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Paul: Überarbeitung im SLZ

master 1 year ago
  1. 21
  2. 339
  3. BIN
  4. BIN
  5. BIN
  6. BIN
  7. 10
  8. 14
  9. 50
  10. 54
  11. 54
  12. 58
  13. 62
  14. 113
  15. 18
  16. 22
  17. 26
  18. 30
  19. 34
  20. 38
  21. 42
  22. 46


@ -1,12 +1,22 @@
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.*;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
RBTree<IntComparable> rbTree = new RBTree<>();
Random random = new Random();
RBTree<IntComparable> rbTree = new RBTree<>();
ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
// ein eingebauter Mechanismus, der sicherstellt, dass eine Zahl nicht 2-mal vorkommt, sonst würde der Baum nicht funktionieren
// Füllen der Liste mit Zahlen
for (int j = 1; j <= 100; j++) {
//Collections.shuffle(numbers); // Liste mischen
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
int randomValue = numbers.get(i);
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
int randomValue = random.nextInt(100);
IntComparable key = new IntComparable(randomValue);
// Füge das Element ein und aktualisiere die DOT-Datei nach jedem Schritt
@ -18,5 +28,4 @@ public class Main {
// dot -Tsvg > output_step_1.svg
// ...


@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class RBTree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
private class Node {
T key;
Node left, right;
Node left, right, parent; // Elternknoten hinzugefügt
boolean color;
Node(T key, boolean color) {
@ -22,38 +22,142 @@ class RBTree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
private Node root;
private Node getUncle(Node parent) {
Node grandparent = parent.parent;
if (grandparent.left == parent) {
return grandparent.right; // right is the uncle
} else if (grandparent.right == parent) {
return grandparent.left; // left is the uncle
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Parent is not a child of its grandparent");
public void insert(T key) {
root = insert(root, key);
root = insert(root, null, key); // Parent für die Wurzel ist null
root.color = BLACK; // Ensure the root is always black
private Node insert(Node root, T key) {
if (root == null) {
return new Node(key, RED); // New nodes are always red
private Node insert(Node root, Node parent, T key) {
Node node = root;
// Node parent = null;
int cmp = key.compareTo(root.key);
if (cmp < 0) {
root.left = insert(root.left, key);
} else if (cmp > 0) {
root.right = insert(root.right, key);
// Traverse the tree to the left or right depending on the key
while (node != null) {
parent = node;
if (key.compareTo(node.key) < 0) {
node = node.left;
} else if (key.compareTo(node.key) > 0) {
node = node.right;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("BST already contains a node with key " + key);
// Insert new node
Node newNode = new Node(key, RED);
if (parent == null) {
root = newNode;
} else if (key.compareTo(parent.key) < 0) {
parent.left = newNode;
} else {
// Duplicate key, do not insert
return root;
parent.right = newNode;
newNode.parent = parent;
return newNode;
* Fix any Red-Black tree violations
* if (isRed(root.right) && !isRed(root.left)) {
* root = rotateLeft(root);
* }
* if (isRed(root.left) && isRed(root.left.left)) {
* root = rotateRight(root);
* }
* if (isRed(root.left) && isRed(root.right)) {
* flipColors(root);
* }
private void fixColorafterInsert(Node node) {
Node parent = node.parent;
// Case 1: no root, add node as new root, root is always black
if (parent == null) {
node.color = false;
// Fix any Red-Black tree violations
if (isRed(root.right) && !isRed(root.left)) {
root = rotateLeft(root);
// Parent is black --> nothing to do
if (parent.color == false) { // Abbildung S.312, aber beide Knoten sind schon schwarz gefärbt
if (isRed(root.left) && isRed(root.left.left)) {
root = rotateRight(root);
// From here on, parent(vater) is red
Node grandparent = parent.parent;
Node uncle = getUncle(parent); // Get the uncle (maybe nil, in which case its color is BLACK)
// Case 3 (parent uncle red, Abbildung S.313, 314): recolor parent, grandparent
// and uncle
if (uncle != null && uncle.color == true) {
parent.color = false;
uncle.color = false;
grandparent.color = true;
// Call recursively for grandparent, which is now red. fix recursively
if (isRed(root.left) && isRed(root.right)) {
// Parent is left child of grandparent
