3 changed files with 640 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ |
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<extensions> |
<entry key="config" type="String">! device: vEOS-1 (vEOS, EOS-4.14.2F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS.swi
! AdvCompNet Lab 1 DCN Scenario 2
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
hostname vEOS-1
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$BfEAqVKe$0Et37rrWZGmDpeYfmQ8S40
username cisco privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$rQS0W9wP$ZUzVG2XoGCCZCJopFp1aV/
interface Port-Channel12
switchport mode trunk
interface Port-Channel13
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode on
interface Ethernet2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode on
interface Ethernet3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 13 mode on
interface Ethernet4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 13 mode on
interface Management1
! ip of ma1 configured on launch
interface Vlan1
ip address
no ip routing
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<entry key="config" type="String">! device: vEOS-2 (vEOS, EOS-4.14.2F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS.swi
! AdvCompNet Lab 1 DCN Scenario 2
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
hostname vEOS-2
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$yUkG2yoL$0Lq.DaVPw9ECzR4Ew1.wW.
username cisco privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$rQS0W9wP$ZUzVG2XoGCCZCJopFp1aV/
interface Port-Channel12
switchport mode trunk
interface Port-Channel23
switchport mode trunk
interface Port-Channel24
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode on
interface Ethernet2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode on
interface Ethernet3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 23 mode on
interface Ethernet4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 23 mode on
interface Ethernet5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 24 mode on
interface Ethernet6
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 24 mode on
interface Management1
! ip of ma1 configured on launch
interface Vlan1
ip address
no ip routing
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<entry key="config" type="String">! device: vEOS-3 (vEOS, EOS-4.14.2F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS.swi
! AdvCompNet Lab 1 DCN Scenario 2
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
hostname vEOS-3
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$sWptr0oA$lH1Jhpd3Uio1z44ImC83p1
username cisco privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$rQS0W9wP$ZUzVG2XoGCCZCJopFp1aV/
interface Port-Channel13
switchport mode trunk
interface Port-Channel23
switchport mode trunk
interface Port-Channel34
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 23 mode on
interface Ethernet2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 23 mode on
interface Ethernet3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 13 mode on
interface Ethernet4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 13 mode on
interface Ethernet5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 34 mode on
interface Ethernet6
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 34 mode on
interface Management1
! ip of ma1 configured on launch
interface Vlan1
ip address
no ip routing
</entry> |
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<extensions> |
<entry key="config" type="String">! device: vEOS-4 (vEOS, EOS-4.14.2F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS.swi
! AdvCompNet Lab 1 DCN Scenario 2
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
hostname vEOS-4
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$1.amWz6M$rWEBTalt7rkz5d8/8dbmU0
username cisco privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$rQS0W9wP$ZUzVG2XoGCCZCJopFp1aV/
interface Port-Channel24
switchport mode trunk
interface Port-Channel34
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 24 mode on
interface Ethernet2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 24 mode on
interface Ethernet3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 34 mode on
interface Ethernet4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 34 mode on
interface Management1
! ip of ma1 configured on launch
interface Vlan1
ip address
no ip routing
</entry> |
</extensions> |
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@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ |
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<node name="veos-1" type="SIMPLE" subtype="vEOS" location="413,31"> |
<extensions> |
<entry key="config" type="String">! device: vEOS-1 (vEOS, EOS-4.14.2F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS.swi
! AdvCompNet Lab 1 DCN Scenario 3
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
hostname vEOS-1
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$BfEAqVKe$0Et37rrWZGmDpeYfmQ8S40
username cisco privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$rQS0W9wP$ZUzVG2XoGCCZCJopFp1aV/
interface Port-Channel11
switchport mode trunk
interface Port-Channel12
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 11 mode on
interface Ethernet2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode on
interface Ethernet3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 11 mode on
interface Ethernet4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode on
interface Management1
! ip of ma1 configured on launch
interface Vlan1
ip address
no ip routing
</entry> |
</extensions> |
<interface id="0" name="Ethernet1"/> |
<interface id="1" name="Ethernet2"/> |
<interface id="2" name="Ethernet3"/> |
<interface id="3" name="Ethernet4"/> |
</node> |
<node name="veos-2" type="SIMPLE" subtype="vEOS" location="218,127"> |
<extensions> |
<entry key="config" type="String">! device: vEOS-2 (vEOS, EOS-4.14.2F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS.swi
! AdvCompNet Lab 1 DCN Scenario 3
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
hostname vEOS-2
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
no spanning-tree vlan 99
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$yUkG2yoL$0Lq.DaVPw9ECzR4Ew1.wW.
