Ein Roboter mit bürstenlosem Antrieb, differenzial und NRF24L01 Funk. Großflächig gebaut um ein großes Solarpanel aufzunehmen. https://gitlab.informatik.hs-fulda.de/fdai5253/roboter
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#pragma once
#ifndef shiftRegButtonLib_h
#define shiftRegButtonLib_h
#include <Arduino.h>
#define numberOfButtons 11
//definitions for buttons
#define buttonUp 0
#define buttonLeft 2
#define buttonRight 1
#define buttonDown 3
#define buttonL1 4
#define buttonStart 5
#define buttonSelect 6
#define buttonR1 7
#define buttonA 9
#define buttonB 10
#define buttonC 8
//Pin and PORT assignments for shiftRegister(s)
#define shiftDatPin 0x01 //D8
#define shiftClkPin 0x40 //D6
#define shiftInPin 0x02 //D9
#define shiftDatPORT PORTB
#define shiftDatDDR DDRB // Should be DDRx, x = port name (B, C, D, etc.)
#define shiftClkPORT PORTD
#define shiftClkDDR DDRD
#define shiftInPIN PINB
#define shiftInPORT PORTB
#define shiftInDDR DDRB
#define shiftDatLo (shiftDatPORT &= ~shiftDatPin)
#define shiftDatHi (shiftDatPORT |= shiftDatPin)
//74HC595 needs rising edge for sampling data
inline void shiftClk(void)
shiftClkPORT |= shiftClkPin;
shiftClkPORT &= ~shiftClkPin;
inline bool buttonsInput(void)
if((shiftInPIN &= shiftInPin) == 0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
class shiftRegButton {
//returns the state of a certain button
bool checkButton(uint8_t n);
checkButtonCycle(uint8_t n);
//clears the cycle flag of a certain button
clearButton(uint8_t buttonToBeCleared);
//clears all cycle flags
//return, if a certain button has been pressed (complete cycle, Hi-Lo-Hi)
bool getButtonCycle(uint8_t n);
//was any button pressed?
uint16_t getAnyPressed();
// volatile bool buttonsPressed[numberOfButtons]; //flags to represent the actual (debounced) state of a button, no clearing needed
volatile uint16_t buttonsPressed; //flags to represent the actual (debounced) state of a button, no clearing needed
// volatile bool buttonsCycle[numberOfButtons]; //flags to represent if a button did a whole hi-lo-hi cycle, clearing needed
volatile uint16_t buttonsCycle; //flags to represent if a button did a whole hi-lo-hi cycle, clearing needed
uint8_t buttonsTime[numberOfButtons]; //the time in milliseconds a button was actually pressed, no clearing needed, no overflow detection (max = 255ms)
// volatile bool cycleFlag[numberOfButtons];
volatile uint16_t cycleFlag;