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Christian Pape 7 years ago
  1. 24


@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
@MISC(ESP8266, @MISC(ESP8266,
author="ESPRESSIF", author="ESPRESSIF",
title="{ESP8266} Overview", title="{ESP8266} Overview",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22},
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22},
) )
@MISC(maglab, @MISC(maglab,
author="{Magrathea Laboratories e.V.}", author="{Magrathea Laboratories e.V.}",
title="Magrathea Laboratories - Creating new Worlds", title="Magrathea Laboratories - Creating new Worlds",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
author="{Home Assistant}", author="{Home Assistant}",
title="Awaken your home", title="Awaken your home",
note={\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
author="ESPer", author="ESPer",
title="ESPer - Space Automation Firmware for ESP8266", title="ESPer - Space Automation Firmware for ESP8266",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
@MISC(ESP-01s, @MISC(ESP-01s,
author="SparkFun", author="SparkFun",
title="{WiFi Module - ESP8266}", title="{WiFi Module - ESP8266}",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
@MICS(Sming, @MICS(Sming,
author="Sming", author="Sming",
title="{Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development}", title="{Sming - Open Source framework for high efficiency native ESP8266 development}",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
@MISC(make, @MISC(make,
author="{The IEEE and The Open Group}", author="{The IEEE and The Open Group}",
title="The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 - make - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs", title="The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6 - make - maintain, update, and regenerate groups of programs",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
author="{OASIS Standard Incorporating}", author="{OASIS Standard Incorporating}",
title="MQTT Version 3.1.1 Plus Errata 01", title="MQTT Version 3.1.1 Plus Errata 01",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
author="{The Internet Society}", author="{The Internet Society}",
title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", title="Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
@MISC(ESP8266_Memory_Map, @MISC(ESP8266_Memory_Map,
author="{ESP8266 community wiki}", author="{ESP8266 community wiki}",
title="ESP8266 Memory Map", title="ESP8266 Memory Map",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
@MISC(rBoot, @MISC(rBoot,
author="Richard Antony Burton", author="Richard Antony Burton",
title="An open source bootloader for the ESP8266", title="An open source bootloader for the ESP8266",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
@MICS(drone, @MICS(drone,
author="Drone", author="Drone",
title="Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go", title="Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go",
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017-05-22}
note={{URL: }\url{}, 2017.05.22}
) )
@article{Ruckebusch:2016vo, @article{Ruckebusch:2016vo,
