95 Commits
9 changed files with 1425 additions and 5 deletions
@ -1,9 +1,232 @@ |
package de.tims.fleetstorm.ai; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import java.util.Random; |
import de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield.Coordinate; |
import de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield.Matchfield; |
public class Logic { |
public int[] chooseField() { |
return new int[] {}; |
private Matchfield matchfield; |
private ArrayList<Coordinate> everySecondField; |
private Coordinate lastShot; |
private Coordinate target; |
private boolean foundShip; |
private boolean clearedAbove; |
private boolean clearedBelow; |
private boolean clearedRight; |
private boolean clearedLeft; |
public Logic() { |
foundShip = false; |
clearedAbove = false; |
clearedBelow = false; |
clearedRight = false; |
clearedLeft = false; |
} |
public Coordinate chooseField() { |
Coordinate out; |
if (foundShip) { |
// Clear Y-Axis |
if (!clearedAbove) { |
target = matchfield.getAbove(target); |
out = target; |
if (target == null || target.getState() == Coordinate.EMPTY) { |
clearedAbove = true; |
target = lastShot; |
} |
return out; |
} |
if (!clearedBelow) { |
target = matchfield.getBelow(target); |
out = target; |
if (target == null || target.getState() == Coordinate.EMPTY) { |
clearedBelow = true; |
target = lastShot; |
} |
isShipOnYAxis(); |
return out; |
} |
// Clear x-Axis |
if (!clearedRight) { |
target = matchfield.getRight(target); |
out = target; |
if (target == null || target.getState() == Coordinate.EMPTY) { |
clearedRight = true; |
target = lastShot; |
} |
return out; |
} |
if (!clearedLeft) { |
target = matchfield.getLeft(target); |
out = target; |
if (target == null || target.getState() == Coordinate.EMPTY) { |
clearedLeft = true; |
target = lastShot; |
} |
sinkShip(); |
return out; |
} |
} |
ArrayList<Coordinate> possibleFields = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(); |
for (int i = 0; i < everySecondField.size(); i++) { |
if (everySecondField.get(i).getState() != Coordinate.SHOT |
&& everySecondField.get(i).getState() != Coordinate.HIT) { |
possibleFields.add(everySecondField.get(i)); |
} |
} |
Random randy = new Random(); |
lastShot = possibleFields.get(randy.nextInt(possibleFields.size())); |
target = possibleFields.get(randy.nextInt(possibleFields.size())); |
if (lastShot.getState() == Coordinate.SHIP) { |
foundShip = true; |
} |
return lastShot; |
} |
public void isShipOnYAxis() { |
if ((clearedAbove && clearedBelow) && ((matchfield.getAbove(lastShot) == null |
|| (matchfield.getAbove(lastShot).getState() == Coordinate.HIT)) |
|| (matchfield.getBelow(lastShot) == null |
|| (matchfield.getBelow(lastShot).getState() == Coordinate.HIT)))) { |
clearedLeft = true; |
clearedRight = true; |
sinkShip(); |
} |
} |
public ArrayList<Coordinate> getEverySecondField() { |
ArrayList<Coordinate> out = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(); |
for (int x = 0; x < Math.sqrt(this.matchfield.getSize()); x++) { |
for (int y = 0; y < Math.sqrt(this.matchfield.getSize()); y++) { |
if ((x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0) || (x % 2 == 1 && y % 2 == 1)) { |
out.add(this.matchfield.getField(x, y)); |
} |
} |
} |
return out; |
} |
public void findShip() { |
if (lastShot.getState() == Coordinate.HIT) { |
foundShip = true; |
} |
} |
public void sinkShip() { |
if (foundShip && clearedAbove && clearedBelow && clearedLeft && clearedRight) { |
this.foundShip = false; |
this.clearedAbove = false; |
this.clearedBelow = false; |
this.clearedLeft = false; |
this.clearedRight = false; |
} |
} |
public void clearAbove(Coordinate shot) { |
target = matchfield.getAbove(shot); |
if (target.getState() == Coordinate.EMPTY) { |
clearedAbove = true; |
} |
} |
public void clearBelow(Coordinate shot) { |
target = matchfield.getBelow(shot); |
if (target.getState() == Coordinate.EMPTY) { |
clearedBelow = true; |
} |
} |
public void clearRight(Coordinate shot) { |
target = matchfield.getRight(shot); |
if (target.getState() == Coordinate.EMPTY) { |
clearedRight = true; |
} |
} |
public void clearLeft(Coordinate shot) { |
target = matchfield.getLeft(shot); |
if (target.getState() == Coordinate.EMPTY) { |
clearedLeft = true; |
} |
} |
// Getter And Setter |
public void setEverySecondField(ArrayList<Coordinate> everySecondField) { |
this.everySecondField = everySecondField; |
} |
public void setLastShot(Coordinate coordinate) { |
lastShot = this.matchfield.getField(coordinate); |
} |
public Coordinate getLastShot() { |
return lastShot; |
} |
public void setFoundShip(boolean b) { |
this.foundShip = b; |
} |
public boolean getFoundShip() { |
return this.foundShip; |
} |
public void setClearedAbove(boolean b) { |
this.clearedAbove = b; |
} |
public boolean getClearedAbove() { |
return this.clearedAbove; |
} |
public void setClearedBelow(boolean b) { |
this.clearedBelow = b; |
} |
public boolean getClearedBelow() { |
return this.clearedBelow; |
} |
public void setClearedRight(boolean b) { |
this.clearedRight = b; |
} |
public boolean getClearedRight() { |
return this.clearedRight; |
} |
public void setClearedLeft(boolean b) { |
this.clearedLeft = b; |
} |
public boolean getClearedLeft() { |
return this.clearedLeft; |
} |
public void setTarget(Coordinate target) { |
this.target = target; |
} |
public Coordinate getTarget() { |