// Case 4a: Uncle is black(nil is default black) and node is left --> right
// "inner child" of its grandparent
else if (parent == grandparent.left) {
Node newParent;
if (node == parent.right) {
newParent = rotateLeft(parent);
parent = newParent;
// Let "parent" point to the new root node of the rotated sub-tree.
// It will be recolored in the next step, which we're going to fall-through to.
// parent = node;
// Case 5a: Uncle is black and node is left->left "outer child" of its
// grandparent
// Recolor original parent and grandparent
parent.color = false;
grandparent.color = true;
return root; // Return the updated root
// Parent is right child of grandparent
else if (parent == grandparent.right) {
// Case 4b: Uncle is black and node is right->left "inner child" of its
// grandparent
if (node == parent.left) {
// Let "parent" point to the new root node of the rotated sub-tree.
// It will be recolored in the next step, which we're going to fall-through to.
parent = node;
// Case 5b: Uncle is black and node is right->right "outer child" of its
// grandparent
// Recolor original parent and grandparent
parent.color = false;
grandparent.color = true;
private boolean isRed(Node node) {
@ -63,39 +167,107 @@ class RBTree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
return node.color == RED;
private Node rotateLeft(Node h) {
Node x = h.right;
h.right = x.left;
x.left = h;
x.color = h.color;
h.color = RED;
return x;
private Node rotateLeft(Node node) {
Node rightChild = node.right;
Node parent = node.parent;
node.right = rightChild.left;
if (rightChild.left != null) {
rightChild.left.parent = node;
rightChild.left = node;
node.parent = rightChild;
rightChild.parent = parent;
if (parent == null) {
root = rightChild;
} else if (node == parent.left) {
parent.left = rightChild;
} else if (node == parent.right) {
parent.right = rightChild;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Node is not a child of its parent");
if (rightChild != null) {
rightChild.parent = parent;
return rightChild;
private Node rotateRight(Node h) {
Node x = h.left;
h.left = x.right;
x.right = h;
x.color = h.color;
h.color = RED;
return x;
private Node rotateRight(Node node) {
Node leftChild = node.left;
Node parent = node.parent;
node.left = leftChild.right;
if (leftChild.right != null) {
leftChild.right.parent = node;
leftChild.right = node;
node.parent = leftChild;
leftChild.parent = parent;
if (parent == null) {
root = leftChild;
} else if (node == parent.left) {
parent.left = leftChild;
} else if (node == parent.right) {
parent.right = leftChild;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Node is not a child of its parent");
if (leftChild != null) {
leftChild.parent = parent;
return leftChild;
private void flipColors(Node h) {
h.color = RED;
h.left.color = BLACK;
h.right.color = BLACK;
private void flipColors(Node node) {
node.color = !node.color;
node.left.color = !node.left.color;
node.right.color = !node.right.color;
public void printDOTAfterInsert(String filename, T key) {
private void RootBlack() {
root.color = BLACK;
* public void printDOTAfterInsert(String filename, T key) {
* try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(filename)) {
* writer.write("digraph G {\n");
* writer.write("\tnode [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,\n");
* writer.write("\t\tfontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,\n");
* writer.write("\t\tfontsize=24, fixedsize=true];\n");
* root = insert(root, null, key); // Füge das Element ein und aktualisiere den
* Baum
* printDOTRecursive(root, writer);
* writer.write("}\n");
* } catch (IOException e) {
* e.printStackTrace();
* }
* }
public void printDOTAfterInsert(String filename, T key) {
try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(filename)) {
writer.write("digraph G {\n");
writer.write("\tgraph [ratio=.48];\n");
writer.write("\tnode [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6 \n");
writer.write("\t\tfontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white, \n");
writer.write("\tnode [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,\n");
writer.write("\t\tfontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,\n");
writer.write("\t\tfontsize=24, fixedsize=true];\n");
root = insert(root, key); // Füge das Element ein und aktualisiere den Baum
