |
char* message = getWelcomeMessageTicTacToe(); |
// aassert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expectedMessage, message); |
} |
void test_rules_message(void){ |
// arrange |
char* expectedMessage = "Das spiel wird über die Komandozeile gespielt.\n" |
"Jeder Spielzug ist eine Eingabe in die Konsole. Die enstsprechenden Befehle stehen jeweils unterhalb des Spielfelds.\n" |
"Um ein Zug zu tätigen musst du \"set x,y\" in die Konsole Eingeben. Die Koordinaten stehen dabei für Zeile und Spalte.\n" |
"Mit dem Befehl \"start\" startest du das Spiel" |
"Mit dem Befehl \"rules\" kannst du diese Nachricht erneut aufrufen."; |
// act |
char* message = getRulesMessageTicTacToe(); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expectedMessage, message); |
} |
void test_initial_state(void){ |
// arrange |
struct ticTacToe newGame; |
int expectedState = 0; |
// act |
newGame = createTicTacToe(); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedState, newGame.currentState ); |
} |
void test_command_startGame(void){ |
// arrange |
int expectedState = 1; |
char* input = "start game"; |
// act |
int actualState = handleCommand( input ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedState, actualState ); |
} |
void test_command_startMenu(void){ |
// arrange |
int expectedState = 0; |
char* input = "start menu"; |
// act |
int actualState = handleCommand( input ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedState, actualState ); |
} |
void test_checkCommandlist(void){ |
// arrange |
// act |
size_t arraySize = sizeof(*COMMANDS) / sizeof(COMMANDS[0]); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { |
} |
} |
void test_callCommandById(void){ |
// arrange |
// act |
commandFunction actualCommand = getCommandById( 1 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR( startMenu, actualCommand ); |
} |
void test_callCommandById_startGame(void){ |
// arrange |
// act |
commandFunction actualCommand = getCommandById( 2); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR( startGame, actualCommand ); |
} |
void test_initializeBoard(void){ |
// arrange |
bool expectedBoard[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
// act |
bool actualBoard[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]; |
initializeBoard(actualBoard); |
// assert |
for (size_t i = 0; i < BORAD_SIZE; i++) { |
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < BORAD_SIZE; ii++) { |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expectedBoard[i][ii], actualBoard[i][ii]); |
} |
} |
} |
void test_handleGameInput(void){ |
// arrange |
char* teststring = "set 3,4"; |
int expectedCommand = 1; |
// act |
int actualState = handleGameInput( teststring ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedCommand, actualState ); |
} |
void test_getMarkerParameters(void){ |
// arrange |
char* teststring = "set 3,3"; |
int expectedParams[2] = {2, 2}; |
// act |
int* actualParams = getMarkerParameters( teststring ); |
// assert |
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){ |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedParams[i], actualParams[i] ); |
} |
} |
void test_setBoardFields(){ |
// arrange |
// arrange |
bool board[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
int params[2] = {2,2}; |
// act |
setBoardMarker( board, params ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 1, board[2][2] ); |
} |
void test_checkOnWin_vertically(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{0,0,1}, |
{0,0,1}, |
{0,0,1} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,1,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{1,0,0}, |
{1,0,0}, |
{1,0,0} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 1, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 1, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 1, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_horizontally(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{1,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,1} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_horizontally2(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{1,1,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,1,1}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{1,0,1} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_vertically(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{1,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{1,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{1,0,0} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_vertically2(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,1,0} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_vertically3(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{0,0,1}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,1}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,1} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ |
#include "hangman.h" |
#include "unity.h" |
#include <string.h> |
#include <stdbool.h> |
void setUp(void) |
{ |
} |
void tearDown(void) |
{ |
} |
void test_getWordFromList_Kartoffel_0() |
{ |
//arrange |
int pos = 0; |
char expectedResult[] = "Kartoffel"; |
//act |
char actualResult[30]; |
strcpy(actualResult,getWordFromList(pos)); |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expectedResult, actualResult); |
} |
void test_getWordFromList_Kleiderschrank_5() |
{ |
//arrange |
int pos = 5; |
char expectedResult[] = "Kleiderschrank"; |
//act |
char actualResult[30]; |
strcpy(actualResult,getWordFromList(pos)); |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expectedResult, actualResult); |
} |
void test_getWordFromList_Index_lower_Listsize() |
{ |
//arrange |
int pos = -5; |
char expectedResult[] = "Index nicht vorhanden"; |
//act |
char actualResult[30]; |
strcpy(actualResult,getWordFromList(pos)); |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expectedResult, actualResult); |
} |
void test_getWordFromList_Index_higher_Listsize() |
{ |
//arrange |
int pos = LISTSIZE+1; |
char expectedResult[] = "Index nicht vorhanden"; |
//act |
char actualResult[30]; |
strcpy(actualResult,getWordFromList(pos)); |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expectedResult, actualResult); |
} |
void test_wonGame_wordGuessed() |
{ |
//arrange |
char word1[] ="Kartoffel"; |
char word2[] = "Kartoffel"; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(wordGuessed(word1, word2)); |
} |
void test_not_wordGuessed() |
{ |
//arrange |
char word1[] ="Kartoffel"; |
char word2[] ="Thunfisch"; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(wordGuessed(word1, word2)); |
} |
void test_wordGuessed_differentCaps() |
{ |
//arrange |
char word1[] ="Kartoffel"; |
char word2[] ="karTOFFel"; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(wordGuessed(word1, word2)); |
} |
void test_letterGuessed_differentCaps_small_big() |
{ |
//arrange |
char x ='F'; |
char y[] ="Kartoffel"; |
int length = 9; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(letterGuessed(x,y,length)); |
} |
void test_letterGuessed_differentCaps_big_small() |
{ |
//arrange |
char x ='k'; |
char y[] ="Kartoffel"; |
int length = 9; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(letterGuessed(x,y,length)); |
} |
void test_letterGuessed_sameCaps_small() |
{ |
//arrange |
char x ='f'; |
char y[] ="Kartoffel"; |
int length = 9; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(letterGuessed(x,y,length)); |
} |
void test_letterGuessed_differentLetter_small() |
{ |
//arrange |
char x ='p'; |
char y[] ="Kartoffel"; |
int length = 9; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(letterGuessed(x,y,length)); |
} |
void test_letterGuessed_differentLetter_big() |
{ |
//arrange |
char x ='P'; |
char y[] ="Kartoffel"; |
int length = 9; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(letterGuessed(x,y,length)); |
} |
void test_letterGuessed_sameCaps_big() |
{ |
//arrange |
char x ='K'; |
char y[] ="Kartoffel"; |
int length = 9; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(letterGuessed(x,y,length)); |
} |
void test_noTrysLeft_x_equals_POSSIBLE_TRYS() |
{ |
//arrange |
char x = POSSIBLE_TRYS; |
char y[] ="Kartoffel"; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(noTrysLeft(x, y)); |
} |
void test_noTrysLeft_x_lower_POSSIBLE_TRYS() |
{ |
//arrange |
char x = POSSIBLE_TRYS-2; |
char y[] ="Kartoffel"; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_FALSE(noTrysLeft(x, y)); |
} |
void test_noTrysLeft_x_higher_POSSIBLE_TRYS() |
{ |
//arrange |
char x = POSSIBLE_TRYS+2; |
char y[] ="Kartoffel"; |
//assert |
TEST_ASSERT_TRUE(noTrysLeft(x, y)); |
} |
Reference in new issue