return target; |
} |
public void setMatchfield(Matchfield matchfield) { |
this.matchfield = matchfield; |
this.everySecondField = getEverySecondField(); |
} |
public Matchfield getMatchfield() { |
return matchfield; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ |
package de.tims.fleetstorm.gui; |
import java.awt.BorderLayout; |
import java.awt.Color; |
import java.awt.Font; |
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; |
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import javax.swing.JFrame; |
import javax.swing.JLabel; |
import javax.swing.JPanel; |
import javax.swing.SwingConstants; |
import javax.swing.border.MatteBorder; |
import de.tims.fleetstorm.ai.Logic; |
import de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield.Coordinate; |
import de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield.Matchfield; |
public class GameLogic extends JPanel { |
// GameManager stuff |
private int gameState; |
private Matchfield matchfield; |
private Matchfield enemyMatchfield; |
private int matchfieldSize = 10; |
private boolean playerMove; |
private Logic aiLogic; |
public static final int PREPARATION = 1; |
public static final int RUNNING = 2; |
public static final int GAME_OVER = 3; |
// GUI stuff |
private ArrayList<JPanel> playerFields; |
private ArrayList<JPanel> enemyFields; |
public GameLogic(int gapToFrameBorderX, int gapToFrameBorderY, int fieldWidth, int spaceBetween) { |
this.playerFields = new ArrayList<>(); |
this.enemyFields = new ArrayList<>(); |
setSize(640, 480); |
fieldWrapper = new JPanel(); |
fieldWrapper.setBounds(10, 11, 305, 458); |
fieldWrapper.setLayout(null); |
setLayout(null); |
add(fieldWrapper); |
enemyFieldWrapper = new JPanel(); |
enemyFieldWrapper.setLayout(null); |
enemyFieldWrapper.setBounds(326, 11, 305, 458); |
add(enemyFieldWrapper); |
this.generateFieldsForGUI(gapToFrameBorderX, gapToFrameBorderY, fieldWidth, spaceBetween, fieldWrapper, |
this.playerFields, false); |
JLabel ownFieldLabel = new JLabel("Eigenes Spielfeld"); |
ownFieldLabel.setBounds(10, 11, 114, 14); |
fieldWrapper.add(ownFieldLabel); |
this.generateFieldsForGUI(gapToFrameBorderX, gapToFrameBorderY, fieldWidth, spaceBetween, enemyFieldWrapper, |
this.enemyFields, true); |
JLabel enemyFieldLabel = new JLabel("Gegnerisches Spielfeld"); |
enemyFieldLabel.setBounds(10, 11, 168, 14); |
enemyFieldWrapper.add(enemyFieldLabel); |
} |
private void generateFieldsForGUI(int gapToFrameBorderX, int gapToFrameBorderY, int fieldWidth, int spaceBetween, |
JPanel panel, ArrayList<JPanel> fields, boolean registerMouseListener) { |
for (int x = 0; x < this.matchfieldSize; x++) { |
for (int y = 0; y < this.matchfieldSize; y++) { |
JPanel field = new JPanel(); |
int xPos = gapToFrameBorderX + x * fieldWidth + (x * spaceBetween); |
int yPos = gapToFrameBorderY + y * fieldWidth + (y * spaceBetween); |
field.setBounds(xPos, yPos, fieldWidth, fieldWidth); |
field.setBorder(new MatteBorder(1, 1, 1, 1, (Color) new Color(0, 0, 0))); |
field.setName(x + ":" + y); |
fields.add(field); |
panel.add(field); |
if (!registerMouseListener) |
continue; |
field.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { |
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { |
int[] coords = getCoordinateFromLabel(field); |
int coordX = coords[0]; |
int coordY = coords[1]; |
Coordinate chosenField = enemyMatchfield.getField(coordX, coordY); |
boolean shotSuccess = chosenField.shoot(); |
boolean areAllShipsHit = enemyMatchfield.areAllShipsHit(); |
if (areAllShipsHit) { |
gameOver(true); |
return; |
} |
if (shotSuccess && chosenField.getState() != Coordinate.HIT) { |
nextMove(false); |
} else { |
nextMove(true); |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
private JLabel getXLabel() { |
JLabel x = new JLabel("x"); |
x.setForeground(Color.WHITE); |
return x; |
} |
private int[] getCoordinateFromLabel(JPanel panel) { |
String panelName = panel.getName(); |
String[] panelNameSplit = panelName.split(":"); |
int coordX = Integer.parseInt(panelNameSplit[0]); |
int coordY = Integer.parseInt(panelNameSplit[1]); |
return new int[] { coordX, coordY }; |
} |
private void updateFields() { |
this.updateField(enemyMatchfield, this.enemyFields); |
this.updateField(matchfield, this.playerFields); |
} |
private void updateField(Matchfield matchfield, ArrayList<JPanel> fields) { |
for (JPanel coordinatePanel : fields) { |
int[] coords = getCoordinateFromLabel(coordinatePanel); |
int coordX = coords[0]; |
int coordY = coords[1]; |
// reset field |
coordinatePanel.setBackground(null); |
coordinatePanel.removeAll(); |
int state = matchfield.getField(coordX, coordY).getState(); |
switch (state) { |
case Coordinate.SHIP: |
if (playerMove) |
coordinatePanel.setBackground(new Color(91, 58, 41)); |
break; |
case Coordinate.SHOT: |
coordinatePanel.setBackground(new Color(0, 94, 184)); |
break; |
case Coordinate.HIT: |
coordinatePanel.setBackground(new Color(91, 58, 41)); |
coordinatePanel.add(getXLabel()); |
break; |
} |
coordinatePanel.revalidate(); |
coordinatePanel.repaint(); |
} |
} |
/** |
* This function is only for testing |
*/ |
private static GameLogic gui; |
private JPanel fieldWrapper; |
private JPanel enemyFieldWrapper; |
public static void main(String[] args) { |
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test GUI"); |
gui = new GameLogic(12, 35, 25, 1); |
