/* TMRh20 2014 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. */ /** General Data Transfer Rate Test * This example demonstrates basic data transfer functionality with the updated library. This example will display the transfer rates acheived using the slower form of high-speed transfer using blocking-writes. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // // Hardware configuration // /****************** Raspberry Pi ***********************/ // Radio CE Pin, CSN Pin, SPI Speed // See http://www.airspayce.com/mikem/bcm2835/group__constants.html#ga63c029bd6500167152db4e57736d0939 and the related enumerations for pin information. // Setup for GPIO 22 CE and CE0 CSN with SPI Speed @ 4Mhz //RF24 radio(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_22, BCM2835_SPI_CS0, BCM2835_SPI_SPEED_4MHZ); // NEW: Setup for RPi B+ //RF24 radio(RPI_BPLUS_GPIO_J8_15,RPI_BPLUS_GPIO_J8_24, BCM2835_SPI_SPEED_8MHZ); // Setup for GPIO 15 CE and CE0 CSN with SPI Speed @ 8Mhz RF24 radio(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_15, RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_24, BCM2835_SPI_SPEED_8MHZ); /*** RPi Alternate ***/ //Note: Specify SPI BUS 0 or 1 instead of CS pin number. // See http://tmrh20.github.io/RF24/RPi.html for more information on usage //RPi Alternate, with MRAA //RF24 radio(15,0); //RPi Alternate, with SPIDEV - Note: Edit RF24/arch/BBB/spi.cpp and set 'this->device = "/dev/spidev0.0";;' or as listed in /dev //RF24 radio(22,0); /****************** Linux (BBB,x86,etc) ***********************/ // See http://tmrh20.github.io/RF24/pages.html for more information on usage // See http://iotdk.intel.com/docs/master/mraa/ for more information on MRAA // See https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/spi/spidev for more information on SPIDEV // Setup for ARM(Linux) devices like BBB using spidev (default is "/dev/spidev1.0" ) //RF24 radio(115,0); //BBB Alternate, with mraa // CE pin = (Header P9, Pin 13) = 59 = 13 + 46 //Note: Specify SPI BUS 0 or 1 instead of CS pin number. //RF24 radio(59,0); /**************************************************************/ // Radio pipe addresses for the 2 nodes to communicate. const uint64_t addresses[2] = { 0xABCDABCD71LL, 0x544d52687CLL }; uint8_t data[32]; unsigned long startTime, stopTime, counter, rxTimer=0; void intHandler() { //Read as long data is available //Single interrupts may be lost if a lot of data comes in. while(radio.available()) { radio.read(&data,32); counter++; } } int main(int argc, char** argv){ bool role_ping_out = 1, role_pong_back = 0; bool role = 0; // Print preamble: cout << "RF24/examples/Transfer/\n"; radio.begin(); // Setup and configure rf radio radio.setChannel(1); radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_MAX); radio.setDataRate(RF24_1MBPS); radio.setAutoAck(1); // Ensure autoACK is enabled radio.setRetries(2,15); // Optionally, increase the delay between retries & # of retries radio.setCRCLength(RF24_CRC_8); // Use 8-bit CRC for performance radio.printDetails(); /********* Role chooser ***********/ printf("\n ************ Role Setup ***********\n"); string input = ""; char myChar = {0}; cout << "Choose a role: Enter 0 for receiver, 1 for transmitter (CTRL+C to exit)\n>"; getline(cin,input); attachInterrupt(23, INT_EDGE_FALLING, intHandler); //Attach interrupt to bcm pin 23 if(input.length() == 1) { myChar = input[0]; if(myChar == '0'){ cout << "Role: Pong Back, awaiting transmission " << endl << endl; }else{ cout << "Role: Ping Out, starting transmission " << endl << endl; role = role_ping_out; } } /***********************************/ if ( role == role_ping_out ) { radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[1]); radio.openReadingPipe(1,addresses[0]); radio.stopListening(); } else { radio.openWritingPipe(addresses[0]); radio.openReadingPipe(1,addresses[1]); radio.startListening(); } for(int i=0; i<32; i++){ data[i] = rand() % 255; //Load the buffer with random data } // forever loop while (1) { if (role == role_ping_out){ sleep(2); printf("Initiating Basic Data Transfer\n\r"); long int cycles = 10000; //Change this to a higher or lower number. // unsigned long pauseTime = millis(); //Uncomment if autoAck == 1 ( NOACK ) startTime = millis(); for(int i=0; i 3){ // Need to drop out of TX mode every 4ms if sending a steady stream of multicast data pauseTime = millis(); radio.txStandBy(); // This gives the PLL time to sync back up } */ } stopTime = millis(); if(!radio.txStandBy()){ counter+=3; } float numBytes = cycles*32; float rate = numBytes / (stopTime - startTime); printf("Transfer complete at %.2f KB/s \n\r",rate); printf("%lu of %lu Packets Failed to Send\n\r",counter,cycles); counter = 0; } if(role == role_pong_back) { if(millis() - rxTimer > 1000){ rxTimer = millis(); printf("Rate: "); float numBytes = counter*32; printf("%.2f KB/s \n\r",numBytes/1000); printf("Payload Count: %lu \n\r", counter); counter = 0; } delay(2); } } // loop } // main