{ lib , runCommandNoCCLocal , writeText , ssh-to-age , machines , ... }: with lib; let admins = { "fooker" = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIK2nkarN0+uSuP5sGwDCb9KRu+FCjO/+da4VypGanPUZ"; }; hosts = { "nfs" = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIENsd6EdgIn5jhqXUEyPckoViHLLsYM2on/liwf1IO8p"; "ldap" = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFhkh5L4jYl/i4E+lBVDppHcoiohR/gDricyV2wY/3Np"; "installer" = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOrc58WlxYKaPNO1J8j8KQxOLJooc9fIxp6gZZoB4Y7o"; }; sshToAge = ssh-key: let key = runCommandNoCCLocal "hostkey-to-age" { } '' ${ssh-to-age}/bin/ssh-to-age < '${writeText "" ssh-key}' > "$out" ''; in pipe key [ readFile (removeSuffix "\n") ]; # Keys for each machine machine-keys = genAttrs machines (machine: let ssh-key = assert assertMsg (hasAttr machine hosts) '' SSH host key is not specified for machine '${machine}'. Make sure the SSH host key is added to `sops-config.nix` after initial provisioning. After changing the hosts, make sure to run `sops updatekeys` with all relevant secret files. ''; getAttr machine hosts; in sshToAge ssh-key); # Keys for all admins admin-keys = mapAttrsToList (_: sshToAge) admins; mkRule = path: keys: { "path_regex" = "^${if path == null then "" else "${escapeRegex path}/"}(${escapeRegex "secrets.yaml"}|secrets/.+)$"; "key_groups" = [{ "age" = keys; }]; }; # Create a rule for each machine allowing the mechanie and all admins machine-rules = map (machine: mkRule "machines/${machine}" (admin-keys ++ (singleton machine-keys.${machine}))) machines; # A single global rule allowing all machines and all admins to access global-rules = singleton (mkRule null (admin-keys ++ (attrValues machine-keys))); in { inherit admin-keys; config = { "creation_rules" = concatLists [ machine-rules global-rules ]; }; }