/* bcm2835.c
// C and C++ support for Broadcom BCM 2835 as used in Raspberry Pi
// http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals
// http://www.raspberrypi.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/BCM2835-ARM-Peripherals.pdf
// Author: Mike McCauley
// Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Mike McCauley
// $Id: bcm2835.c,v 1.25 2018/01/16 21:55:07 mikem Exp mikem $
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "bcm2835.h"
/* This define enables a little test program (by default a blinking output on pin RPI_GPIO_PIN_11)
// You can do some safe, non-destructive testing on any platform with:
// gcc bcm2835.c -D BCM2835_TEST
// ./a.out
*/ /*#define BCM2835_TEST*/
/* Uncommenting this define compiles alternative I2C code for the version 1 RPi
// The P1 header I2C pins are connected to SDA0 and SCL0 on V1.
// By default I2C code is generated for the V2 RPi which has SDA1 and SCL1 connected.
*/ /* #define I2C_V1*/
/* Physical address and size of the peripherals block
// May be overridden on RPi2
*/ uint32_t *bcm2835_peripherals_base = (uint32_t *)BCM2835_PERI_BASE; uint32_t bcm2835_peripherals_size = BCM2835_PERI_SIZE;
/* Virtual memory address of the mapped peripherals block
*/ uint32_t *bcm2835_peripherals = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED;
/* And the register bases within the peripherals block
*/ volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_gpio = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_pwm = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_clk = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_pads = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_spi0 = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_bsc0 = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_bsc1 = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_st = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_aux = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; volatile uint32_t *bcm2835_spi1 = (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED;
/* This variable allows us to test on hardware other than RPi.
// It prevents access to the kernel memory, and does not do any peripheral access
// Instead it prints out what it _would_ do if debug were 0
*/ static uint8_t debug = 0;
/* I2C The time needed to transmit one byte. In microseconds.
*/ static int i2c_byte_wait_us = 0;
// Time for millis()
static unsigned long long epoch ;
// Low level register access functions
/* Function to return the pointers to the hardware register bases */ uint32_t* bcm2835_regbase(uint8_t regbase) { switch (regbase) { case BCM2835_REGBASE_ST: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_st; case BCM2835_REGBASE_GPIO: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_gpio; case BCM2835_REGBASE_PWM: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_pwm; case BCM2835_REGBASE_CLK: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_clk; case BCM2835_REGBASE_PADS: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_pads; case BCM2835_REGBASE_SPI0: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_spi0; case BCM2835_REGBASE_BSC0: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_bsc0; case BCM2835_REGBASE_BSC1: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_st; case BCM2835_REGBASE_AUX: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_aux; case BCM2835_REGBASE_SPI1: return (uint32_t *)bcm2835_spi1;
} return (uint32_t *)MAP_FAILED; }
void bcm2835_set_debug(uint8_t d) { debug = d; }
unsigned int bcm2835_version(void) { return BCM2835_VERSION; }
/* Read with memory barriers from peripheral
* */ uint32_t bcm2835_peri_read(volatile uint32_t* paddr) { uint32_t ret; if (debug) { printf("bcm2835_peri_read paddr %p\n", (void *) paddr); return 0; } else { __sync_synchronize(); ret = *paddr; __sync_synchronize(); return ret; } }
/* read from peripheral without the read barrier
* This can only be used if more reads to THE SAME peripheral * will follow. The sequence must terminate with memory barrier * before any read or write to another peripheral can occur. * The MB can be explicit, or one of the barrier read/write calls. */ uint32_t bcm2835_peri_read_nb(volatile uint32_t* paddr) { if (debug) { printf("bcm2835_peri_read_nb paddr %p\n", paddr); return 0; } else { return *paddr; } }
/* Write with memory barriers to peripheral
void bcm2835_peri_write(volatile uint32_t* paddr, uint32_t value) { if (debug) { printf("bcm2835_peri_write paddr %p, value %08X\n", paddr, value); } else { __sync_synchronize(); *paddr = value; __sync_synchronize(); } }
/* write to peripheral without the write barrier */ void bcm2835_peri_write_nb(volatile uint32_t* paddr, uint32_t value) { if (debug) { printf("bcm2835_peri_write_nb paddr %p, value %08X\n", paddr, value); } else { *paddr = value; } }
/* Set/clear only the bits in value covered by the mask
* This is not atomic - can be interrupted. */ void bcm2835_peri_set_bits(volatile uint32_t* paddr, uint32_t value, uint32_t mask) { uint32_t v = bcm2835_peri_read(paddr); v = (v & ~mask) | (value & mask); bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, v); }
// Low level convenience functions
/* Function select
// pin is a BCM2835 GPIO pin number NOT RPi pin number
// There are 6 control registers, each control the functions of a block
// of 10 pins.
