Space von Team 22 (Nico B. Benjamin F. Lea A.)
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package controller;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import playground.*;
import gameobjects.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
* Controller using key events for up, down, left, right and space (shooting) to control the ego
* object behavior.
public class EgoController extends ObjectController {
// either rad is zero or width/height is zero (guaranteed by constructors)
private double rad = 0;
private double width = 0;
private double height = 0;
private Integer pressedKey = null;
private Integer lastPressedKey = null;
private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(EgoController.class);
* constructor that gives the ego controller a radius to stop the ego object when it reaches the level boundaries.
* @param egoRad radius to use as a boundary stop for level borders (usually use the same dimensions as your ego object)
public EgoController(double egoRad) {
this.rad = egoRad;
* constructor that gives the ego controller a width and height to stop the ego object when it reaches the level boundaries.
* @param width width to use as a boundary stop for level borders (usually use the same dimensions as your ego object)
* @param height height to use as a boundary stop for level borders (usually use the same dimensions as your ego object)
public EgoController(double width, double height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
public void onUp(KeyEvent kc, GameObject ego) {
public void onDown(KeyEvent kc, GameObject ego) {
public void onLeft(KeyEvent kc, GameObject ego) {
public void onRight(KeyEvent kc, GameObject ego) {
public void onStop(KeyEvent kc, GameObject ego) {
ego.setComponentProperty("controller", "setDummy", "NEW");
ego.setComponentProperty("controller", "setDummy2", "XXX");
/** checks the position and respects level boundaries and own radius or width/height set on constructor.
* @return true if the object reached the boundaries of the level, false otherwise
public boolean stopObject() {
// check whether ego object is at level boundaries
// can use radius (rad) and width or height in one check as either rad or width/height is zero.
int pgSizeX = this.getPlayground().getSizeX();
int pgSizeY = this.getPlayground().getSizeY();
double ts = this.getTimestep();
if (this.getX() + rad + (width/2d) + this.getVX() * ts >= pgSizeX
|| this.getX() - rad - (width/2d) + this.getVX() * ts < 0) {
return true;
if (this.getY() + rad + (height/2d) + this.getVY() * ts >= pgSizeY
|| this.getY() - rad - (height/2d) + this.getVY() * ts < 0) {
return true;
return false;
/** behavior for shooting on key space
* @param e KeyEvent of the space key
* @param ego EgoObject instance (used to determine position of shot object's start)
public void onSpace(KeyEvent e, GameObject ego) {
pressedKey = lastPressedKey;
lastPressedKey = null;
// create unique name for object
// read Flag nextShot read (if not existing already it will be set)
// it will be updated by 1 and saved
Integer nextShot =
(Integer) this.getPlayground().getOrCreateLevelFlag("nextShot", Integer.valueOf(0));
String shotName = "simpleShot" + nextShot++;
this.getPlayground().setLevelFlag("nextShot", nextShot);
SimpleShotController simpleshot = new SimpleShotController();
GameObject ss = new RectObject(shotName, this.getPlayground(), ego.getX(), ego.getY(), 0,
-1. * SpaceInvadersLevel.SHOTSPEED, 4, 12, Color.CYAN).addController(simpleshot);
* updates position based on key events (mouse currently ignored)
public void updateObject() {
logger.trace("Playground inst is"+this.getPlayground()) ;
Stack<KeyEvent> keyEvents = this.getPlayground().getKeyEvents();
GameObject ego = this.gameObject;
while (!keyEvents.isEmpty()) {
KeyEvent e = keyEvents.pop();
boolean pressed = false;
boolean released = true;
int kc = e.getKeyCode();
if (e.paramString().indexOf("PRESSED") >= 0) {
pressed = true;
released = false;
* Generelle Idee: Wenn eine Taste gedrückt wird wird sie gespeichert. wenn die zuvor
* gespeicherte Taste wieder losgelassen wird stoppt das Ego-Objekt. Falls vor dem Loslassen
* eine andere Taste gedrückt wird, wird diese gespeichert und die alte vergessen. Dh das
* loslassen der alten Taste stoppt das Objekt nicht. Spezialfall: space, das loslassen von
* space stoppt das Objekt nicht!
if (pressed == true) {
lastPressedKey = pressedKey;
pressedKey = kc;
* Nur eine losgelassene Taste die auch vorher gedrückt wurde stoppt das Objekt. Eine
* losgelassene Taste die nicht vorher gedrückt wurde bzw vergessen wurde stoppt das Objekt
* nicht
if (released == true) {
if (pressedKey != null) {
if (pressedKey.equals(kc)) {
pressedKey = null;
if (kc == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
this.onLeft(e, ego);
if (kc == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {
this.onRight(e, ego);
if (kc == KeyEvent.VK_UP) {
this.onUp(e, ego);
if (kc == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) {
this.onDown(e, ego);
// stop
if (kc == KeyEvent.VK_Z) {
this.onStop(e, ego);
// shot
if (kc == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) {
// space is not registered! Releasing space does not stop the egoobject
this.onSpace(e, ego);
boolean stop = this.stopObject();
if (stop) {
// updateSpeed and position