20 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Lukas Reichwein 1337a0f89f Merge branch 'featureKomplexNumberCalculator' into pullrequest 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 08396a8d2c fixed a Typo in the EqualsComplexNumversTest class to EqualsComplexNumbersTest class 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 940b433a49 changed division test to use hamcrest assertThat instead of assertTrue 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein abed67ee68 changed mutipication tests to use hamcrest asserThat instead of assertTrue 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein c1c08558ca changed SubstrationTests to use hamcrest assertThat instead of assertTrue 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein ba9015387f Changed AddComplexNumberTest to use hamcrest assertThat instead of assertTrue 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 3cf9fc1ba5 changed tests for the conjugation of conplex numbers to use hamcrest asserrThat 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 99ca7b9d45 changed the equals methode to match java standart 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein a83adacd60 Added hamcrest to the dependencies 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein e8dfdfd5c9 Added conjugationOf to the ComplexNumber object 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 457af8fd1d removed a typo and added documentation to the absoluteValueOf function 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 4f3f9399a8 Added the functionality to calculate the absolute value of an complex number 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein eef6b9ee6e The absolute value of an complex Number with only a real part can is now implemented in the absolutValueOf function 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 6757bfe86d added division of ComplexNumbers to the ComplexNumber Object. 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein db1c0d25a0 added multiplying two ComplexNumbers with imaginary parts 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein ac21b68eac Added the multiply functionality for ComplexNumbers it can multiply ComplexNumbers without an Imaginary part 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 8252779c8f Correct a Typo and added substract function to the ComplexNumber Object 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 24da1c0969 Added add function to the ComplexNumber Object 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 793c47bad1 Added equal function to the ComplexNumber Object 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 6ea3c6c3ec Object ComplexNumber created 5 years ago
  1. 6
  2. 156
  3. 71
  4. 31
  5. 31
  6. 69
  7. 31
  8. 31
  9. 33


@ -24,6 +24,12 @@
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.mockito/mockito-core -->


@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
package com.ugsbo.complexnumcalc;
public class ComplexNumber {
private Double realPart;
private Double imaginaryPart;
* @param realPart The real part of the complex Number
* @param imaginaryPart The imaginary part of the complex Number
public ComplexNumber(Double realPart, Double imaginaryPart) {
this.realPart = realPart;
this.imaginaryPart = imaginaryPart;
* @return the realPart
public Double getRealPart() {
return realPart;
* @param realPart the realPart to set
public void setRealPart(Double realPart) {
this.realPart = realPart;
* @return the imaginaryPart
public Double getImaginaryPart() {
return imaginaryPart;
* @param imaginaryPart the imaginaryPart to set
public void setImaginaryPart(Double imaginaryPart) {
this.imaginaryPart = imaginaryPart;
* Checks if the given complex Number is equal to this object.
* @param complexNumber The number wich gets compared with this Instance
* @return True if the complex Numbers are Equal
public boolean equals(Object complexNumber) {
if (complexNumber instanceof ComplexNumber){
ComplexNumber that = (ComplexNumber) complexNumber;
return this.realPart.equals(that.realPart) && this.imaginaryPart.equals(that.imaginaryPart);
} else {
return false;
* Adds two complex Numbers together.
* @param addend The complex Number.
* @return The result of adding the two complex Numbers together, as a conplex
* Number.
public ComplexNumber add(ComplexNumber addend) {
Double sumRealPart, sumImaginaryPart;
sumRealPart = this.realPart + addend.realPart;
sumImaginaryPart = this.imaginaryPart + addend.imaginaryPart;
ComplexNumber sum = new ComplexNumber(sumRealPart, sumImaginaryPart);
return sum;
* Substracts the Subtrahend form this instance.
* @param subtrahend The Number wich will be substracted form the Minuend
* @return The Differenz of the Minuend and Subtrahend.
public ComplexNumber substract(ComplexNumber subtrahend) {
Double differenzRealPart, differenzImaginaryPart;
differenzRealPart = this.realPart - subtrahend.realPart;
differenzImaginaryPart = this.imaginaryPart - subtrahend.imaginaryPart;
ComplexNumber differenz = new ComplexNumber(differenzRealPart, differenzImaginaryPart);
return differenz;
* Multiplies the faktor with this Instance.
* @param faktor The ComplexNumber by wich this Instance will get multiplyed
* @return The product of this Instance and the faktor
public ComplexNumber multiply(ComplexNumber faktor) {
Double productRealPart, productImaginaryPart;
productRealPart = this.realPart * faktor.realPart - this.imaginaryPart * faktor.imaginaryPart;
productImaginaryPart = this.realPart * faktor.imaginaryPart + this.imaginaryPart * faktor.realPart;
ComplexNumber product = new ComplexNumber(productRealPart, productImaginaryPart);
return product;
* Divides the dividend by the divisor, the dividend is this Instance.
* @param divisor The ComplexNumber by wich this Instance will get divided
* @return The Qoutient of the Instance and the divisor
public ComplexNumber divide(ComplexNumber divisor) {
Double qoutientRealPart, qoutientImaginaryPart, tempDivisor;
tempDivisor = divisor.realPart * divisor.realPart + divisor.imaginaryPart * divisor.imaginaryPart;
qoutientRealPart = this.realPart * divisor.realPart + this.imaginaryPart * divisor.imaginaryPart;
qoutientImaginaryPart = this.imaginaryPart * divisor.realPart - this.realPart * divisor.imaginaryPart;
qoutientImaginaryPart /= tempDivisor;
qoutientRealPart /= tempDivisor;
ComplexNumber qoutient = new ComplexNumber(qoutientRealPart, qoutientImaginaryPart);
return qoutient;
* Calucates the absolute value of this complex number
* @return the absolute value
public Double absolutValueOf(){
Double absoluteValue = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.realPart, 2) + Math.pow(this.imaginaryPart, 2)) ;
return absoluteValue;
* Calucates the absolute value of this complex number
* @return the absolute value
public ComplexNumber conjugationOf(){
return this;
} else {
this.imaginaryPart *= (-1);
return this;