// Hier wird der gesamte Baum gezeichnet, nicht nur der neu eingefügte Schlüssel
printDOTRecursive(root, writer);
@ -103,25 +275,27 @@ class RBTree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
private void printDOTRecursive(Node node, FileWriter writer) throws IOException {
if (node != null) {
String keyString = node.key.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_"); // Ersetze ungültige Zeichen
// Setze Farben basierend auf der Rot-Schwarz-Eigenschaft
String keyString = node.key.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
String fillColor = (node.color == RED) ? "red" : "black";
String fontColor = (node.color == RED) ? "white" : "white"; // Ändern Sie dies, wenn Sie schwarzen Text auf rotem Hintergrund möchten
String fontColor = (node.color == RED) ? "white" : "white";
// Print current node mit Farbinformationen
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" [fillcolor=" + fillColor + ", fontcolor=" + fontColor + "];\n");
// Print parent link
if (node.parent != null) {
String parentKeyString = node.parent.key.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
writer.write("\t\"" + parentKeyString + "\" -> \"" + keyString + "\" [style=dotted];\n");
// Print left child
if (node.left != null) {
String leftKeyString = node.left.key.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" -> \"" + leftKeyString + "\";\n");
printDOTRecursive(node.left, writer);
} else {
// Füge ein NIL-Blatt für leere linke Zweige hinzu
String leftNilKeyString = keyString + "_NIL_L";
writer.write("\t\"" + leftNilKeyString + "\" [shape=plaintext, label=\"NIL\", fontsize=16];\n");
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" -> \"" + leftNilKeyString + "\";\n");
@ -133,12 +307,69 @@ class RBTree<T extends Comparable<T>> {
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" -> \"" + rightKeyString + "\";\n");
printDOTRecursive(node.right, writer);
} else {
// Füge ein NIL-Blatt für leere rechte Zweige hinzu
String rightNilKeyString = keyString + "_NIL_R";
writer.write("\t\"" + rightNilKeyString + "\" [shape=plaintext, label=\"NIL\", fontsize=16];\n");
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" -> \"" + rightNilKeyString + "\";\n");
/*public void printDOTAfterInsert(String filename, T key) {
try (FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(filename)) {
writer.write("digraph G {\n");
writer.write("\tnode [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,\n");
writer.write("\t\tfontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,\n");
writer.write("\t\tfontsize=24, fixedsize=true];\n");
// Hier wird der gesamte Baum gezeichnet, nicht nur der neu eingefügte Schlüssel
printDOTRecursive(root, writer);
} catch (IOException e) {
private void printDOTRecursive(Node node, FileWriter writer) throws IOException {
if (node != null) {
String keyString = node.key.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
String fillColor = (node.color == RED) ? "red" : "black";
String fontColor = (node.color == RED) ? "white" : "white";
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" [fillcolor=" + fillColor + ", fontcolor=" + fontColor + "];\n");
* Print parent link
* if (node.parent != null) {
* String parentKeyString =
* node.parent.key.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
* writer.write("\t\"" + parentKeyString + "\" -> \"" + keyString +
* "\" [style=dotted];\n");
* }
// Print left child
if (node.left != null) {
String leftKeyString = node.left.key.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" -> \"" + leftKeyString + "\";\n");
printDOTRecursive(node.left, writer);
} else {
String leftNilKeyString = keyString + "_NIL_L";
writer.write("\t\"" + leftNilKeyString + "\" [shape=plaintext, label=\"NIL\", fontsize=16];\n");
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" -> \"" + leftNilKeyString + "\";\n");
// Print right child
if (node.right != null) {
String rightKeyString = node.right.key.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "_");
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" -> \"" + rightKeyString + "\";\n");
printDOTRecursive(node.right, writer);
} else {
String rightNilKeyString = keyString + "_NIL_R";
writer.write("\t\"" + rightNilKeyString + "\" [shape=plaintext, label=\"NIL\", fontsize=16];\n");
writer.write("\t\"" + keyString + "\" -> \"" + rightNilKeyString + "\";\n");