frame.setContentPane(gui); |
frame.setSize(640, 480); |
frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); |
frame.setResizable(true); |
frame.setVisible(true); |
gui.start(false); |
} |
public void start(boolean test) { |
this.gameState = GameLogic.PREPARATION; |
this.playerMove = true; |
// create player matchfield and set ships |
this.matchfield = new Matchfield(matchfieldSize); |
this.matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
this.matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(4, 6), 2, 0); |
this.matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(1, 3), 3, 0); |
this.matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(9, 1), 4, 1); |
this.matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(0, 0), 5, 0); |
this.aiLogic = new Logic(); |
this.aiLogic.setMatchfield(this.matchfield); |
// create enemy matchfield, set ships and initialize AI (with player's |
// matchfield) |
this.enemyMatchfield = new Matchfield(matchfieldSize); |
this.enemyMatchfield.createMatchfield(); |
this.enemyMatchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(8, 9), 2, 0); |
this.enemyMatchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(0, 2), 3, 1); |
this.enemyMatchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(7, 0), 4, 1); |
this.enemyMatchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(3, 6), 5, 0); |
// enter game loop |
this.gameState = GameLogic.RUNNING; |
if (!test) |
this.nextMove(true); |
} |
public void nextMove(boolean playerMove) { |
this.playerMove = playerMove; |
if (this.playerMove) { |
gui.updateFields(); |
// waiting here for mouse click event.... |
} else { |
Coordinate aiChosenField = null; |
while (aiChosenField == null) { |
aiChosenField = this.aiLogic.chooseField(); |
} |
aiChosenField.shoot(); |
gui.updateFields(); |
boolean areAllShipsHit = this.matchfield.areAllShipsHit(); |
if (areAllShipsHit) { |
this.gameOver(false); |
return; |
} |
boolean aiHasNextMove = aiChosenField.getState() != Coordinate.HIT; |
this.nextMove(aiHasNextMove); |
} |
} |
protected void gameOver(boolean playerWinner) { |
this.gameState = GameLogic.GAME_OVER; |
this.removeAll(); |
this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); |
JLabel wonLabel = new JLabel(playerWinner ? "Du hast gewonnen!" : "Du hast verloren!"); |
wonLabel.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); |
wonLabel.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); |
wonLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 18)); |
this.add(wonLabel, SwingConstants.CENTER); |
this.revalidate(); |
this.repaint(); |
} |
public int getGameState() { |
return gameState; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ |
package de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield; |
public class Coordinate { |
private int x; |
private int y; |
private int state; |
public static final int EMPTY = 0; |
public static final int SHIP = 1; |
public static final int SHOT = 2; |
public static final int HIT = 3; |
public Coordinate(int x, int y) { |
this.x = x; |
this.y = y; |
this.state = 0; |
} |
public Integer getX() { |
return x; |
} |
public Integer getY() { |
return y; |
} |
public int getState() { |
return this.state; |
} |
public void setState(int state) { |
this.state = state; |
} |
@Override |
public boolean equals(Object obj) { |
if (!(obj instanceof Coordinate)) { |
return false; |
} |
return this.x == ((Coordinate) obj).getX() && this.y == ((Coordinate) obj).getY(); |
} |
public void print() { |
System.out.println("X = " + this.x + ", Y = " + this.y + ", State = " + this.state); |
} |
public boolean shoot() { |
if (this.state == Coordinate.SHOT || this.state == Coordinate.HIT) |
return false; |
if (this.state == Coordinate.SHIP) { |
this.state = Coordinate.HIT; |
return true; |
} |
this.state = Coordinate.SHOT; |
return true; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ |
package de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield; |
public class Matchfield { |
private Coordinate[][] matchfield; |
private int size; |
public Matchfield(int size) { |
this.size = size; |
this.matchfield = new Coordinate[this.size][this.size]; |
} |
public Coordinate[][] createMatchfield() { |
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { |
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { |
this.matchfield[i][j] = new Coordinate(i, j); |
} |
} |
return this.matchfield; |
} |
public int getSize() { |
return this.matchfield.length * this.matchfield[0].length; |
} |
public int getState(int x, int y) { |
return this.matchfield[x][y].getState(); |
} |
public void setState(int x, int y, int state) { |
this.matchfield[x][y].setState(state); |
} |
public void setState(Coordinate coordinate, int state) { |
this.matchfield[coordinate.getX()][coordinate.getY()].setState(state); |
} |
public Coordinate getField(Coordinate coordinate) { |
return matchfield[coordinate.getX()][coordinate.getY()]; |
} |
public Coordinate getField(int x, int y) { |
return this.matchfield[x][y]; |
} |
public Coordinate getRight(Coordinate center) { |
if (center.getX() == matchfield.length - 1) { |
return null; |
} |
return this.matchfield[center.getX() + 1][center.getY()]; |
} |
public Coordinate getLeft(Coordinate center) { |
if (center.getX() == 0) { |
return null; |
} |
return this.matchfield[center.getX() - 1][center.getY()]; |