@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package com.ugsbo.complexnumcalc;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
public class AbsoluteValueOfComplexNumbersTest {
public void TheAbsoluteValueOfAComplexNumberWithOnlyARealPart_IsNotTheAbsoluteValueOfTheRealPart() {
ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(4), Double.valueOf(0));
Double expected = Double.valueOf(4);
Double actual = complexNumber.absolutValueOf();
assertEquals("The absolute value of an complex number with only an real part should be the absolute value of that real part", expected, actual);
public void TheAbsoluteValueOfAComplexNumberWithOnlyANegativeRealPart_IsNotTheAbsoluteValueOfTheRealPart() {
ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(-4), Double.valueOf(0));
Double expected = Double.valueOf(4);
Double actual = complexNumber.absolutValueOf();
assertEquals("The absolute value of an complex number with only an negative real part should be the absolute value of that real part", expected, actual);
public void TheAbsoluteValueOfAComplexNumber_IsNotTheAbsoluteValueOfIt() {
ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(4), Double.valueOf(3));
Double expected = Double.valueOf(5);
Double actual = complexNumber.absolutValueOf();
assertEquals("The absolute value of an complex number should be the square root of the sum of real " +
"part times real part and imaginary part times imaginary part ", expected, actual);
public void TheAbsoluteValueOfAComplexNumberWithNegativRealPart_IsNotTheAbsoluteValueOfIt() {
ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(-4), Double.valueOf(3));
Double expected = Double.valueOf(5);
Double actual = complexNumber.absolutValueOf();
assertEquals("The absolute value of an complex number with negative real part should be the square root of the sum of real " +
"part times real part and imaginary part times imaginary part ", expected, actual);
public void TheAbsoluteValueOfAComplexNumberWithNegativImaginaryPart_IsNotTheAbsoluteValueOfIt() {
ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(4), Double.valueOf(-3));
Double expected = Double.valueOf(5);
Double actual = complexNumber.absolutValueOf();
assertEquals("The absolute value of an complex number with negative imaginary part should be the square root of the sum of real " +
"part times real part and imaginary part times imaginary part ", expected, actual);
public void TheAbsoluteValueOfAComplexNumberWithNegativParts_IsNotTheAbsoluteValueOfIt() {
ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(-4), Double.valueOf(-3));
Double expected = Double.valueOf(5);
Double actual = complexNumber.absolutValueOf();
assertEquals("The absolute value of an complex number with negative parts should be the square root of the sum of real " +
"part times real part and imaginary part times imaginary part ", expected, actual);


@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package com.ugsbo.complexnumcalc;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class AddComplexNumbersTest {
public void addingTwoComplexNumbersWithoutImaginaryPart() {
ComplexNumber firstAddend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber secoundAddend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(11), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber sum = firstAddend.add(secoundAddend);
assertThat("Dont sum to the sum", sum, equalTo(expected));
public void addingTwoComplexNumbersWithImaginaryPart() {
ComplexNumber firstAddend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(3));
ComplexNumber secoundAddend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(4));
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(11), Double.valueOf(7));
ComplexNumber sum = firstAddend.add(secoundAddend);
assertThat("Dont sum to the sum", sum, equalTo(expected));


@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package com.ugsbo.complexnumcalc;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class DivideComplexNumbersTest {
public void divideTwoComplexNumbersWithoutImaginaryPart() {
ComplexNumber dividend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(30), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber divisor = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber quotient = dividend.divide(divisor);
assertThat("The quotient is not as expected", quotient, equalTo(expected));
public void divideTwoComplexNumbersWithImaginaryPart() {
ComplexNumber dividend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(30), Double.valueOf(28));
ComplexNumber divisor = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(2));
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5.9), Double.valueOf(2.7));
ComplexNumber quotient = dividend.divide(divisor);
assertThat("The quotient is not as expected", quotient, equalTo(expected));


