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package playground;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.awt.event.*;
import gameobjects.GameObject;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
* Playground represents a level of the game, focusing on the game LOGIC, i.e., not so much on the
* graphical representation. In particular, an instance of Playground
* <ul>
* <li>manages the different moving or static objects in a level (e.g., collisions, adding objects,
* removing objects). This is mainly done by the methods {@link #addObject}, {@link #deleteObject}.
* <li>processes keyboard inputs provided by GameLoop in {@link #processKeyEvents(Stack)} and
* {@link #processMouseEvents(Stack)}
* <li>represents the state of a level represented by <b>flags</b>. Each flag has a name (a String)
* and an arbitrary value of any type. Methods: {@link #setLevelFlag(String, Object)},
* {@link #getLevelFlag(String)}. As an example, the current score is a flag usually named "points",
* with an Integer as a value. This value can be retrieved and manipulated using the above mentioned
* methods.
* </ul>
public abstract class Playground {
public static final int FLAGS_GLOBAL = 1;
public static final int FLAGS_LEVEL = 2;
public static final int FLAGS_ALL = 3;
protected int canvasX = -1;
protected int canvasY = -1;
/** only one set of objects exists concurrently so this can be static */
protected static HashMap<String, GameObject> gameObjects = new HashMap<String, GameObject>();
/** only one set of objects exists concurrently so this can be static */
protected static HashMap<String, Object> flags = new HashMap<String, Object>();
protected String level = "";
protected double timeStep = 0;
protected double gameTime = 0;
LinkedList<GameObject> addables = new LinkedList<GameObject>();
LinkedList<String> removables = new LinkedList<String>();
// HashMap<Integer,Integer> keys ;
Stack<KeyEvent> keyEvents;
Stack<MouseEvent> mouseEvents;
protected boolean pausedFlag = false;
private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(Playground.class);
public Playground() {
this.canvasX = -1;
this.canvasY = -1;
// here, the level communicates its size preference to the GameUI
// called automatically
public abstract int preferredSizeX();
public abstract int preferredSizeY();
* Adds a graphics object to a level.
* @param o GameObject The object to be added
public void addObject(GameObject o) {
// gameObjects.put(o.getId(), o);
* Adds a graphics object to a level.
* @param o GameObject The object to be added
public void addObjectNow(GameObject o) {
gameObjects.put(o.getId(), o);
* Puts objects with a certain substring in their name into a LinkedLisrt and returns them.
* @param substr The string that must be part of the object name if object is to be
* considered found.
* @param filterInactive if set true only active objects are considered.
* @return a reference to a LinkedList filled with all objects that have <b>substr</b> in their name
public LinkedList<GameObject> collectObjects(String substr, boolean filterInactive) {
LinkedList<GameObject> l = new LinkedList<GameObject>();
for (Map.Entry<String, GameObject> entry : Playground.gameObjects.entrySet()) { // Iterator
// usage
GameObject obj = entry.getValue();
if (obj.getId().contains(substr)) {
if (filterInactive == true) {
if (obj.isActive()) {
} else {
return l;
* Removes a graphics object from a level.
* @param id String The unique identifier of the object
public void deleteObject(String id) {
// gameObjects.remove(id);
* Removes a graphics object from a level immediately, CAUTION.
* @param id String The unique identifier of the object
public void deleteObjectNow(String id) {
* Retrieves a graphics object by name.
* @param id String Unique id of the object
* @return reference to the requested game object, or null if not found
public GameObject getObject(String id) {
return gameObjects.get(id);
* Sets a level-wide permanent flag.
* @param flag String Q unique name in this level. If it exists value is overwritten.
* @param value Object Any Object can be the value of a flag!
public static void setGlobalFlag(String flag, Object value) {
flags.put("/global/" + flag, value);
public Object setLevelFlag(String flag, Object value) {
flags.put("/" + this.level + "/" + flag, value);
return value;
* mode can be: FLAGS_ALL (all), FLAGS_GLOBAL(global), FLAGs_LEVEL(level)
* @param mode can be only one of {@link #FLAGS_GLOBAL} {@link #FLAGS_ALL} or {@link #FLAGS_LEVEL }
public void resetFlags(int mode) {
LinkedList<String> delKeys = new LinkedList<String>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : Playground.flags.entrySet()) {
logger.trace(entry.getKey() + " IndexofGlobal = " + entry.getKey().indexOf("/global/"));
if ((mode == FLAGS_GLOBAL) && (entry.getKey().indexOf("/global/") != -1)) {
logger.debug("GLOBAL: scheduling for removal: " + entry.getKey());
} else if ((mode == FLAGS_LEVEL) && (entry.getKey().indexOf("/global/") == -1)) {
logger.debug("LEVEL: scheduling for removal: " + entry.getKey());
} else if (mode == FLAGS_ALL) {
logger.debug("ALL: scheduling for removal: " + entry.getKey());
for (String str : delKeys) {
logger.trace("removing key " + str);
* Retrieves a level-wide flag by name.
* @param flag String Unique flag id
* @return the value associated with <b>flag</b>, or <b>null</b> if the flag does not exist.
public static Object getGlobalFlag(String flag) {
return flags.get("/global/" + flag);
* checks for existence and if not creates the new global flag with the given initial value. Returns
* the value. afterwards it is guaranteed that no priorly existing value is overridden and that it
* definitely exists (created if not present before).
* @param flag String name for the global flag (created if not present)
* @param value Object value to be stored (used only if flag was not present)
* @return the current value of the flag (maybe the initial one in case flag was not there before)
public static Object getOrCreateGlobalFlag(String flag, Object value) {
Object tmp = getGlobalFlag(flag);
if (tmp == null) {
setGlobalFlag(flag, value);
return value;
} else {
return tmp;
public Object getLevelFlag(String flag) {
return flags.get("/" + this.level + "/" + flag);
public Object getOrCreateLevelFlag(String flag, Object createValue) {
Object tmp = getLevelFlag(flag);
if (tmp == null) {
return setLevelFlag(flag, createValue);
} else {
return tmp;
* Reinitializes the level.
public void reset() {
public boolean isPaused() {
return this.pausedFlag;
public void setPaused(boolean p) {
this.pausedFlag = p;
public void togglePause() {
pausedFlag = !pausedFlag;
* Method meant to be filled with own code, processes Keyboard inputs.
* @param keyEvents all collected {@link KeyEvent}s collected since last game loop.
public void processKeyEvents(Stack<KeyEvent> keyEvents) {
this.keyEvents = keyEvents;
Playground.setGlobalFlag("inputs", keyEvents);
public void processMouseEvents(Stack<MouseEvent> mouseEvents) {
this.mouseEvents = mouseEvents;
Playground.setGlobalFlag("inputs", mouseEvents);
public Stack<KeyEvent> getKeyEvents() {
return this.keyEvents;
public Stack<MouseEvent> getMouseEvents() {
return this.mouseEvents;
* Method meant to be filled with own code, handles the entore game logic (collision checks, timed
* events, ...).
public abstract void applyGameLogic();
* Sets up a single level. Prepares all objects etc.
* @param level String a string identifying the level number etc
public abstract void prepareLevel(String level);
public abstract boolean gameOver();
public abstract boolean levelFinished();
public int getSizeX() {
return canvasX;
public int getSizeY() {
return canvasY;
* Calls all object update methods in level. Internal, never call directly.
public void updateObjects() {
for (GameObject gameObject : gameObjects.values()) { // Iterator usage
if (gameObject.isActive() == true) {
logger.trace("updated object " + gameObject.scol);
for (GameObject o : addables) { // Iterator usage
for (String s : removables) { // Iterator usage
public void setTimestep(double s) {
timeStep = s;
public double getTimestep() {
return timeStep;
* set the game time value (in seconds)
* @param s seconds the game is running
public void setGameTime(double s) {
this.gameTime = s;
/** returns time in seconds since level start */
public double getGameTime() {
return this.gameTime;
* To be redefined!! Draws mainly h level background and global information like points etc.
* @param g2 Graphics2D abstract drawing object of java Swing, used to carry out all drawing
* operations.
public abstract void redrawLevel(Graphics2D g2);
* Internal, do not call directly.
* @param g2 Graphics2D abstract drawing object of java Swing, used to carry out all drawing
* operations.
public void redraw(Graphics2D g2) {
for (GameObject gameObject : gameObjects.values()) {
if (gameObject.isActive()) {