} |
public Coordinate getAbove(Coordinate center) { |
if (center.getY() == matchfield.length - 1) { |
return null; |
} |
return matchfield[center.getX()][center.getY() + 1]; |
} |
public Coordinate getBelow(Coordinate center) { |
if (center.getY() == 0) { |
return null; |
} |
return matchfield[center.getX()][center.getY() - 1]; |
} |
/** |
* direction 0 => x axis (to the right) direction 1 => y axis (to the bottom) |
*/ |
public boolean setShip(Coordinate coordinate, int length, int direction) { |
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { |
Coordinate field = this.getField(coordinate); |
if (field.getState() == Coordinate.SHIP) |
return false; |
field.setState(Coordinate.SHIP); |
if (direction == 0) |
coordinate = this.getRight(coordinate); |
if (direction == 1) |
coordinate = this.getAbove(coordinate); |
if (coordinate == null) |
return false; |
} |
return true; |
} |
public boolean areAllShipsHit() { |
int shipCounter = 0; |
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { |
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { |
int fieldState = this.matchfield[i][j].getState(); |
if (fieldState == Coordinate.SHIP) |
shipCounter++; |
} |
} |
return shipCounter == 0; |
} |
} |
@ -1,16 +1,376 @@ |
package de.tims.fleetstorm.ai; |
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; |
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotEquals; |
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; |
import java.util.ArrayList; |
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; |
import de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield.Coordinate; |
import de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield.Matchfield; |
class LogicTest { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
@Test |
void testFielIsNotNull() { |
int[] calcResult = logic.chooseField(); |
void testFieldIsNotNull() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
int size = 5; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
// ArrayList<Coordinate> everySecondField = logic.getEverySecondField(); |
Coordinate calcResult = logic.chooseField(); |
assertNotNull(calcResult); |
} |
@Test |
void testChoosenFieldHasNotStateShot() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
int size = 5; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
ArrayList<Coordinate> everySecondField = logic.getEverySecondField(); |
for (int i = 0; i < everySecondField.size(); i++) { |
everySecondField.get(i).setState(Coordinate.SHOT); |
} |
matchfield.setState(2, 2, Coordinate.EMPTY); |
logic.setEverySecondField(everySecondField); |
int calcState = logic.chooseField().getState(); |
assertNotEquals(calcState, Coordinate.SHOT); |
} |
@Test |
void testGetEverySecondField() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
int size = 4; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
ArrayList<Coordinate> everySecondField = logic.getEverySecondField(); |
ArrayList<Coordinate> expectedResult = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(); |
expectedResult.add(new Coordinate(0, 0)); |
expectedResult.add(new Coordinate(0, 2)); |
expectedResult.add(new Coordinate(1, 1)); |
expectedResult.add(new Coordinate(1, 3)); |
expectedResult.add(new Coordinate(2, 0)); |
expectedResult.add(new Coordinate(2, 2)); |
expectedResult.add(new Coordinate(3, 1)); |
expectedResult.add(new Coordinate(3, 3)); |
assertEquals(everySecondField, expectedResult); |
} |
@Test |
void testGetAndSetLastShot() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
int size = 4; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
Coordinate expectedResult = new Coordinate(2, 2); |
logic.setLastShot(expectedResult); |
Coordinate result = logic.getLastShot(); |
assertEquals(result, expectedResult); |
} |
@Test |
void testSetMatchfield() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
int size = 4; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
Matchfield result = logic.getMatchfield(); |
assertEquals(result, null); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
result = logic.getMatchfield(); |
assertNotNull(result); |
} |
@Test |
void testFindShip() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
int size = 4; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(new Coordinate(2, 2)); |
logic.getLastShot().setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
logic.findShip(); |
assertEquals(logic.getFoundShip(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testGetAndsetFoundShip() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
logic.setFoundShip(true); |
assertEquals(logic.getFoundShip(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testClearAbove() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
Coordinate shot = new Coordinate(2, 2); |
int size = 4; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(shot); |
matchfield.getField(shot).setState(Coordinate.EMPTY); |
logic.clearAbove(shot); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedAbove(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testClearBelow() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
Coordinate shot = new Coordinate(2, 2); |
int size = 4; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(shot); |
matchfield.getField(shot).setState(Coordinate.EMPTY); |