@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package com.ugsbo.complexnumcalc;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.junit.Test;
public class EqualsComplexNumbersTest {
public void TwoEqualNumbersWithOnlyRealPart_AreNotDetectedAsEqual() {
ComplexNumber firstNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber secoundNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(0));
boolean actual = firstNumber.equals(secoundNumber);
assertTrue("TwoEqualNumbersShouldBeEqual", actual);
public void TwoNotEqualNumbersWithOnlyRealPart_AreDetectedAsEqual() {
ComplexNumber firstNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber secoundNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(0));
boolean actual = firstNumber.equals(secoundNumber);
assertFalse("TwoNotEqualNumbersShouldNotBeEqual", actual);
public void TwoEqualNumbersWithOnlyImaginaryPart_AreNotDetectedAsEqual() {
ComplexNumber firstNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(0), Double.valueOf(5));
ComplexNumber secoundNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(0), Double.valueOf(5));
boolean actual = firstNumber.equals(secoundNumber);
assertTrue("TwoEqualComplexNumbersShouldBeEqual", actual);
public void TwoNotEqualNumbersWithOnlyImaginaryPart_AreDetectedAsEqual() {
ComplexNumber firstNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(0), Double.valueOf(5));
ComplexNumber secoundNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(0), Double.valueOf(6));
boolean actual = firstNumber.equals(secoundNumber);
assertFalse("TwoNotEqualComplexNumbersShouldNotBeEqual", actual);
public void TwoEqualComplexNumbers_AreNotDetectedAsEqual() {
ComplexNumber firstNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(5));
ComplexNumber secoundNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(5));
boolean actual = firstNumber.equals(secoundNumber);
assertTrue("TwoEqualComplexNumbersShouldBeEqual", actual);
public void TwoNotEqualComplexNumbers_AreDetectedAsEqual() {
ComplexNumber firstNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(5));
ComplexNumber secoundNumber = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(6));
boolean actual = firstNumber.equals(secoundNumber);
assertFalse("TwoNotEqualComplexNumbersShouldNotBeEqual", actual);


@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package com.ugsbo.complexnumcalc;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class MultiplyComplexNumbersTest {
public void multiplyTwoComplexNumbersWithoutImaginaryPart() {
ComplexNumber firstFaktor = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber secoundFaktor = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(30), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber product = firstFaktor.multiply(secoundFaktor);
assertThat("The product is not as expected", product, equalTo(expected));
public void multiplyTwoComplexNumbersWithImaginaryPart() {
ComplexNumber firstFaktor = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(3));
ComplexNumber secoundFaktor = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(2));
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(24.0), Double.valueOf(28.0));
ComplexNumber product = firstFaktor.multiply(secoundFaktor);
assertThat("The product is not as expected", product, equalTo(expected));


@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package com.ugsbo.complexnumcalc;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class SubstractComplexNumbersTest {
public void substractTwoComplexNumbersWithoutImaginaryPart() {
ComplexNumber minuend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber subtrahend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(-1), Double.valueOf(0));
ComplexNumber difference = minuend.substract(subtrahend);
assertThat("The difference is not as expected", difference, equalTo(expected));
public void substractTwoComplexNumbersWithImaginaryPart() {
ComplexNumber minuend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(5));
ComplexNumber subtrahend = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(6), Double.valueOf(4));
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(Double.valueOf(-1), Double.valueOf(1));
ComplexNumber difference = minuend.substract(subtrahend);
assertThat("The difference is not as expected", difference, equalTo(expected));


@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
package com.ugsbo.complexnumcalc;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.*;
import org.junit.Test;
public class conjugationOfComplexNumbersTest {
public void TheConjugatedComplexNumberOfAComplexNumberWithOnlyARealPartShouldBeTheRealPart_ButItIsNot() {
Double realPart = Double.valueOf(4);
Double imaginaryPart = Double.valueOf(0);
ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber(realPart, imaginaryPart);
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(realPart, imaginaryPart);
ComplexNumber actual = complexNumber.conjugationOf();
assertThat("The conjugated complex Number of a complex number with only a real part is the real part", expected, equalTo(actual));
public void TheConjugatedComplexNumberOfAComplexNumberShouldBeTheComplexNumberWithSwapedSignImaginaryPart_ButItIsNot() {
Double realPart = Double.valueOf(4);
Double imaginaryPart = Double.valueOf(5);
ComplexNumber complexNumber = new ComplexNumber(realPart, imaginaryPart);
ComplexNumber expected = new ComplexNumber(realPart, -imaginaryPart);
ComplexNumber actual = complexNumber.conjugationOf();
assertThat("The conjugated complex number of a complex number is the complex number with swaped sign in the imaginary part", expected, equalTo(actual));