## These are for connecting with Openstack and sharing the Keypair auth_url = "" region = "RegionOne" tenant_name = "CloudComp10" # Also known as project user_name = "CloudComp10" password = "demo" domain_name = "default" # ssh_public_key = "~/.ssh/id_ecdsa.pub" # These are needed for the internal SSL certificate # Must use for Pord env but for simplicity removed from here # client_certificate = "~/.ssh/client.crt" # client_key = "~/.ssh/client.key" # cluster_ca_certificate = "~/.ssh/ca.crt" # Instance Configuration # num_worker_nodes is < 0 then master will be the worker otherwise master # is only for control num_worker_nodes = 3 master_flavor = "m1.small" worker_flavor = "m1.medium" os_image = "ubuntu-22.04-jammy-x86_64" volume_size = 15 dns_servers = [""] floating_ip_pool = "ext_net" delay_seconds = 120