logic.clearBelow(shot); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedBelow(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testClearRight() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
Coordinate shot = new Coordinate(2, 2); |
int size = 4; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(shot); |
matchfield.getField(shot).setState(Coordinate.EMPTY); |
logic.clearRight(shot); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedRight(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testClearLeft() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield; |
Coordinate shot = new Coordinate(2, 2); |
int size = 4; |
matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(shot); |
matchfield.getField(shot).setState(Coordinate.EMPTY); |
logic.clearLeft(shot); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedLeft(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testConstructor() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
assertEquals(logic.getFoundShip(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedAbove(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedBelow(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedLeft(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedRight(), false); |
} |
@Test |
void testSetterClearedAbove() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
logic.setClearedAbove(true); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedAbove(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testSetterClearedBelow() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
logic.setClearedBelow(true); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedBelow(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testSetterClearedRight() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
logic.setClearedRight(true); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedRight(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testSetterClearedLeft() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
logic.setClearedLeft(true); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedLeft(), true); |
} |
@Test |
void testSinkShip() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
logic.setFoundShip(true); |
logic.setClearedAbove(true); |
logic.setClearedBelow(true); |
logic.setClearedRight(true); |
logic.setClearedLeft(true); |
logic.sinkShip(); |
assertEquals(logic.getFoundShip(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedAbove(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedBelow(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedLeft(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedRight(), false); |
} |
@Test |
void testChooseFieldAboveAfterHit() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
int size = 4; |
Coordinate center = new Coordinate(2, 2); |
Coordinate expectedResult = new Coordinate(2, 3); |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setState(center, Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.setState(expectedResult, Coordinate.HIT); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(center); |
logic.setTarget(center); |
logic.setFoundShip(true); |
Coordinate result = logic.chooseField(); |
assertEquals(result, expectedResult); |
} |
@Test |
void testChooseFieldBelowAfterHit() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
int size = 4; |
Coordinate center = new Coordinate(2, 2); |
Coordinate expectedResult = new Coordinate(2, 1); |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setState(center, Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.setState(expectedResult, Coordinate.HIT); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(center); |
logic.setTarget(center); |
logic.setFoundShip(true); |
logic.chooseField();// first Shot |
Coordinate result = logic.chooseField(); // second Shot |
assertEquals(result, expectedResult); |
} |
@Test |
void testChooseFieldRightAfterHit() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
int size = 4; |
Coordinate center = new Coordinate(2, 2); |
Coordinate expectedResult = new Coordinate(3, 2); |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setState(center, Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.setState(expectedResult, Coordinate.HIT); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(center); |
logic.setTarget(center); |
logic.setFoundShip(true); |
logic.chooseField(); // first Shot |
logic.chooseField(); // second Shot |
Coordinate result = logic.chooseField(); |
assertEquals(result, expectedResult); |
} |
@Test |
void testChooseFieldLeftAfterHit() { |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
int size = 4; |
Coordinate center = new Coordinate(2, 2); |
Coordinate expectedResult = new Coordinate(1, 2); |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setState(center, Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.setState(expectedResult, Coordinate.HIT); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(center); |
logic.setTarget(center); |
logic.setFoundShip(true); |
logic.chooseField(); // first Shot |
logic.chooseField(); // second Shot |
logic.chooseField(); // third Shot Coordinate |
Coordinate result = logic.chooseField(); |
assertEquals(result, expectedResult); |
} |
@Test |
void testShipIsOnYAxis() { |
int size = 10; |
Logic logic = new Logic(); |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
Coordinate s1 = new Coordinate(5, 4); |
