# import getpass # import os from libcloud.compute.providers import get_driver from libcloud.compute.types import Provider # reqs: # services: nova, glance, neutron # resources: 2 instances, 2 floating ips (1 keypair, 2 security groups) # Please use 1-29 for X in the following variable to specify your group number. (will be used for the username, # project etc., as coordinated in the lab sessions) group_number = 30 # web service endpoint of the private cloud infrastructure auth_url = 'https://private-cloud.informatik.hs-fulda.de:5000' # your username in OpenStack auth_username = 'CloudComp' + str(group_number) # your project in OpenStack project_name = 'CloudComp' + str(group_number) # A network in the project the started instance will be attached to project_network = 'CloudComp' + str(group_number) + '-net' # The image to look for and use for the started instance ubuntu_image_name = "Ubuntu 18.04 - Bionic Beaver - 64-bit - Cloud Based Image" # TODO: Ubuntu >18.04 would require major updates to faafo example again/better option: complete rewrite of example? # The public key to be used for SSH connection, please make sure, that you have the corresponding private key # # id_rsa.pub should look like this (standard sshd pubkey format): # ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAw+J...F3w2mleybgT1w== user@HOSTNAME keypair_name = 'srieger-pub' pub_key_file = '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' flavor_name = 'm1.small' # default region region_name = 'RegionOne' # domain to use, "default" for local accounts, "hsfulda" for RZ LDAP, e.g., using fdaiXXXX as auth_username # domain_name = "default" def main(): ########################################################################### # # get credentials # ########################################################################### # if "OS_PASSWORD" in os.environ: # auth_password = os.environ["OS_PASSWORD"] # else: # auth_password = getpass.getpass("Enter your OpenStack password:") auth_password = "demo" ########################################################################### # # create connection # ########################################################################### provider = get_driver(Provider.OPENSTACK) conn = provider(auth_username, auth_password, ex_force_auth_url=auth_url, ex_force_auth_version='3.x_password', ex_tenant_name=project_name, ex_force_service_region=region_name) # ex_domain_name=domain_name) ########################################################################### # # get image, flavor, network for instance creation # ########################################################################### images = conn.list_images() image = '' for img in images: if img.name == ubuntu_image_name: image = img flavors = conn.list_sizes() flavor = '' for flav in flavors: if flav.name == flavor_name: flavor = conn.ex_get_size(flav.id) networks = conn.ex_list_networks() network = '' for net in networks: if net.name == project_network: network = net ########################################################################### # # create keypair dependency # ########################################################################### print('Checking for existing SSH key pair...') keypair_exists = False for keypair in conn.list_key_pairs(): if keypair.name == keypair_name: keypair_exists = True if keypair_exists: print(('Keypair ' + keypair_name + ' already exists. Skipping import.')) else: print('adding keypair...') conn.import_key_pair_from_file(keypair_name, pub_key_file) for keypair in conn.list_key_pairs(): print(keypair) ########################################################################### # # create security group dependency # ########################################################################### print('Checking for existing worker security group...') security_group_name = 'worker' security_group_exists = False worker_security_group = '' for security_group in conn.ex_list_security_groups(): if security_group.name == security_group_name: worker_security_group = security_group security_group_exists = True if security_group_exists: print(('Worker Security Group ' + worker_security_group.name + ' already exists. Skipping creation.')) else: worker_security_group = conn.ex_create_security_group('worker', 'for services that run on a worker node') conn.ex_create_security_group_rule(worker_security_group, 'TCP', 22, 22) print('Checking for existing controller security group...') security_group_name = 'control' security_group_exists = False controller_security_group = '' for security_group in conn.ex_list_security_groups(): if security_group.name == security_group_name: controller_security_group = security_group security_group_exists = True if security_group_exists: print(('Controller Security Group ' + controller_security_group.name + ' already exists. Skipping