// Each control register has 10 sets of 3 bits per GPIO pin:
// 000 = GPIO Pin X is an input
// 001 = GPIO Pin X is an output
// 100 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 0
// 101 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 1
// 110 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 2
// 111 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 3
// 011 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 4
// 010 = GPIO Pin X takes alternate function 5
// So the 3 bits for port X are:
// X / 10 + ((X % 10) * 3)
*/ void bcm2835_gpio_fsel(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode) { /* Function selects are 10 pins per 32 bit word, 3 bits per pin */ volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPFSEL0/4 + (pin/10); uint8_t shift = (pin % 10) * 3; uint32_t mask = BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_MASK << shift; uint32_t value = mode << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, value, mask); }
/* Set output pin */ void bcm2835_gpio_set(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPSET0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, 1 << shift); }
/* Clear output pin */ void bcm2835_gpio_clr(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPCLR0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, 1 << shift); }
/* Set all output pins in the mask */ void bcm2835_gpio_set_multi(uint32_t mask) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPSET0/4; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, mask); }
/* Clear all output pins in the mask */ void bcm2835_gpio_clr_multi(uint32_t mask) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPCLR0/4; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, mask); }
/* Read input pin */ uint8_t bcm2835_gpio_lev(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPLEV0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = bcm2835_peri_read(paddr); return (value & (1 << shift)) ? HIGH : LOW; }
/* See if an event detection bit is set
// Sigh cant support interrupts yet
*/ uint8_t bcm2835_gpio_eds(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPEDS0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = bcm2835_peri_read(paddr); return (value & (1 << shift)) ? HIGH : LOW; }
uint32_t bcm2835_gpio_eds_multi(uint32_t mask) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPEDS0/4; uint32_t value = bcm2835_peri_read(paddr); return (value & mask); }
/* Write a 1 to clear the bit in EDS */ void bcm2835_gpio_set_eds(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPEDS0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, value); }
void bcm2835_gpio_set_eds_multi(uint32_t mask) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPEDS0/4; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, mask); }
/* Rising edge detect enable */ void bcm2835_gpio_ren(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPREN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, value, value); } void bcm2835_gpio_clr_ren(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPREN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, value); }
/* Falling edge detect enable */ void bcm2835_gpio_fen(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPFEN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, value, value); } void bcm2835_gpio_clr_fen(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPFEN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, value); }
/* High detect enable */ void bcm2835_gpio_hen(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPHEN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, value, value); } void bcm2835_gpio_clr_hen(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPHEN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, value); }
/* Low detect enable */ void bcm2835_gpio_len(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPLEN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, value, value); } void bcm2835_gpio_clr_len(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPLEN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, value); }
/* Async rising edge detect enable */ void bcm2835_gpio_aren(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPAREN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, value, value); } void bcm2835_gpio_clr_aren(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPAREN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, value); }
/* Async falling edge detect enable */ void bcm2835_gpio_afen(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPAFEN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, value, value); } void bcm2835_gpio_clr_afen(uint8_t pin) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPAFEN0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; uint32_t value = 1 << shift; bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, value); }
/* Set pullup/down */ void bcm2835_gpio_pud(uint8_t pud) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPPUD/4; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, pud); }
/* Pullup/down clock
// Clocks the value of pud into the GPIO pin
*/ void bcm2835_gpio_pudclk(uint8_t pin, uint8_t on) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_gpio + BCM2835_GPPUDCLK0/4 + pin/32; uint8_t shift = pin % 32; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, (on ? 1 : 0) << shift); }
/* Read GPIO pad behaviour for groups of GPIOs */ uint32_t bcm2835_gpio_pad(uint8_t group) { if (bcm2835_pads == MAP_FAILED) return 0; volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_pads + BCM2835_PADS_GPIO_0_27/4 + group; return bcm2835_peri_read(paddr); }
/* Set GPIO pad behaviour for groups of GPIOs
// powerup value for all pads is
*/ void bcm2835_gpio_set_pad(uint8_t group, uint32_t control) { if (bcm2835_pads == MAP_FAILED) return; volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_pads + BCM2835_PADS_GPIO_0_27/4 + group; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, control | BCM2835_PAD_PASSWRD); }
/* Some convenient arduino-like functions
// milliseconds
*/ void bcm2835_delay(unsigned int millis) { struct timespec sleeper; sleeper.tv_sec = (time_t)(millis / 1000); sleeper.tv_nsec = (long)(millis % 1000) * 1000000; nanosleep(&sleeper, NULL); }
/* microseconds */ void bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(uint64_t micros) { struct timespec t1; uint64_t start; if (debug) { /* Cant access sytem timers in debug mode */ printf("bcm2835_delayMicroseconds %lld\n", (long long int) micros); return; }
/* Calling nanosleep() takes at least 100-200 us, so use it for
// long waits and use a busy wait on the System Timer for the rest.
