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"""Example for Cloud Computing Course Master AI / GSD"""
# This script demonstrates how to use libcloud to cleanup all instances used in the demos
# for our OpenStack private cloud environment.
# import getpass
import os
import sys
import time
from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver
from libcloud.compute.types import Provider
# For our new Charmed OpenStack private cloud, we need to specify the path to the
# root CA certificate
import = ['./root-ca.crt']
# Disable SSL certificate verification (not recommended for production)
# = False
# Please use 1-29 for X in the following variable to specify your group number.
# (will be used for the username, project etc., as coordinated in the lab sessions)
group_number = os.environ.get('GROUP_NUMBER')
if group_number is None:
sys.exit('Please set the GROUP_NUMBER environment variable to your group number,\n'
'e.g., on Windows:\n'
' "$env:GROUP_NUMBER=0" or "set GROUP_NUMBER=0"\n'
'or on Linux/MacOS:\n'
' "export GROUP_NUMBER=0" or "set GROUP_NUMBER=0"')
# no changes necessary below this line in this example
# web service endpoint of the private cloud infrastructure
# auth_url = ''
# auth_url = ''
# your username in OpenStack
AUTH_USERNAME = 'CloudComp' + str(group_number)
# your project in OpenStack
PROJECT_NAME = 'CloudComp' + str(group_number)
# A network in the project the started instance will be attached to
PROJET_NETWORK = 'CloudComp' + str(group_number) + '-net'
# The image to look for and use for the started instance
# ubuntu_image_name = "Ubuntu 18.04 - Bionic Beaver - 64-bit - Cloud Based Image"
UBUNTU_IMAGE_NAME = "auto-sync/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-server-20240319-disk1.img"
# default region
REGION_NAME = 'RegionOne'
# domain to use, "default" for local accounts, formerly "hsfulda" for LDAP accounts etc.
# domain_name = "default"
def main(): # noqa: C901 pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-locals,missing-function-docstring
# get credentials
# if "OS_PASSWORD" in os.environ:
# auth_password = os.environ["OS_PASSWORD"]
# else:
# auth_password = getpass.getpass("Enter your OpenStack password:")
auth_password = "demo"
# create connection
# = False
provider = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK)
conn = provider(AUTH_USERNAME,
# ex_domain_name=domain_name)
# clean up resources from previous demos
# destroy running demo instances
for instance in conn.list_nodes():
if in ['all-in-one', 'app-worker-1', 'app-worker-2', 'app-worker-3',
'app-services', 'app-api-1', 'app-api-2']:
print(f'Destroying Instance: {}')
# wait until all nodes are destroyed to be able to remove depended security groups
nodes_still_running = True
while nodes_still_running:
nodes_still_running = False
instances = conn.list_nodes()
for instance in instances:
# if we see any demo instances still running continue to wait for them to stop
if in ['all-in-one', 'app-worker-1', 'app-worker-2', 'app-worker-3',
'app-controller', 'app-services', 'app-api-1', 'app-api-2']:
nodes_still_running = True
print('There are still instances running, waiting for them to be destroyed...')
# delete security groups
for group in conn.ex_list_security_groups():
if in ['control', 'worker', 'api', 'services']:
print(f'Deleting security group: {}')
if __name__ == '__main__':