creation.')) else: controller_security_group = conn.ex_create_security_group('control', 'for services that run on a control node') conn.ex_create_security_group_rule(controller_security_group, 'TCP', 22, 22) conn.ex_create_security_group_rule(controller_security_group, 'TCP', 80, 80) conn.ex_create_security_group_rule(controller_security_group, 'TCP', 5672, 5672, source_security_group=worker_security_group) for security_group in conn.ex_list_security_groups(): print(security_group) ########################################################################### # # create app-controller # ########################################################################### # https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/faafo/plain/contrib/install.sh # is currently broken, hence the "rabbitctl" lines were added in the example # below, see also https://bugs.launchpad.net/faafo/+bug/1679710 # # Thanks to Stefan Friedmann for finding this fix ;) userdata = '''#!/usr/bin/env bash curl -L -s https://gogs.informatik.hs-fulda.de/srieger/cloud-computing-msc-ai-examples/raw/master/faafo/contrib/install.sh | bash -s -- \ -i messaging -i faafo -r api rabbitmqctl add_user faafo guest rabbitmqctl set_user_tags faafo administrator rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / faafo ".*" ".*" ".*" ''' print('Starting new app-controller instance and wait until it is running...') instance_controller_1 = conn.create_node(name='app-controller', image=image, size=flavor, networks=[network], ex_keyname=keypair_name, ex_userdata=userdata, ex_security_groups=[controller_security_group]) conn.wait_until_running(nodes=[instance_controller_1], timeout=120, ssh_interface='private_ips') ########################################################################### # # assign app-controller floating ip # ########################################################################### print('Checking for unused Floating IP...') unused_floating_ip = None for floating_ip in conn.ex_list_floating_ips(): if not floating_ip.node_id: unused_floating_ip = floating_ip break if not unused_floating_ip: pool = conn.ex_list_floating_ip_pools()[0] print(('Allocating new Floating IP from pool: {}'.format(pool))) unused_floating_ip = pool.create_floating_ip() conn.ex_attach_floating_ip_to_node(instance_controller_1, unused_floating_ip) print(('Controller Application will be deployed to http://%s' % unused_floating_ip.ip_address)) ########################################################################### # # getting id and ip address of app-controller instance # ########################################################################### # instance should not have a public ip? floating ips are assigned later instance_controller_1 = conn.ex_get_node_details(instance_controller_1.id) if instance_controller_1.public_ips: ip_controller = instance_controller_1.public_ips[0] else: ip_controller = instance_controller_1.private_ips[0] ########################################################################### # # create app-worker-1 # ########################################################################### userdata = '''#!/usr/bin/env bash curl -L -s https://gogs.informatik.hs-fulda.de/srieger/cloud-computing-msc-ai-examples/raw/master/faafo/contrib/install.sh | bash -s -- \ -i faafo -r worker -e 'http://%(ip_controller)s' -m 'amqp://faafo:guest@%(ip_controller)s:5672/' ''' % {'ip_controller': ip_controller} print('Starting new app-worker-1 instance and wait until it is running...') instance_worker_1 = conn.create_node(name='app-worker-1', image=image, size=flavor, networks=[network], ex_keyname=keypair_name, ex_userdata=userdata, ex_security_groups=[worker_security_group]) conn.wait_until_running(nodes=[instance_worker_1], timeout=120, ssh_interface='private_ips') ########################################################################### # # assign app-worker floating ip # ########################################################################### print('Checking for unused Floating IP...') unused_floating_ip = None for floating_ip in conn.ex_list_floating_ips(): if not floating_ip.node_id: unused_floating_ip = floating_ip break if not unused_floating_ip: pool = conn.ex_list_floating_ip_pools()[0] print(('Allocating new Floating IP from pool: {}'.format(pool))) unused_floating_ip = pool.create_floating_ip() conn.ex_attach_floating_ip_to_node(instance_worker_1, unused_floating_ip) print(('The worker will be available for SSH at %s' % unused_floating_ip.ip_address)) print('You can use ssh to login to the controller using your private key. After login, you can list available ' 'fractals using "faafo list". To request the generation of new fractals, you can use "faafo create". ' 'You can also see other options to use the faafo example cloud service using "faafo -h".') if __name__ == '__main__': main()