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30 lines
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <section name="Workbench">
  3. <section name="org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.FindReplaceDialog">
  4. <item key="selection" value="prepare"/>
  5. <item key="wrap" value="true"/>
  6. <item key="casesensitive" value="false"/>
  7. <item key="wholeword" value="false"/>
  8. <item key="incremental" value="false"/>
  9. <item key="isRegEx" value="false"/>
  10. <list key="findhistory">
  11. <item value="prepare"/>
  12. <item value="aliens"/>
  13. <item value="speed"/>
  14. <item value="Aliens"/>
  15. </list>
  16. <list key="replacehistory">
  17. </list>
  18. </section>
  19. <section name="org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.FindReplaceDialog_dialogBounds">
  20. <item key="DIALOG_X_ORIGIN" value="1110"/>
  21. <item key="DIALOG_Y_ORIGIN" value="351"/>
  22. <item key="DIALOG_WIDTH" value="414"/>
  23. <item key="DIALOG_HEIGHT" value="454"/>
  24. <item key="DIALOG_FONT_NAME" value="1|Segoe UI|9.0|0|WINDOWS|1|-15|0|0|0|400|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|Segoe UI"/>
  25. </section>
  26. <section name="org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.GotoLineAction$GotoLineDialog_dialogBounds">
  27. <item key="DIALOG_X_ORIGIN" value="646"/>
  28. <item key="DIALOG_Y_ORIGIN" value="349"/>
  29. </section>
  30. </section>