Coordinate s2 = new Coordinate(5, 5); |
Coordinate s3 = new Coordinate(5, 6); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setState(s1, Coordinate.SHIP); |
matchfield.setState(s2, Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.setState(s3, Coordinate.SHIP); |
logic.setMatchfield(matchfield); |
logic.setLastShot(s2); |
logic.setTarget(s2); |
logic.setFoundShip(true); |
logic.chooseField(); // First shot (s3) |
logic.getMatchfield().setState(s3, Coordinate.HIT); // |
logic.chooseField(); // Second Shot |
logic.getMatchfield().setState(new Coordinate(5, 7), Coordinate.SHOT); |
logic.chooseField(); // Third Shot (s1) |
logic.getMatchfield().setState(s1, Coordinate.HIT); // |
logic.chooseField(); // fourth Shot |
assertEquals(logic.getFoundShip(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedAbove(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedBelow(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedLeft(), false); |
assertEquals(logic.getClearedRight(), false); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
package de.tims.fleetstorm.gui; |
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; |
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; |
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; |
class LogicTest { |
GameLogic guiLogic = new GameLogic(0, 0, 0, 0); |
@BeforeEach |
void setup() { |
guiLogic.start(true); |
} |
@Test |
void testIfGameStateIsRunningAfterStart() { |
int expectedState = GameLogic.RUNNING; |
int calculatedState = guiLogic.getGameState(); |
assertEquals(expectedState, calculatedState); |
} |
@Test |
void testIfGameStateIsGameOverAfterGameOverFunction() { |
int expectedState = GameLogic.GAME_OVER; |
guiLogic.gameOver(true); |
int calculatedState = guiLogic.getGameState(); |
assertEquals(expectedState, calculatedState); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ |
package de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield; |
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; |
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; |
import java.util.stream.Stream; |
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; |
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; |
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments; |
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource; |
class CoordinateTest { |
int x = 1; |
int y = 3; |
Coordinate coordinate = new Coordinate(x, y); |
@Test |
void testGetCorrectValuesForXY() { |
assertEquals(coordinate.getX(), x); |
assertEquals(coordinate.getY(), y); |
} |
@Test |
void testCoordinatehasDefaultStates() { |
assertEquals(coordinate.getState(), Coordinate.EMPTY); |
assertEquals(coordinate.getState(), 0); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "All Getters/Setters are working") |
@MethodSource("AllGettersAreWorking") |
void testGetAndSetForAllStates(String testName, int state, int stateCode, int expectedResult) { |
coordinate.setState(state); |
int result = coordinate.getState(); |
assertThat(result).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(expectedResult); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> AllGettersAreWorking() { |
return Stream.of(Arguments.of("State = SHIP", 1, Coordinate.SHIP, Coordinate.SHIP), |
Arguments.of("State = SHOT", 2, Coordinate.SHOT, Coordinate.SHOT), |
Arguments.of("State = HIT", 3, Coordinate.HIT, Coordinate.HIT), |
Arguments.of("State = EMPTY", 0, Coordinate.EMPTY, Coordinate.EMPTY)); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "test if shoot function sets correct field states") |
@MethodSource("ShootFunctionFieldStates") |
void testShootFunctionSetsCorrectFieldStates(String testName, Coordinate coordinateToTest, int expectedState) { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
// set dummy ship |
matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(0, 0), 5, 0); |
Coordinate realCoordinate = matchfield.getField(coordinateToTest); |
realCoordinate.shoot(); |
int calculatedResult = realCoordinate.getState(); |
assertThat(calculatedResult).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(expectedState); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> ShootFunctionFieldStates() { |
return Stream.of(Arguments.of("Field State is HIT", new Coordinate(0, 0), Coordinate.HIT), |
Arguments.of("Field State is SHOT", new Coordinate(0, 1), Coordinate.SHOT)); |
} |
@Test |
void testIfShootCheckWhenFieldIsAlreadyShot() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
// set dummy ship |
matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(3, 3), 4, 1); |
assertTrue(matchfield.getField(0, 0).shoot()); |
assertFalse(matchfield.getField(0, 0).shoot()); |
matchfield.getField(3, 4).shoot(); |
assertFalse(matchfield.getField(3, 4).shoot()); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ |
package de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield; |
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; |
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; |
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull; |
import java.util.stream.Stream; |
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; |
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; |
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments; |
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource; |
class MatchfieldCreationTest { |
@Test |
