import Vector from './vector'; import Intersection from './intersection'; import Ray from './ray'; /** * A class representing a sphere */ export default class Sphere { public center: Vector; public radius: number; public color: Vector; /** * Creates a new Sphere with center and radius * @param center The center of the Sphere * @param radius The radius of the Sphere * @param color The color of the Sphere */ constructor( center: Vector, radius: number, color: Vector ) { = center; this.radius = radius; this.color = color; } /** * Calculates the intersection of the sphere with the given ray * @param ray The ray to intersect with * @return The intersection if there is one, null if there is none */ intersect(ray: Ray): Intersection | null { // TODO: Calculate the quadratic equation for ray-sphere // TODO: intersection. You will need the origin of your ray as x0, // TODO: the ray direction, and the radius of the sphere. // TODO: Don't forget to translate your ray's starting position with // TODO: respect to the center of the sphere. // TODO: Calculate the discriminant c, and distinguish between the 3 // TODO: possible outcomes: no hit, one hit, or two hits. // TODO: Return an Intersection or null if there was no hit. In case // TODO: of two hits, return the one closer to the start point of // TODO: the ray. let newCenter = ray.origin.sub(; // hier oben noch nicht t berechenenm da c negativ sein kann und dann wurzel nicht funktioniert let c = Math.pow(,2) - + Math.pow(this.radius,2); if(c < 0) { return null; } else if(c == 0) { //PQ Formel let t1 = -; return new Intersection(t1, newCenter.add(ray.direction.mul(t1)), (newCenter.add(ray.direction.mul(t1)).sub( ); //schnittpunkt ist origin + direction * t } else { let t2 = - - Math.sqrt(c); return new Intersection(t2, newCenter.add(ray.direction.mul(t2)), (newCenter.add(ray.direction.mul(t2)).sub( ); //schnittpunkt ist origin + direction * t } } }