*/ start = bcm2835_st_read(); /* Not allowed to access timer registers (result is not as precise)*/ if (start==0) { t1.tv_sec = 0; t1.tv_nsec = 1000 * (long)(micros); nanosleep(&t1, NULL); return; }
if (micros > 450) { t1.tv_sec = 0; t1.tv_nsec = 1000 * (long)(micros - 200); nanosleep(&t1, NULL); } bcm2835_st_delay(start, micros); }
// This function is added in order to simulate arduino millis() function
unsigned int bcm2835_millis(void) { struct timeval now; unsigned long long ms;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
ms = (now.tv_sec * 1000000 + now.tv_usec) / 1000 ;
return ((uint32_t) (ms - epoch )); }
// Higher level convenience functions
/* Set the state of an output */ void bcm2835_gpio_write(uint8_t pin, uint8_t on) { if (on) bcm2835_gpio_set(pin); else bcm2835_gpio_clr(pin); }
/* Set the state of a all 32 outputs in the mask to on or off */ void bcm2835_gpio_write_multi(uint32_t mask, uint8_t on) { if (on) bcm2835_gpio_set_multi(mask); else bcm2835_gpio_clr_multi(mask); }
/* Set the state of a all 32 outputs in the mask to the values in value */ void bcm2835_gpio_write_mask(uint32_t value, uint32_t mask) { bcm2835_gpio_set_multi(value & mask); bcm2835_gpio_clr_multi((~value) & mask); }
/* Set the pullup/down resistor for a pin
// The GPIO Pull-up/down Clock Registers control the actuation of internal pull-downs on
// the respective GPIO pins. These registers must be used in conjunction with the GPPUD
// register to effect GPIO Pull-up/down changes. The following sequence of events is
// required:
// 1. Write to GPPUD to set the required control signal (i.e. Pull-up or Pull-Down or neither
// to remove the current Pull-up/down)
// 2. Wait 150 cycles ? this provides the required set-up time for the control signal
// 3. Write to GPPUDCLK0/1 to clock the control signal into the GPIO pads you wish to
// modify ? NOTE only the pads which receive a clock will be modified, all others will
// retain their previous state.
// 4. Wait 150 cycles ? this provides the required hold time for the control signal
// 5. Write to GPPUD to remove the control signal
// 6. Write to GPPUDCLK0/1 to remove the clock
// RPi has P1-03 and P1-05 with 1k8 pullup resistor
*/ void bcm2835_gpio_set_pud(uint8_t pin, uint8_t pud) { bcm2835_gpio_pud(pud); delayMicroseconds(10); bcm2835_gpio_pudclk(pin, 1); delayMicroseconds(10); bcm2835_gpio_pud(BCM2835_GPIO_PUD_OFF); bcm2835_gpio_pudclk(pin, 0); }
int bcm2835_spi_begin(void) { volatile uint32_t* paddr;
if (bcm2835_spi0 == MAP_FAILED) return 0; /* bcm2835_init() failed, or not root */ /* Set the SPI0 pins to the Alt 0 function to enable SPI0 access on them */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_26, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0); /* CE1 */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_24, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0); /* CE0 */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_21, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0); /* MISO */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_19, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0); /* MOSI */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_23, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0); /* CLK */ /* Set the SPI CS register to the some sensible defaults */ paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, 0); /* All 0s */ /* Clear TX and RX fifos */ bcm2835_peri_write_nb(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR);
return 1; // OK
void bcm2835_spi_end(void) { /* Set all the SPI0 pins back to input */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_26, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* CE1 */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_24, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* CE0 */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_21, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* MISO */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_19, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* MOSI */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_23, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* CLK */ }
void bcm2835_spi_setBitOrder(uint8_t __attribute__((unused)) order) { /* BCM2835_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSBFIRST is the only one supported by SPI0 */ }
/* defaults to 0, which means a divider of 65536.
