/* // March 2014 - TMRh20 - Updated along with High Speed RF24 Library fork // Parts derived from examples by J. Coliz */ /** * Example for efficient call-response using ack-payloads * * This example continues to make use of all the normal functionality of the radios including * the auto-ack and auto-retry features, but allows ack-payloads to be written optionally as well. * This allows very fast call-response communication, with the responding radio never having to * switch out of Primary Receiver mode to send back a payload, but having the option to if wanting * to initiate communication instead of respond to a commmunication. */ #include #include "nRF24L01.h" #include "RF24.h" #include "printf.h" // Hardware configuration: Set up nRF24L01 radio on SPI bus plus pins 7 & 8 RF24 radio(7,8); // Topology const uint64_t pipes[2] = { 0xABCDABCD71LL, 0x544d52687CLL }; // Radio pipe addresses for the 2 nodes to communicate. // Role management: Set up role. This sketch uses the same software for all the nodes // in this system. Doing so greatly simplifies testing. typedef enum { role_ping_out = 1, role_pong_back } role_e; // The various roles supported by this sketch const char* role_friendly_name[] = { "invalid", "Ping out", "Pong back"}; // The debug-friendly names of those roles role_e role = role_pong_back; // The role of the current running sketch // A single byte to keep track of the data being sent back and forth byte counter = 1; void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); printf_begin(); Serial.print(F("\n\rRF24/examples/pingpair_ack/\n\rROLE: ")); Serial.println(role_friendly_name[role]); Serial.println(F("*** PRESS 'T' to begin transmitting to the other node")); // Setup and configure rf radio radio.begin(); radio.setAutoAck(1); // Ensure autoACK is enabled radio.enableAckPayload(); // Allow optional ack payloads radio.setRetries(0,15); // Smallest time between retries, max no. of retries radio.setPayloadSize(1); // Here we are sending 1-byte payloads to test the call-response speed radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[1]); // Both radios listen on the same pipes by default, and switch when writing radio.openReadingPipe(1,pipes[0]); radio.startListening(); // Start listening radio.printDetails(); // Dump the configuration of the rf unit for debugging } void loop(void) { if (role == role_ping_out){ radio.stopListening(); // First, stop listening so we can talk. printf("Now sending %d as payload. ",counter); byte gotByte; unsigned long time = micros(); // Take the time, and send it. This will block until complete //Called when STANDBY-I mode is engaged (User is finished sending) if (!radio.write( &counter, 1 )){ Serial.println(F("failed.")); }else{ if(!radio.available()){ Serial.println(F("Blank Payload Received.")); }else{ while(radio.available() ){ unsigned long tim = micros(); radio.read( &gotByte, 1 ); printf("Got response %d, round-trip delay: %lu microseconds\n\r",gotByte,tim-time); counter++; } } } // Try again later delay(1000); } // Pong back role. Receive each packet, dump it out, and send it back if ( role == role_pong_back ) { byte pipeNo; byte gotByte; // Dump the payloads until we've gotten everything while( radio.available(&pipeNo)){ radio.read( &gotByte, 1 ); radio.writeAckPayload(pipeNo,&gotByte, 1 ); } } // Change roles if ( Serial.available() ) { char c = toupper(Serial.read()); if ( c == 'T' && role == role_pong_back ) { Serial.println(F("*** CHANGING TO TRANSMIT ROLE -- PRESS 'R' TO SWITCH BACK")); role = role_ping_out; // Become the primary transmitter (ping out) radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[0]); radio.openReadingPipe(1,pipes[1]); } else if ( c == 'R' && role == role_ping_out ) { Serial.println(F("*** CHANGING TO RECEIVE ROLE -- PRESS 'T' TO SWITCH BACK")); role = role_pong_back; // Become the primary receiver (pong back) radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[1]); radio.openReadingPipe(1,pipes[0]); radio.startListening(); } } }