@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"56" -> "56_NIL_L";
"56_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"56" -> "56_NIL_R";


@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"33_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_L";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"56" -> "56_NIL_R";


@ -1,51 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "15";
"15" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"15" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_L";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"15" -> "19";
"19" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"19_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_L";
"19_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "69";
"69" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"69" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"69" -> "98";
"98" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"98" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"89_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_L";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";
"98_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"98" -> "98_NIL_R";


@ -1,55 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "15";
"15" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"15" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11" -> "8";
"8" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"8_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_L";
"8_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_R";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"15" -> "19";
"19" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"19_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_L";
"19_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "69";
"69" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"69" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"69" -> "98";
"98" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"98" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"89_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_L";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";
"98_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"98" -> "98_NIL_R";


@ -1,55 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "15";
"15" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"15" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11" -> "8";
"8" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"8_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_L";
"8_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_R";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"15" -> "19";
"19" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"19_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_L";
"19_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "69";
"69" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"69" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"69" -> "98";
"98" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"98" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"89_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_L";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";
"98_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"98" -> "98_NIL_R";


@ -1,59 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "15";
"15" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"15" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11" -> "8";
"8" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"8_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_L";
"8_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_R";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"15" -> "19";
"19" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"19_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_L";
"19_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "69";
"69" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"69" -> "64";
"64" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"64" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"64_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"64" -> "64_NIL_R";
"69" -> "98";
"98" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"98" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"89_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_L";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";
"98_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"98" -> "98_NIL_R";


@ -1,63 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "15";
"15" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"15" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11" -> "8";
"8" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"8_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_L";
"8_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_R";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"15" -> "19";
"19" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"19" -> "18";
"18" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"18_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"18" -> "18_NIL_L";
"18_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"18" -> "18_NIL_R";
"19_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "69";
"69" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"69" -> "64";
"64" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"64" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"64_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"64" -> "64_NIL_R";
"69" -> "98";
"98" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"98" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"89_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_L";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";
"98_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"98" -> "98_NIL_R";


@ -1,67 +1,58 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "15";
"15" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"15" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11" -> "8";
"8" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"8_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_L";
"8_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"8" -> "8_NIL_R";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"15" -> "19";
"19" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"19" -> "18";
"18" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"18_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"18" -> "18_NIL_L";
"18_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"18" -> "18_NIL_R";
"19_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"19" -> "19_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33" -> "49";
"49" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"49_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"49" -> "49_NIL_L";
"49_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"49" -> "49_NIL_R";
"56" -> "69";
"69" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"69" -> "64";
"64" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"64" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"64_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"64" -> "64_NIL_R";
"69" -> "98";
"75" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"75" -> "73";
"73" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"73" -> "51";
"51" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"51" -> "39";
"39" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"39" -> "38";
"38" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"38" -> "34";
"34" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"34" -> "28";
"28" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"28" -> "13";
"13" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"13_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"13" -> "13_NIL_L";
"13_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"13" -> "13_NIL_R";
"28_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"28" -> "28_NIL_R";
"34" -> "37";
"37" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"37_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"37" -> "37_NIL_L";
"37_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"37" -> "37_NIL_R";
"38_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"38" -> "38_NIL_R";
"39_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"39" -> "39_NIL_R";
"51_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"51" -> "51_NIL_R";
"73_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"73" -> "73_NIL_R";
"75" -> "77";
"77" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"77_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"77" -> "77_NIL_L";
"77" -> "80";
"80" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"80_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"80" -> "80_NIL_L";
"80" -> "98";
"98" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"98" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"89_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_L";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";
"98" -> "81";
"81" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"81_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"81" -> "81_NIL_L";
"81_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"81" -> "81_NIL_R";
"98_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"98" -> "98_NIL_R";


@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_L";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";


@ -1,23 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"25_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"25" -> "25_NIL_L";
"25_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"25" -> "25_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";


@ -1,27 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_L";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_L";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";


@ -1,31 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_L";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_L";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"89" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";


@ -1,35 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_L";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"89" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";


@ -1,39 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"11_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_L";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "69";
"69" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"69" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"69" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"89_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_L";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";


@ -1,43 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "15";
"15" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"15" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"11_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_L";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"15_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"15" -> "15_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "69";
"69" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"69" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"69" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"89_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_L";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";


@ -1,47 +1,5 @@
digraph G {
graph [ratio=.48];
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
node [style=filled, color=black, shape=circle, width=.6,
fontname=Helvetica, fontweight=bold, fontcolor=white,
fontsize=24, fixedsize=true];
"56" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"56" -> "25";
"25" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"25" -> "15";
"15" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"15" -> "11";
"11" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"11_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_L";
"11_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"11" -> "11_NIL_R";
"15_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"15" -> "15_NIL_R";
"25" -> "33";
"33" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"33" -> "27";
"27" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"27_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_L";
"27_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"27" -> "27_NIL_R";
"33_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"33" -> "33_NIL_R";
"56" -> "69";
"69" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"69" -> "63";
"63" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"63_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_L";
"63_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"63" -> "63_NIL_R";
"69" -> "98";
"98" [fillcolor=black, fontcolor=white];
"98" -> "89";
"89" [fillcolor=red, fontcolor=white];
"89_NIL_L" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_L";
"89_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"89" -> "89_NIL_R";
"98_NIL_R" [shape=plaintext, label="NIL", fontsize=16];
"98" -> "98_NIL_R";