# Infrastructure Deployment The whole cluster infrastructure is build using [NixOS](https://nixos.org/). The configuration repository is hosted at {{ config.repo_url }} and is deployed using [colmena](https://github.com/zhaofengli/colmena). ## Building the configuration To build the configuration, as system with [Nix](https://nix.dev/install-nix) installed is required. To activate the environment, run `nix develop` inside the configuration folder. This will fetch all required build dependecies and makes them available in the environment. Building the whole configuration is as easy as running: ``` colmana build --verbose --show-trace ``` *Go grap a coffee, this can take a while* ## Deploying > Note: Deployment requires SSH access as the `root` user to all machines. To deploy a configuration change or updates to the cluster, run the following command: ``` colmena apply switch ``` ### Using the manager as a SSH jump host SSH access to the nodes is limited. Therefore it the manager system can be used as a jump host. To do so, add the following lines to your local `~/.ssh/config` file (before the the `Host *` entry): ``` Host IdentitiesOnly yes ProxyJump root@ ``` ## Updating Updating all systems can be done by running the following command in the configuration repository: ``` nix flake update ``` This will update all dependencies including the NixOS operation system. After doing the update, the changed config (with the updated dependencies) must be [deployed](#deploying). ## Gather node information The configuration repository relies on some information gathered from the machines itself. After bootstrapping a machine, these information need to be gathered from the machines into the configuration repository. To gather there data, run the following command: ``` ./gather.sh ``` ## Secret management The config repository contains several secrets which are secured by [sops](https://github.com/getsops/sops) and the according [Nix integration](https://github.com/Mic92/sops-nix). To edit a config file, run the following command: ``` sops ``` This requires the editor to have its PGP-key fingerprint be part of the `adminKeys` list in `sops.nix`. Altering the list requires one of the previous members to [update the keys](#update-keys). ### Update keys Whenever a key, either the SSH key of a machine or the PGP key of an administrator, changes, the secret files need updating. To do so, run the following command: ``` find \( -name "secrets.yaml" -or -path "*/secrets/**" -type f \) -exec sops updatekeys {} \; ``` ## Bootstrapping a node Compute nodes can be bootstrapped using PXE boot. The manager will provide a touchless boot image which will install the node with the current deployment automatically. Booting the node from PXE (network boot) is enough to activate the bootstrapping process. After bootstrapping a node, make sure to [gather the node data](#gather-node-information) and [update the secret keys](#update-keys).