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  1. from datetime import date
  2. import zipfile
  3. import boto3
  4. from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
  5. ################################################################################################
  6. #
  7. # Configuration Parameters
  8. #
  9. ################################################################################################
  10. # main change from real AWS Academy access to local emulated localstack is to change the endpoint
  11. # other than that the same tools (boto3, aws-cli, aws-cdk etc. can be used)
  12. endpoint_url = ""
  13. # a bucket in S3 will be created to store the counter bucket names need to be world-wide unique ;)
  14. # Hence we create a bucket name that contains your group number and the current year.
  15. # The counter will be stores as key (file) "us-east-1" in the bucket (same name as our default region)
  16. # in the bucket and expects a number in it to increase
  17. groupNr = 22
  18. currentYear =
  19. globallyUniqueS3GroupBucketName = "cloudcomp-counter-" + str(currentYear) + "-group" + str(groupNr)
  20. # region = 'eu-central-1'
  21. region = 'us-east-1'
  22. functionName = 'cloudcomp-counter-lambda-demo'
  23. # The Lambda function will run using privileges of a role, that allows the function to access/create
  24. # resources in AWS (in this case read/write to S3). In AWS Academy you need to use the role that
  25. # use created for your student account in the lab (see lab readme).
  26. # see ARN for AWS Academy LabRole function here:
  27. #
  28. #
  29. # roleArn = 'arn:aws:iam::309000625112:role/service-role/cloudcomp-counter-demo-role-6rs7pah3'
  30. # roleArn = 'arn:aws:iam::919927306708:role/cloudcomp-s3-access'
  31. roleArn = 'arn:aws:iam::488766701848:role/LabRole'
  32. # For localstack you can use any role Arn and every secret and access key. Hence you can also use
  33. # existing AWS Academy credentials to connect to localstack
  34. ################################################################################################
  35. #
  36. # boto3 code
  37. #
  38. ################################################################################################
  39. def cleanup_s3_bucket(s3_bucket):
  40. # Deleting objects
  41. for s3_object in s3_bucket.objects.all():
  42. s3_object.delete()
  43. # Deleting objects versions if S3 versioning enabled
  44. for s3_object_ver in s3_bucket.object_versions.all():
  45. s3_object_ver.delete()
  46. client = boto3.setup_default_session(region_name=region)
  47. s3Client = boto3.client('s3', endpoint_url=endpoint_url)
  48. s3Resource = boto3.resource('s3', endpoint_url=endpoint_url)
  49. lClient = boto3.client('lambda', endpoint_url=endpoint_url)
  50. apiClient = boto3.client("apigatewayv2", endpoint_url=endpoint_url)
  51. print("Deleting old API gateway...")
  52. print("------------------------------------")
  53. response = apiClient.get_apis()
  54. for api in response["Items"]:
  55. if api["Name"] == functionName + '-api':
  56. responseDelete = apiClient.delete_api(
  57. ApiId=api["ApiId"]
  58. )
  59. print("Deleting old function...")
  60. print("------------------------------------")
  61. try:
  62. response = lClient.delete_function(
  63. FunctionName=functionName,
  64. )
  65. except lClient.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException:
  66. print('Function not available. No need to delete it.')
  67. print("Deleting old bucket...")
  68. print("------------------------------------")
  69. try:
  70. currentBucket = s3Resource.Bucket(globallyUniqueS3GroupBucketName)
  71. cleanup_s3_bucket(currentBucket)
  72. currentBucket.delete()
  73. except ClientError as e:
  74. print(e)
  75. print("creating S3 bucket (must be globally unique)...")
  76. print("------------------------------------")
  77. try:
  78. response = s3Client.create_bucket(Bucket=globallyUniqueS3GroupBucketName)
  79. response = s3Client.put_object(Bucket=globallyUniqueS3GroupBucketName, Key='us-east-1', Body=str(0))
  80. except ClientError as e:
  81. print(e)
  82. print("creating new function...")
  83. print("------------------------------------")
  84. zf = zipfile.ZipFile('', 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
  85. zf.write('')
  86. zf.close()
  87. lambdaFunctionARN = ""
  88. with open('', mode='rb') as file:
  89. zipfileContent =
  90. response = lClient.create_function(
  91. FunctionName=functionName,
  92. Runtime='python3.9',
  93. Role=roleArn,
  94. Code={
  95. 'ZipFile': zipfileContent
  96. },
  97. Handler='lambda_function.lambda_handler',
  98. Publish=True,
  99. Environment={
  100. 'Variables': {
  101. 'bucketName': globallyUniqueS3GroupBucketName
  102. }
  103. }
  104. )
  105. lambdaFunctionARN = response['FunctionArn']
  106. print("Lambda Function and S3 Bucket to store the counter are available.\n"
  107. "\n"
  108. "You can now run to view an increment the counter.\n"
  109. "Try to understand how Lambda can be used to cut costs regarding cloud services and what its pros\n"
  110. "and cons are.\n")
  111. # API gateways require a Pro license from localstack, as a student you can apply for
  112. # a hobby/open source dev license, that's the same license that I used for the demo in the
  113. # lab/lecture
  114. # API gateway would allow getting an HTTP endpoint that we could access directly in the browser,
  115. # that would call our function, as in the provided demo:
  116. #
  117. #
  118. print("creating API gateway...")
  119. print("------------------------------------")
  120. response = apiClient.create_api(
  121. Name=functionName + '-api',
  122. ProtocolType='HTTP',
  123. Target=lambdaFunctionARN
  124. )
  125. apiArn = response
  126. print("API Endpoint can be reached at: http://" + apiArn["ApiEndpoint"])