// The divisor must be a power of 2. Odd numbers
// rounded down. The maximum SPI clock rate is
// of the APB clock
*/ void bcm2835_spi_setClockDivider(uint16_t divider) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CLK/4; bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, divider); }
void bcm2835_spi_setDataMode(uint8_t mode) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4; /* Mask in the CPO and CPHA bits of CS */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, mode << 2, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CPOL | BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CPHA); }
/* Writes (and reads) a single byte to SPI */ uint8_t bcm2835_spi_transfer(uint8_t value) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_FIFO/4; uint32_t ret;
/* This is Polled transfer as per section 10.6.1
// BUG ALERT: what happens if we get interupted in this section, and someone else
// accesses a different peripheral?
// Clear TX and RX fifos
*/ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR);
/* Set TA = 1 */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA);
/* Maybe wait for TXD */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TXD)) ;
/* Write to FIFO, no barrier */ bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, value);
/* Wait for DONE to be set */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read_nb(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE)) ;
/* Read any byte that was sent back by the slave while we sere sending to it */ ret = bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo);
/* Set TA = 0, and also set the barrier */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA);
return ret; }
/* Writes (and reads) an number of bytes to SPI */ void bcm2835_spi_transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_FIFO/4; uint32_t TXCnt=0; uint32_t RXCnt=0;
/* This is Polled transfer as per section 10.6.1
// BUG ALERT: what happens if we get interupted in this section, and someone else
// accesses a different peripheral?
/* Clear TX and RX fifos */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR);
/* Set TA = 1 */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA);
/* Use the FIFO's to reduce the interbyte times */ while((TXCnt < len)||(RXCnt < len)) { /* TX fifo not full, so add some more bytes */ while(((bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TXD))&&(TXCnt < len )) { bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, tbuf[TXCnt]); TXCnt++; } /* Rx fifo not empty, so get the next received bytes */ while(((bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXD))&&( RXCnt < len )) { rbuf[RXCnt] = bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo); RXCnt++; } } /* Wait for DONE to be set */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read_nb(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE)) ;
/* Set TA = 0, and also set the barrier */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA); }
/* Writes an number of bytes to SPI */ void bcm2835_spi_writenb(const char* tbuf, uint32_t len) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_FIFO/4; uint32_t i;
/* This is Polled transfer as per section 10.6.1
// BUG ALERT: what happens if we get interupted in this section, and someone else
// accesses a different peripheral?
// Answer: an ISR is required to issue the required memory barriers.