void testMatchfieldCreateNotEmpty() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(0); |
Coordinate[][] calcResult = matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
assertNotNull(calcResult); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "matchfield creation has correct size") |
@MethodSource("testMatchfieldSize") |
void testMatchfieldCreationHasCorrectSize(String testName, int size, int expectedResult) { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(size); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
int calcResult = matchfield.getSize(); |
assertThat(calcResult).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(expectedResult); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> testMatchfieldSize() { |
return Stream.of(Arguments.of("field size 10x10", 10, 100), Arguments.of("field size 15x15", 15, 225)); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "matchfield get field is correct") |
@MethodSource("testMatchfieldGetFieldState") |
void testMatchfieldGetCorrectState(String testName, int x, int y, int expectedResult) { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
int calcResult = matchfield.getState(x, y); |
assertThat(calcResult).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(expectedResult); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> testMatchfieldGetFieldState() { |
return Stream.of(Arguments.of("field x:0 y:0 has empty state", 0, 0, Coordinate.EMPTY)); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "matchfield change field is correct") |
@MethodSource("testMatchfieldSetStateIsCorrect") |
void testMatchfieldGetCorrectState(String testName, int x, int y, int state, int expectedResult) { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setState(x, y, state); |
int calcResult = matchfield.getState(x, y); |
assertThat(calcResult).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(expectedResult); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> testMatchfieldSetStateIsCorrect() { |
return Stream.of( |
Arguments.of("field x:0 y:0 has state SHIP after setState()", 0, 0, Coordinate.SHIP, Coordinate.SHIP)); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "Get the Coordinate right") |
@MethodSource("getCoordinateRight") |
void testGetRight(String testName, Matchfield matchfield, Coordinate center, Coordinate expectedResult) { |
Coordinate result = matchfield.getRight(center); |
assertThat(result).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(expectedResult); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> getCoordinateRight() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
return Stream.of( |
Arguments.of("right from (5/5) - should be (6,5)", matchfield, new Coordinate(5, 5), |
matchfield.getField(6, 5)), |
Arguments.of("right from (9/5) - should be null", matchfield, new Coordinate(9, 5), null)); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "Get the Coordinate left") |
@MethodSource("getCoordinateLeft") |
void testGetLeft(String testName, Matchfield matchfield, Coordinate center, Coordinate expectedResult) { |
Coordinate result = matchfield.getLeft(center); |
assertThat(result).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(expectedResult); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> getCoordinateLeft() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
return Stream.of( |
Arguments.of("left from (5/5) - should be (4,5)", matchfield, new Coordinate(5, 5), |
matchfield.getField(4, 5)), |
Arguments.of("left from (0/5) - should be null", matchfield, new Coordinate(0, 5), null)); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "Get the Coordinate above") |
@MethodSource("getCoordinateAbove") |
void testGetAbove(String testName, Matchfield matchfield, Coordinate center, Coordinate expectedResult) { |
Coordinate result = matchfield.getAbove(center); |
assertThat(result).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(expectedResult); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> getCoordinateAbove() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
return Stream.of( |
Arguments.of("above from (5/5) - should be (5,6)", matchfield, new Coordinate(5, 5), |
matchfield.getField(5, 6)), |
Arguments.of("above from (5/9) - should be null", matchfield, new Coordinate(5, 5), null)); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "Get the Coordinate below") |
@MethodSource("getCoordinateBelow") |
void testGetBelow(String testName, Matchfield matchfield, Coordinate center, Coordinate expectedResult) { |
Coordinate result = matchfield.getBelow(center); |
assertThat(result).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(expectedResult); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> getCoordinateBelow() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
return Stream.of( |
Arguments.of("below from (5/5) - should be (5,4)", matchfield, new Coordinate(5, 5), |
matchfield.getField(5, 4)), |
Arguments.of("below from (5/0) - should be null", matchfield, new Coordinate(5, 0), null)); |
} |
@Test |
void testsetStateOverloaded() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
int x = 3; |
int y = 3; |
matchfield.setState(new Coordinate(x, y), Coordinate.SHIP); |
int result = matchfield.getState(x, y); |
assertEquals(result, Coordinate.SHIP); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ |
