@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
#include "depositMoney.h" |
#include "updateCustomerAccountBalance.c" |
void AskToTryAgain(bool afterError){ |
char choice; |
printf("\n"); |
if(afterError){ |
printf("Would you like to try again? [y] yes [n] no: "); |
}else{ |
printf("Would you like to make another deposit? [y] yes [n] no: "); |
} |
scanf(" %c", &choice); |
switch(choice){ |
case 'y': |
DepositMoney(1234,500); |
break; |
case 'n': |
break; |
} |
} |
int DepositMoney(int customerID, float amountToDeposit){ |
float availableAccountBalance=getAvailableAccountBalance(customerID); |
if(amountToDeposit>0 && amountToDeposit>MINIMUM_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT){ |
//InitiateDepositMoney(amountToDeposit,availableAccountBalance); |
if(updateAvailableAccountBalance(customerID, amountToDeposit, true)==0){ |
printf("\nYou have successfully deposited %.2f. New account balance is %.2f", amountToDeposit, availableAccountBalance+amountToDeposit); |
AskToTryAgain(false); |
return 0; |
}else{ |
printf("Something went wrong. Please contact staff."); |
return 3; |
} |
}else if(amountToDeposit>0){ |
printf("The amount you entered is lower than the minimum amount."); |
AskToTryAgain(true); |
return 1; //amount lower than minimum deposit amount |
}else{ |
printf("Invalid input."); |
AskToTryAgain(true); |
return 2; //invalid input |
} |
} |
int main() |
{ |
DepositMoney(1234,500); |
} |