/* Clear TX and RX fifos */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR);
/* Set TA = 1 */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* Maybe wait for TXD */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TXD)) ; /* Write to FIFO, no barrier */ bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, tbuf[i]); /* Read from FIFO to prevent stalling */ while (bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXD) (void) bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo); } /* Wait for DONE to be set */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read_nb(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE)) { while (bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXD) (void) bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo); };
/* Set TA = 0, and also set the barrier */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA); }
/* Writes (and reads) an number of bytes to SPI
// Read bytes are copied over onto the transmit buffer
*/ void bcm2835_spi_transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len) { bcm2835_spi_transfernb(buf, buf, len); }
void bcm2835_spi_chipSelect(uint8_t cs) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4; /* Mask in the CS bits of CS */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, cs, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CS); }
void bcm2835_spi_setChipSelectPolarity(uint8_t cs, uint8_t active) { volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4; uint8_t shift = 21 + cs; /* Mask in the appropriate CSPOLn bit */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, active << shift, 1 << shift); }
void bcm2835_spi_write(uint16_t data) { #if 0
char buf[2];
buf[0] = data >> 8; buf[1] = data & 0xFF;
bcm2835_spi_transfern(buf, 2); #else
volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_FIFO/4;
/* Clear TX and RX fifos */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR);
/* Set TA = 1 */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA);
/* Maybe wait for TXD */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TXD)) ;
/* Write to FIFO */ bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, (uint32_t) data >> 8); bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, data & 0xFF);
/* Wait for DONE to be set */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read_nb(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE)) ;
/* Set TA = 0, and also set the barrier */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA); #endif
int bcm2835_aux_spi_begin(void) { volatile uint32_t* enable = bcm2835_aux + BCM2835_AUX_ENABLE/4; volatile uint32_t* cntl0 = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0/4; volatile uint32_t* cntl1 = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL1/4;
if (bcm2835_spi1 == MAP_FAILED) return 0; /* bcm2835_init() failed, or not root */
/* Set the SPI pins to the Alt 4 function to enable SPI1 access on them */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_36, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT4); /* SPI1_CE2_N */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_35, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT4); /* SPI1_MISO */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_38, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT4); /* SPI1_MOSI */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_40, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT4); /* SPI1_SCLK */
bcm2835_aux_spi_setClockDivider(bcm2835_aux_spi_CalcClockDivider(1000000)); // Default 1MHz SPI
bcm2835_peri_write(enable, BCM2835_AUX_ENABLE_SPI0); bcm2835_peri_write(cntl1, 0); bcm2835_peri_write(cntl0, BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_CLEARFIFO);
return 1; /* OK */ }
void bcm2835_aux_spi_end(void) { /* Set all the SPI1 pins back to input */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_36, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* SPI1_CE2_N */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_35, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* SPI1_MISO */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_38, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* SPI1_MOSI */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_40, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* SPI1_SCLK */ }
#define DIV_ROUND_UP(n,d) (((n) + (d) - 1) / (d))
uint16_t bcm2835_aux_spi_CalcClockDivider(uint32_t speed_hz) { uint16_t divider;
if (speed_hz < (uint32_t) BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CLOCK_MIN) { speed_hz = (uint32_t) BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CLOCK_MIN; } else if (speed_hz > (uint32_t) BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CLOCK_MAX) { speed_hz = (uint32_t) BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CLOCK_MAX; }
divider = (uint16_t) DIV_ROUND_UP(BCM2835_CORE_CLK_HZ, 2 * speed_hz) - 1;
if (divider > (uint16_t) BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_SPEED_MAX) { return (uint16_t) BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_SPEED_MAX; }
return divider; }
static uint32_t spi1_speed;
void bcm2835_aux_spi_setClockDivider(uint16_t divider) { spi1_speed = (uint32_t) divider; }
