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#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
void inline clearCommands() { for(uint8_t i=0; i<32; i++) { commands[i] = 0xFF; } }
void setup() { remoteControlInit(); funkInit(); Serial.begin(115200); driveTimeout = 50; /*
commands[0] = speedA; commands[1] = 0xFF & (pwmA >> 8); commands[2] = 0xFF & pwmA; commands[3] = speedB; commands[4] = 0xFF & (pwmB >> 8); commands[5] = 0xFF & pwmB;
commands[6] = goDrive;
commands[9] = timeToDrive; commands[10] = 0xFF & (driveTimeout >> 8); commands[11] = 0xFF & driveTimeout; */ clearCommands(); }
void loop() { //char text[32] = "Hello";
// radio.write(&commands, sizeof(commands));
manualDrive(); }
void lcdMenu() { lcd.println("Platzhalter"); if(tasten.getButtonCycle(buttonUp)) {
tasten.clearAllButtons(); } if(tasten.getButtonCycle(buttonDown)) {
tasten.clearAllButtons(); } }
void manualDrive() { bool goOn = false; while(!tasten.getButtonCycle(buttonStart)) { clearCommands(); if(!tasten.getAnyPressed()) { lcd.clear(); lcd.println("Warte..."); } if(tasten.checkButton(buttonB) || tasten.checkButton(buttonUp)) { pwmA = -215; pwmB = -255; // tasten.clearButton(buttonB);
lcd.clear(); lcd.println("geradeaus fahren"); goOn =true; } if(tasten.checkButton(buttonC) || tasten.checkButton(buttonDown)) { pwmA = 100; pwmB = 255; // tasten.clearButton(buttonC);
lcd.clear(); lcd.println("rueckwaerts fahren"); goOn =true; } if(tasten.checkButton(buttonRight)) { pwmA = -100; //rechter Motor
pwmB = 100; //tasten.clearButton(buttonRight);
lcd.clear(); lcd.println("rechts lenken"); goOn =true; } if(tasten.checkButton(buttonLeft)) { pwmB = -100; pwmA = 100; //tasten.clearButton(buttonLeft);
lcd.clear(); lcd.println("links lenken"); goOn =true; } if(goOn) { commands[0] = speedA; commands[1] = highByte(pwmA); commands[2] = lowByte(pwmA); commands[3] = speedB; commands[4] = highByte(pwmB); commands[5] = lowByte(pwmB); commands[6] = timeToDrive; commands[7] = highByte(driveTimeout); commands[8] = lowByte(driveTimeout); commands[9] = goDrive; radio.write(&commands, sizeof(commands)); goOn = false; } } tasten.clearAllButtons(); }
ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect) { // called by timer2
tasten.checkButtons(); //Aufruf 1-mal pro Millisekunde