60 Commits (97fd90edae033b9995a3fc4373fe1aa4141abb14)

Author SHA1 Message Date
fdai7207 97fd90edae refactoring: removed redundancy in the isValidAdress() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 f194873640 implement unit tests for the isValidAdress() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 9cad95ce80 implement the function isValidAdress(). 2 years ago
fdai7207 4c49a78378 refactoring : removed code duplicates for better readability in the unit tests of the function isValidPhoneNumber(). 2 years ago
fdai7207 fc6033da00 refactoring: removed redundant code from the function isValidPhoneNumber() and the constant from the function and added it to the header file. 2 years ago
fdai7207 1e047c30b0 implement the function isValidPhoneNumber() in the getNewEmployeeCredentials() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 57292f4b64 implement unit tests for the function validPhoneNumber(). 2 years ago
fdai7207 1112a6f365 refactoring: removed redundant codes from the unit tests of the isValidName() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 5ba7c64f53 correct some logical mistakes in the test_createEmployeeAccount.c file 2 years ago
fdai7207 d5952a55bf refactoring: removed some constants from the .c file and added them to the header file and made the isValidName() function more readable. 2 years ago
fdai7207 cb92ce69b6 implement the isValidName() in the getNewEmployeeCredentials() and fixed a bug in the createNewEmployee() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 80b26f2a6d implement unit tests for the new function isvalidName(). 2 years ago
fdai7207 6a1e132e53 refactoring: replaced 4 arrays in the unit tests of the function storeEmployeeData() with one matrix to avoid repeated code and removed unnecessary lines. 2 years ago
fdai7207 6ad040483c refactoring: removed unnecessary lines and changed variables to constants in the storeEmployeeData() given that the function doesnt modify them. 2 years ago
fdai7207 b5a764b566 implemented the storeEmployeeData() function in the getnewEmployeeCredentials() function in order for the new employee to enter his personal data. 2 years ago
fdai7207 c659f9b9aa implement unit tests for the function storeEmployeeData() and fixed a bug in the unit tests of the function chooseOption. 2 years ago
fdai7207 95aadea7bb refactoring: replaced the redundant arrays in the unit tests of verifyPassword() function with a matrix for better readability 2 years ago
fdai7207 c06136470d refactoring: improved code readability by removing redundant lines, renaming variables and adding comments for documentation. 2 years ago
fdai7207 cd4fb8fb7d implement the verifyPassword() function in the getNewEmployeeCredentials() so that the validity of the password can be checked twice. 2 years ago
fdai7207 69a25cfa6a implemented unit tests for the new function verifyPassword() and changed the .txt files name while adding a new .txt file for personal emoyees data. 2 years ago
fdai7207 1dc001b251 refactoring: removed redundant code from the unit tests of the function isValidPassword(). 2 years ago
fdai7207 0ec4eadc97 refactoring: made code more readable by changing some variable name in the isValidPassword() function and added some documentation. 2 years ago
fdai7207 39fce8d436 implement the isValidPassword() function in the getNewEmployeeCredentials() function in order to check the validity of the entered password. 2 years ago
fdai7207 17327b8e43 implement unit tests for the function isValidPassword(). 2 years ago
fdai7207 7f0db86eb1 refactoring : removed redundant code from the unit tests of the isValidEmployee() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 25b42cd0c0 refactoring: changed some variabales names in createEmployeeAccount.c for better readability. 2 years ago
fdai7207 fed4a0a3ad implement the isValidEmployeeID() in the getNewEmployeeCredentials to check Id's validity 2 years ago
fdai7207 5e72e1f652 optimised the isValidEmployeeID() function and its unit tests 2 years ago
fdai7207 b7d38fac5e refactoring: clean up duplicated code for the createEmployeeAccount.c unit tests. 2 years ago
fdai7207 e570fb9f66 refactoring: changed some variables names and added some comments for documentation and enhanced the getnewEmployeeCredentials function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 7cf0febf28 implement the getNewEmployeeCredentials() function in order for the user to sign up as an employee 2 years ago
fdai7207 affa82bc3d implement unit tests for the function createNewEmployee() 2 years ago
fdai7207 344d1be71c Merge branch 'feature/employees-infos-access' of https://gitlab2.informatik.hs-fulda.de/fdai7057/bankmanagement-system into feature/employees-infos-access 2 years ago
fdai7207 906ee12708 implement unit tests for the function isValidEmployeeID() 2 years ago
fdai7514 c60c470f08 removed unwanted directories and updated new Clearances in showGeneralInfoEmployee.c 2 years ago
fdai7207 cda5d0bdad merge the feature/show-general-info-employee functions with feature/the-main-menu. 2 years ago
fdai7514 020388d740 Merge branch 'feature/show-general-info-employee' into 'feature/employees-infos-access' 2 years ago
fdai7514 df4d9ac7e0 Merge branch 'feature/employees-infos-access' into 'feature/show-general-info-employee' 2 years ago
fdai7514 f7a2bf74ac update with new Passwords in showGeneralInfoEmployee.c and test_showGeneralInfoEmployee.h 2 years ago
fdai7207 fdf0bcd9ca refactoring: removed redundant code from the unit test of the employeeAccess() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 098ce77c87 refactoring: changed some variables and some functions names for a better readability and optimized the employeesAccess() function 2 years ago
fdai7207 557709bdd6 implement the function inputEmployeeAccessCode() so that only employees can access the loginAsEmployee() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 4622393844 implement unit tests for the function employeesAccess(). 2 years ago
fdai7207 be08357865 refactoring: removed redundant code from the unit test file test_employeeLogin.c, changed variable names and added som comments . 2 years ago
fdai7207 509362d0aa refactoring: changed some variable names for readability and used pointers to conserve memory in the functions CheckEmployeeCredentials() and EmployeeCredentials. 2 years ago
fdai7207 9c0a02dfbb implement the functions employeeCredentials() and loginAsEmployee() for employees to access their accounts. 2 years ago
fdai7207 14d97220d0 implement unit tests for the checkEmployeeCredentials() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 eee36c1fda refactoring: removed redundant code in the unit tests of the chooseOption() function. 2 years ago
fdai7207 0e8d805605 refactoring: made code more readable and enhanced the menuInput() and chooseOption() functions. 2 years ago
fdai7207 ac4b64166e implement the function menuInput(), in order for the user to choose a banking option. 2 years ago