package de.tims.fleetstorm.matchfield; |
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; |
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; |
import java.util.stream.Stream; |
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; |
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; |
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments; |
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource; |
class MatchfieldShipTest { |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "ship was set on the correct positions") |
@MethodSource("testShipPositioning") |
void testMatchfieldShipSetHasCorrectPositions(String testName, int matchfieldSize, Coordinate coordinate, |
int direction, int length, Coordinate[] coordinatesWithShip) { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(matchfieldSize); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setShip(coordinate, length, direction); |
int shipSetCounter = 0; |
for (Coordinate toCheckCoordinate : coordinatesWithShip) { |
if (matchfield.getField(toCheckCoordinate).getState() == Coordinate.SHIP) |
shipSetCounter++; |
} |
assertThat(shipSetCounter).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(length); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> testShipPositioning() { |
Coordinate[] coordinatesWithShip00_2_0 = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 0), new Coordinate(1, 0) }; |
Coordinate[] coordinatesWithShip01_3_0 = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 1), new Coordinate(1, 1), |
new Coordinate(2, 1) }; |
Coordinate[] coordinatesWithShip02_4_1 = new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 2), new Coordinate(0, 3), |
new Coordinate(0, 4), new Coordinate(0, 5) }; |
return Stream.of( |
Arguments.of("set ship from 0:0, length 2, direction 0", 10, new Coordinate(0, 0), 0, 2, |
coordinatesWithShip00_2_0), |
Arguments.of("set ship from 0:1, length 3, direction 0", 10, new Coordinate(0, 1), 0, 3, |
coordinatesWithShip01_3_0), |
Arguments.of("set ship from 0:2, length 4, direction 1", 10, new Coordinate(0, 2), 1, 4, |
coordinatesWithShip02_4_1)); |
} |
@ParameterizedTest(name = "ship positioning on invalid or valid coordinates") |
@MethodSource("testShipPositioningFailed") |
void testMatchfieldShipSetWithInvalidOrValidCoordinates(String testName, int matchfieldSize, Coordinate coordinate, |
int direction, int length, boolean expectedResult) { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(matchfieldSize); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
boolean calculatedResult = matchfield.setShip(coordinate, length, direction); |
if (expectedResult) |
assertThat(calculatedResult).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(true); |
if (!expectedResult) |
assertThat(calculatedResult).describedAs(testName).isEqualTo(false); |
} |
static Stream<Arguments> testShipPositioningFailed() { |
return Stream.of( |
Arguments.of("invalid ship position from 9:0, length 2, direction 0", 10, new Coordinate(9, 0), 0, 2, |
false), |
Arguments.of("valid ship position from 8:0, length 5, direction 1", 10, new Coordinate(9, 0), 1, 5, |
true)); |
} |
@Test |
void testShipPositionAlreadySetWithShip() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(0, 0), 5, 1); |
assertThat(matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(0, 1), 5, 1)).describedAs("set ship on coordinate with ship") |
.isEqualTo(false); |
assertThat(matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(1, 1), 4, 0)).describedAs("set ship on coordinate without ship") |
.isEqualTo(true); |
assertThat(matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(4, 1), 2, 1)) |
.describedAs("set second ship on coordinate without ship").isEqualTo(false); |
} |
@Test |
void testIfAllShipsHitReturnsFalseWhenNoShipIsHit() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(0, 0), 5, 1); |
boolean calulatedResult = matchfield.areAllShipsHit(); |
assertFalse(calulatedResult); |
} |
@Test |
void testIfAllShipsHitReturnsTrueWhenAllShipsAreHit() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(0, 0), 5, 1); |
matchfield.getField(0, 0).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.getField(0, 1).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.getField(0, 2).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.getField(0, 3).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.getField(0, 4).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
boolean calulatedResult = matchfield.areAllShipsHit(); |
assertTrue(calulatedResult); |
} |
@Test |
void testIfAllShipsHitReturnsFalseWhenTwoShipsAreNotFullyHit() { |
Matchfield matchfield = new Matchfield(10); |
matchfield.createMatchfield(); |
matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(0, 0), 5, 1); |
matchfield.getField(0, 0).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.getField(0, 1).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.getField(0, 2).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.getField(0, 3).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.getField(0, 4).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
matchfield.setShip(new Coordinate(3, 4), 2, 0); |
matchfield.getField(4, 4).setState(Coordinate.HIT); |
boolean calulatedResult = matchfield.areAllShipsHit(); |
assertFalse(calulatedResult); |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue