NixOS configuration for HPC cluster
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

106 lines
2.8 KiB

{ pkgs, lib, config, nodes, ... }:
with lib;
services.kea = {
dhcp4 = {
enable = true;
settings = {
"valid-lifetime" = 4000;
"renew-timer" = 1000;
"rebind-timer" = 2000;
"interfaces-config" = {
"interfaces" = [ "mngt" "data" ];
"lease-database" = {
"type" = "memfile";
"persist" = true;
"name" = "/var/lib/kea/dhcp4.leases";
"subnet4" = [
"subnet" = "";
"interface" = "mngt";
"option-data" = [
"name" = "routers";
"data" = "";
"name" = "domain-name-servers";
"data" = ",";
"name" = "domain-name";
"data" = "mngt.${config.networking.domain}";
"name" = "domain-search";
"data" = "mngt.${config.networking.domain}";
"pools" = [
"pool" = "";
"reservations" = concatLists (mapAttrsToList
(_: node: optional
(node.config.networking.interfaces."mngt".macAddress != null)
"hw-address" = node.config.networking.interfaces."mngt".macAddress;
"ip-address" = "10.32.46.${toString (100 + node.options._module.args.value.nodeId)}";
"subnet" = "";
"interface" = "data";
"option-data" = [
"name" = "routers";
"data" = "";
"name" = "domain-name-servers";
"data" = ",";
"name" = "domain-name";
"data" = config.networking.domain;
"name" = "domain-search";
"data" = config.networking.domain;
"pools" = [
"pool" = "";
"reservations" = concatLists (mapAttrsToList
(_: node: optional
(node.config.networking.interfaces."data".macAddress != null)
"hw-address" = node.config.networking.interfaces."data".macAddress;
"ip-address" = "10.32.47.${toString (100 + node.options._module.args.value.nodeId)}";