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* modularer Mini Roboter mit diversen Sensoren * * */ //Funk
#include <SPI.h>
#include <nRF24L01.h>
#include <RF24.h>
#define CE A0
#define CSN 3
RF24 radio(A0, 3); // CE, CSN
byte commands[32]; //byte 0 = command
void inline clearCommands() { for(uint8_t i=0; i<32; i++) { commands[i] = 0xFF; } }
const byte address[6] = "00001"; const byte address2[6] = "00002"; //Kommandos
#define nothing 9 //reset/nichts tun
#define speedA 1 // set speed A + speed
#define dirA 2 // set direction A + dir
#define speedB 3 // set speed B + speed
#define dirB 4 // set direction B + dir
#define goDrive 5 //go + time to go
#define stopDrive 6 //stop
#define getTemp 7 //get temperature
#define timeToDrive 8 //Zeitdauer des fahrens
#define getDistance 10 //Abstand zu Objekten
//#include <MX1508.h>
#include <L298N.h>
#define BEEP 14
#define PWM_PINA 10
#define PINA 8
#define PWM_PINB 9
#define PINB 7
#define NUMPWM 1
#define RESOLUTION 255 */
L298N drive;
volatile int pwmA = 0; volatile int pwmB = 0; bool forwardA = true; bool forwardB = true; volatile bool driveOn = false;
volatile long driveTimeout = 0; volatile long driveTimeDiff = 0;
volatile bool startNewMeasurement = true;
volatile uint32_t pulseStart = 0; volatile uint32_t pulseLength = 1;
volatile bool newResult = false;
uint32_t timer = 0; int16_t temperature = 0; uint16_t distance = 50;
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); // motorA.setPWM16(2,RESOLUTION);
// motorB.setPWM16(2,RESOLUTION);
radio.begin(); radio.openWritingPipe(address2); radio.openReadingPipe(1, address); radio.setPALevel(RF24_PA_MAX); radio.startListening(); clearCommands(); //Temperatur- und Abstandsmessung
setEchoPins(A2, 6); //16: A2, 6: D6
tempDistSetup(); timer = millis(); }
void loop() { //Temperatur- und Abstandsmessung
if((millis() - timer) >= 100){ temperature = dallas(4, 0); if(startNewMeasurement) { measureDistance(); } timer = millis(); } if(newResult) { // Serial.println("berechnen");
distance = calculateDistance(); } if (radio.available()) {, sizeof(commands)); commandInterpretation(); } //Antrieb abschalten wenn kein neuer Fahrbefehl kommt
if(((millis() - driveTimeDiff) > driveTimeout)) { pwmA = 0; pwmB = 0; }
//Wenn Mindestdistanz unterschritten, stopp
if(distance < 20){ if(pwmA < 0 && pwmB < 0){ pwmA = 0; pwmB = 0; } } drive.setPWM_A(pwmA); drive.setPWM_B(pwmB); }
void commandInterpretation() { for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 28; i += 3) { switch(commands[i]) { case nothing : { pwmA = 0; pwmB = 0; forwardA = true; forwardB = true; driveOn = false; break; } case speedA : { int temp1; temp1 = (0xFF00 & (commands[i+1] << 8)); temp1 |= (0x00FF & commands[i+2]); pwmA = temp1; break; } case dirA : { bool temp2 = commands[i+2]; break; } case speedB : { int temp3; temp3 = (0xFF00 & (commands[i+1] << 8)); temp3 |= (0x00FF & commands[i+2]); pwmB = temp3; break; } case dirB : { bool temp4; temp4 = commands[i+2]; break; } case goDrive : { driveOn = true; break; } case stopDrive : { driveOn = false; break; } case getTemp : { //Serial.println("Senden!");
radio.stopListening(); int16_t sendData = temperature; radio.write(&sendData, sizeof(int16_t)); radio.startListening(); break; } case timeToDrive : { uint16_t driveTime = 0; driveTime = (0xFF00 & (commands[i+1] << 8)); driveTime |= (0x00FF & commands[i+2]); driveTimeout = (long)driveTime; driveTimeDiff = millis(); //Serial.println(driveTimeout);
break; } default : { break; } } } clearCommands(); }