You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

23 lines
780 B

digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"25_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"25" -> "25_NIL_L";
"25_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"25" -> "25_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";