username cisco privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$rQS0W9wP$ZUzVG2XoGCCZCJopFp1aV/
vlan 99
name MLAG
trunk group mlagpeer
interface Port-Channel11
switchport mode trunk
mlag 11
interface Port-Channel12
switchport mode trunk
mlag 12
interface Port-Channel21
switchport mode trunk
mlag 21
interface Port-Channel22
switchport mode trunk
mlag 22
interface Port-Channel23
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk group mlagpeer
interface Ethernet1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 11 mode on
interface Ethernet2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode on
interface Ethernet3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 23 mode on
interface Ethernet4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 23 mode on
interface Ethernet5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 21 mode on
interface Ethernet6
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 22 mode on
interface Management1
! ip of ma1 configured on launch
interface Vlan1
ip address
interface Vlan99
ip address
no ip routing
mlag configuration
domain-id mlag1
local-interface Vlan99
peer-link Port-Channel23
</entry> |
</extensions> |
<interface id="0" name="Ethernet1"/> |
<interface id="1" name="Ethernet2"/> |
<interface id="2" name="Ethernet3"/> |
<interface id="3" name="Ethernet4"/> |
<interface id="4" name="Ethernet5"/> |
<interface id="5" name="Ethernet6"/> |
</node> |
<node name="veos-3" type="SIMPLE" subtype="vEOS" location="611,127"> |
<extensions> |
<entry key="config" type="String">! device: vEOS-3 (vEOS, EOS-4.14.2F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS.swi
! AdvCompNet Lab 1 DCN Scenario 3
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
hostname vEOS-3
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
no spanning-tree vlan 99
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$sWptr0oA$lH1Jhpd3Uio1z44ImC83p1
username cisco privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$rQS0W9wP$ZUzVG2XoGCCZCJopFp1aV/
vlan 99
name MLAG
trunk group mlagpeer
interface Port-Channel11
switchport mode trunk
mlag 11
interface Port-Channel12
switchport mode trunk
mlag 12
interface Port-Channel21
switchport mode trunk
mlag 21
interface Port-Channel22
switchport mode trunk
mlag 22
interface Port-Channel23
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk group mlagpeer
interface Ethernet1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 23 mode on
interface Ethernet2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 23 mode on
interface Ethernet3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 11 mode on
interface Ethernet4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 12 mode on
interface Ethernet5
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 21 mode on
interface Ethernet6
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 22 mode on
interface Management1
! ip of ma1 configured on launch
interface Vlan1
ip address
interface Vlan99
ip address
no ip routing
mlag configuration
domain-id mlag1
local-interface Vlan99
peer-link Port-Channel23
</entry> |
</extensions> |
<interface id="0" name="Ethernet1"/> |
<interface id="1" name="Ethernet2"/> |
<interface id="2" name="Ethernet3"/> |
<interface id="3" name="Ethernet4"/> |
<interface id="4" name="Ethernet5"/> |
<interface id="5" name="Ethernet6"/> |
</node> |
<node name="veos-4" type="SIMPLE" subtype="vEOS" location="413,221"> |
<extensions> |
<entry key="config" type="String">! device: vEOS-4 (vEOS, EOS-4.14.2F)
! boot system flash:/vEOS.swi
! AdvCompNet Lab 1 DCN Scenario 3
transceiver qsfp default-mode 4x10G
hostname vEOS-4
spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
no aaa root
username admin privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$1.amWz6M$rWEBTalt7rkz5d8/8dbmU0
username cisco privilege 15 role network-admin secret 5 $1$rQS0W9wP$ZUzVG2XoGCCZCJopFp1aV/
interface Port-Channel21
switchport mode trunk
interface Port-Channel22
switchport mode trunk
interface Ethernet1
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 21 mode on
interface Ethernet2
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 22 mode on
interface Ethernet3
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 21 mode on
interface Ethernet4
switchport mode trunk
channel-group 22 mode on
interface Management1
! ip of ma1 configured on launch
interface Vlan1
ip address
no ip routing
</entry> |
</extensions> |
<interface id="0" name="Ethernet1"/> |
<interface id="1" name="Ethernet2"/> |
<interface id="2" name="Ethernet3"/> |
<interface id="3" name="Ethernet4"/> |
</node> |
<connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[1]/virl:interface[1]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[2]/virl:interface[1]"/> |
<connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[1]/virl:interface[2]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[2]/virl:interface[2]"/> |
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<connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[3]/virl:interface[2]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[2]/virl:interface[4]"/> |
<connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[4]/virl:interface[1]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[2]/virl:interface[5]"/> |
<connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[4]/virl:interface[2]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[2]/virl:interface[6]"/> |
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<connection dst="/virl:topology/virl:node[3]/virl:interface[6]" src="/virl:topology/virl:node[4]/virl:interface[4]"/> |
</topology> |
Reference in new issue