@ -1,6 +1,224 @@ |
package BattleShip; |
package BattleShip; |
import javax.swing.*; |
import javax.swing.*; |
import javax.swing.border.Border; |
import java.awt.*; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.*; |
public class AIGridGUI extends JPanel { |
public class AIGridGUI extends JPanel { |
ArrayList<BSButton> buttons = new ArrayList<BSButton>(); |
ArrayList<Ship> allShips = new ArrayList<Ship>(); |
// public ArrayList<SetShipsListener> listeners = new ArrayList<SetShipsListener>(); |
int[] testLocations; |
int numOfGuesses = 0; |
public String text; |
int rows; |
int columns; |
boolean endGame = false; |
boolean[] cellsGuessed; |
boolean[] cellsHit; |
boolean[] cellsKilled; |
boolean randomGuess = true; |
int f; // it is the first |
Color Red = new Color(100, 0, 0); // |
Border loweredBevel = BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder(); |
Border defaultBorder; |
Ship shipToPlace; |
boolean vertical = false; |
boolean clear; |
boolean shipsPlaced = false; |
Ship destroyer = new Ship(2, "destroyer"); |
Ship cruiser = new Ship(3, "cruiser"); |
Ship submarine = new Ship(3, "submarine"); |
Ship battleship = new Ship(4, "battleship"); |
Ship aircraftCarrier = new Ship(5, "aircraft carrier"); |
ArrayList<Direction> directions = new ArrayList<Direction>(); |
Direction up = new Direction(); |
Direction down = new Direction(); |
Direction right = new Direction(); |
Direction left = new Direction(); |
public AIGridGUI(int r, int c) { |
rows = r; |
columns = c; |
//Create arrays to keep track of which cells have been guessed, hit, and killed/sunk. |
cellsGuessed = new boolean[(rows * columns)]; |
cellsHit = new boolean[(rows * columns)]; |
cellsKilled = new boolean[(rows * columns)]; |
for(int i = 0; i < (rows * columns); i++) { |
cellsGuessed[i] = false; |
cellsHit[i] = false; |
cellsKilled[i] = false; |
} |
//Add all ships to an ArrayList to allow for cycling through all ships. |
allShips.add(destroyer); |
allShips.add(cruiser); |
allShips.add(submarine); |
allShips.add(battleship); |
allShips.add(aircraftCarrier); |
//Add all directions to an ArrayList to allow for comparing and sorting directions. |
directions.add(up); |
directions.add(down); |
directions.add(right); |
directions.add(left); |
//Make grid that consists of r rows and c columns of buttons. |
GridLayout g = new GridLayout(rows,columns); |
this.setLayout(g); |
for(int i = 0; i < (rows * columns); i++) { |
BSButton b = new BSButton(); |
b.setGridLocation(i); |
buttons.add(b); |
this.add(b); |
} |
defaultBorder = buttons.get(0).getBorder(); |
} |
public void autoPlaceShips() { |
//If ships are to be placed automatically, randomly place each ship. |
for(Ship s : allShips) { |
int shipLength = s.getLength(); |
int clearSpace = 0; |
testLocations = new int[shipLength]; |
//Randomly select starting position to place ship and check if sufficient space to place ship. |
while(clearSpace < shipLength) { |
//Randomly choose whether to place ship vertically or horizontally and choose location of ship. |
boolean vert = new Random().nextBoolean(); |
int x; |
int y; |
if(vert) { |
x = (int) (Math.random() * (columns)); |
y = (int) (Math.random() * (rows - shipLength)); |
for(int i = 0; i < shipLength; i++) { |
testLocations[i] = x + (columns*(y+i)); |
} |
} else { |
x = (int) (Math.random() * (columns - shipLength)); |
y = (int) (Math.random() * (rows)); |
for(int i = 0; i < shipLength; i++) { |
testLocations[i] = x + i + (columns*y); |
} |
} |
//Check if the location is clear. |
clearSpace = 0; |
for(int i = 0; i < shipLength; i++) { |
if(buttons.get(testLocations[i]).getCellContents() == null) { |
clearSpace++; |
} |
} |
} |
//Set the contents of the chosen cells to contain the ship. |
for(int i = 0; i < shipLength; i++) { |
buttons.get(testLocations[i]).setCellContents(s); |
} |
testLocations = null; |
} |
//Mark all cells containing a ship and disable all cells in the grid. |
for (BSButton bsb : buttons) { |
if(bsb.getCellContents() != null) { |
bsb.setBackground(Color.blue); |
bsb.setBorder(loweredBevel); |
} |
bsb.setEnabled(false); |
} |
text = "Ready to start the game."; |
shipsPlaced = true; |
} |
public boolean getEndGame() { |
return endGame; |
} |
public void go() { |
//Play a turn by making a guess at a cell. |
int guessLocation = 0; |
boolean gameOver = true; |
numOfGuesses++; |
BSButton b = null; |
Ship s = null; |
boolean killed = false; |
boolean isClear = false; |
if(randomGuess) { |
//Find out the maximum ship length of the surviving ships. |
int minClearSpace = 0; |
for(Ship sh : allShips) { |
if(!sh.isKilled() && sh.getLength() > minClearSpace) { |
minClearSpace = sh.getLength(); |
} |
} |
//Create an array of all possible cells and shuffle the order of the cells. Potential guesses are drawn from this array. |
int[] guesses = new int[(rows * columns)]; |
for(int i = 0; i < rows * columns; i++) { |
guesses[i] = i; |
} |
Random rand = new Random(); |
for(int i = 0; i < guesses.length; i++) { |
int randInt = rand.nextInt(guesses.length); |
int randGuess = guesses[randInt]; |
guesses[randInt] = guesses[i]; |
guesses[i] = randGuess; |
} |
int numCellsTried = 0; |
//Test potential guesses and mark clear if criteria met. |
while(!isClear && numCellsTried < guesses.length) { |
guessLocation = guesses[numCellsTried]; |
numCellsTried++; |
//If the cell has not already been guessed, test whether there are enough clear spaces in at least one direction. |
if(!cellsGuessed[guessLocation]) { |
int u = guessLocation; |
int upCount = -1; |
while(u >= 0 && !cellsHit[u]) { |
u = moveUp(u); |
upCount++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
//Return the location of a cell one space in the given direction, or return -1 if out of bounds. |
public int moveUp(int u) { |
int dirUp = u - columns; |
if(dirUp < 0) { |
return -1; |
} else { |
return dirUp; |
} |
} |
} |
} |