This function takes two char pointers. In this function a new string is created. This new string is the concatenation of string_1 and string_2. The size of the new string is the length of string_1 plus the length of string_2 plus one for '\0'. This function is needed when creating an unique check string for a customer.
char *to_string(int number):
This function takes an integer variable as its argument. It returns an string that contains the digits of number. For example to_string(176) would return "176\0". This function is needed to write data in form of characters into the customer file.
The purpose of this function is to generate a string that is needed when a user wants to login. This string is searched for in the customer-data file and if it is found, the login is successful. This function is needed when a new user is created because then it is written in the file for the first time.
The format of the returned string is [ID]=[PASSWORD].
For example generateCheckString(177,"tree") would return "177=tree\0".