package base; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import gameobjects.GameObject; import playground.Level1; import playground.Playground; import ui.GameUI; /** * Main class starting any game, contains main(). Apart from that, this class manages all * non-logical functionalities which should be hidden from a game designer like: * * There will normally never be a need to modify this file, a designer/game programmer should always * redefine the {@link GameObject} and {@link Playground} classes and implement new functionality * there. To make a long story short
*/ public class GameLoop { /** Pixel width of Game GUI ( above 0) */ public static int SIZEX = 300; /** Pixel height of Game GUI (above 0) */ public static int SIZEY = 200; /** * before call to {@link #runGame(String[])} this List should be initialized (in constructor). */ protected List levels = null; private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(GameLoop.class); /** constructor which initializes the {@link #levels} ArrayList of Playground instances (levels) to be played. */ public GameLoop() { this.levels = new ArrayList(1); this.levels.add( new Level1()); } /** * loops over all {@link #levels} and implements the game loop to update continuously the level * during play time * * @param args command line arguments forwarded (currently ignored) * @throws IOException if hitghscore.txt cannot be written. */ public void runGame(String[] args) throws IOException {"GUI starts"); GameUI gameUI = new GameUI(SIZEX, SIZEY); // probably change to your new GUI class double gameTime = -1; Playground currentPlayground = null; // loop over different levels ListIterator levelIterator = levels.listIterator(); while (true) { logger.debug("LevelIndex is " + (levelIterator.nextIndex()) + " (of " + levels.size() + " levels)"); gameTime = 0; long start = System.nanoTime(); // loop over single level while (true) { int act = GameUI.getNewAction(); // Query GameUI for high-level user commands; new game/reset/etc... if (act == GameUI.ACTION_RESET) { // ReStart Game in same Level"GUI RESET"); currentPlayground.prepareLevel("level" + (levelIterator.nextIndex()-1)); GameUI.resetAction(); } if (act == GameUI.ACTION_NEW) { // new game"GUI NEW"); start = System.nanoTime(); levelIterator = levels.listIterator(); // reset currentPlayground =; // again level currentPlayground.prepareLevel("level" + (levelIterator.nextIndex()-1)); gameUI.setPlayground(currentPlayground); GameUI.resetAction(); break; } if (act == GameUI.ACTION_BUTTON) { // Event of Button pressed --> PAUSE!"GUI PAUSE"); if (currentPlayground != null) { boolean p = currentPlayground.isPaused(); p = !p; currentPlayground.setPaused(p); } GameUI.resetAction(); } if (act == GameUI.ACTION_SAVE) {"GUI SAVE"); // UNDONE save current state (not yet working/implemented) GameUI.resetAction(); } if (act == GameUI.ACTION_LOAD) {"GUI LOAD"); // load game state (currently simply resets) GameUI.resetAction(); } // if game has been created: execute a single iteration of the game loop if (currentPlayground != null) { // calc time that was used for painting the game, in seconds since last loop long end = System.nanoTime(); double realTS = ((double) (end - start) / 1000000000.); // time calc for one loop of the while start = System.nanoTime(); if (currentPlayground.levelFinished() || currentPlayground.gameOver() == true) { break; // leave level; breaks WHILE } // paint current state of level and start time measurement gameUI.waitWhilePainting(); gameUI.grabFocus(); // needed to grab input events in next step // communicate inputs to level currentPlayground.processKeyEvents(gameUI.getKeyEvents()); currentPlayground.processMouseEvents(gameUI.getMouseEvents()); if (currentPlayground.isPaused() == false) { // update objects and level currentPlayground.updateObjects(); currentPlayground.applyGameLogic(); // update game time gameTime += realTS; // communicate gameTime and timestep to level currentPlayground.setTimestep(realTS); currentPlayground.setGameTime(gameTime); Playground.setGlobalFlag("gameTime", Double.valueOf(realTS)); logger.trace("gameTime is now "+gameTime); } // if } // if } // inner while loop within level // after level is done: leave outer loop if game over if (currentPlayground.gameOver() == true) { break; // outer while ends game } // after level is done: reset level and go to next, if there is one if (currentPlayground.levelFinished() == true) { currentPlayground.reset(); // increase level counter, go on to next one logger.debug("level finished. now new LevelIndex is " + levelIterator.nextIndex()); if (levelIterator.nextIndex() >= levels.size()) {"reached end of levels"); break; // outer while ends game; } currentPlayground =; currentPlayground.prepareLevel("level" + (levelIterator.nextIndex()-1)); } } // outer loop over levels"Game ends. Bye."); System.exit(0); } // main() /** * main to start the whole application * * @param args Java default command line args, forwarded to {@link #runGame(String[])} * @throws IOException in case highscore.txt cannot be written. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { GameLoop gl = new GameLoop(); gl.runGame(args); } }