void bcm2835_aux_spi_write(uint16_t data) { volatile uint32_t* cntl0 = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0/4; volatile uint32_t* cntl1 = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL1/4; volatile uint32_t* stat = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_STAT/4; volatile uint32_t* io = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_IO/4;
uint32_t _cntl0 = (spi1_speed << BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_SPEED_SHIFT); _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_CS2_N; _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_ENABLE; _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_MSBF_OUT; _cntl0 |= 16; // Shift length
bcm2835_peri_write(cntl0, _cntl0); bcm2835_peri_write(cntl1, BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL1_MSBF_IN);
while (bcm2835_peri_read(stat) & BCM2835_AUX_SPI_STAT_TX_FULL) ;
bcm2835_peri_write(io, (uint32_t) data << 16); }
void bcm2835_aux_spi_writenb(const char *tbuf, uint32_t len) { volatile uint32_t* cntl0 = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0/4; volatile uint32_t* cntl1 = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL1/4; volatile uint32_t* stat = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_STAT/4; volatile uint32_t* txhold = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_TXHOLD/4; volatile uint32_t* io = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_IO/4;
char *tx = (char *) tbuf; uint32_t tx_len = len; uint32_t count; uint32_t data; uint32_t i; uint8_t byte;
uint32_t _cntl0 = (spi1_speed << BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_SPEED_SHIFT); _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_CS2_N; _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_ENABLE; _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_MSBF_OUT; _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_VAR_WIDTH;
bcm2835_peri_write(cntl0, _cntl0); bcm2835_peri_write(cntl1, BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL1_MSBF_IN);
while (tx_len > 0) {
while (bcm2835_peri_read(stat) & BCM2835_AUX_SPI_STAT_TX_FULL) ;
count = MIN(tx_len, 3); data = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { byte = (tx != NULL) ? (uint8_t) *tx++ : (uint8_t) 0; data |= byte << (8 * (2 - i)); }
data |= (count * 8) << 24; tx_len -= count;
if (tx_len != 0) { bcm2835_peri_write(txhold, data); } else { bcm2835_peri_write(io, data); }
while (bcm2835_peri_read(stat) & BCM2835_AUX_SPI_STAT_BUSY) ;
(void) bcm2835_peri_read(io); } }
void bcm2835_aux_spi_transfernb(const char *tbuf, char *rbuf, uint32_t len) { volatile uint32_t* cntl0 = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0/4; volatile uint32_t* cntl1 = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL1/4; volatile uint32_t* stat = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_STAT/4; volatile uint32_t* txhold = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_TXHOLD/4; volatile uint32_t* io = bcm2835_spi1 + BCM2835_AUX_SPI_IO/4;
char *tx = (char *)tbuf; char *rx = (char *)rbuf; uint32_t tx_len = len; uint32_t rx_len = len; uint32_t count; uint32_t data; uint32_t i; uint8_t byte;
uint32_t _cntl0 = (spi1_speed << BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_SPEED_SHIFT); _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_CS2_N; _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_ENABLE; _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_MSBF_OUT; _cntl0 |= BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL0_VAR_WIDTH;
bcm2835_peri_write(cntl0, _cntl0); bcm2835_peri_write(cntl1, BCM2835_AUX_SPI_CNTL1_MSBF_IN);
while ((tx_len > 0) || (rx_len > 0)) {
while (!(bcm2835_peri_read(stat) & BCM2835_AUX_SPI_STAT_TX_FULL) && (tx_len > 0)) { count = MIN(tx_len, 3); data = 0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { byte = (tx != NULL) ? (uint8_t) *tx++ : (uint8_t) 0; data |= byte << (8 * (2 - i)); }
data |= (count * 8) << 24; tx_len -= count;
if (tx_len != 0) { bcm2835_peri_write(txhold, data); } else { bcm2835_peri_write(io, data); }
while (!(bcm2835_peri_read(stat) & BCM2835_AUX_SPI_STAT_RX_EMPTY) && (rx_len > 0)) { count = MIN(rx_len, 3); data = bcm2835_peri_read(io);
if (rbuf != NULL) { switch (count) { case 3: *rx++ = (char)((data >> 16) & 0xFF); /*@fallthrough@*/ /* no break */ case 2: *rx++ = (char)((data >> 8) & 0xFF); /*@fallthrough@*/ /* no break */ case 1: *rx++ = (char)((data >> 0) & 0xFF); } }
rx_len -= count; }
while (!(bcm2835_peri_read(stat) & BCM2835_AUX_SPI_STAT_BUSY) && (rx_len > 0)) { count = MIN(rx_len, 3); data = bcm2835_peri_read(io);
if (rbuf != NULL) { switch (count) { case 3: *rx++ = (char)((data >> 16) & 0xFF); /*@fallthrough@*/ /* no break */ case 2: *rx++ = (char)((data >> 8) & 0xFF); /*@fallthrough@*/ /* no break */ case 1: *rx++ = (char)((data >> 0) & 0xFF); } }
rx_len -= count; } } }
void bcm2835_aux_spi_transfern(char *buf, uint32_t len) { bcm2835_aux_spi_transfernb(buf, buf, len); }
int bcm2835_i2c_begin(void) { uint16_t cdiv;
if ( bcm2835_bsc0 == MAP_FAILED || bcm2835_bsc1 == MAP_FAILED) return 0; /* bcm2835_init() failed, or not root */
#ifdef I2C_V1
volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_DIV/4; /* Set the I2C/BSC0 pins to the Alt 0 function to enable I2C access on them */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_03, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0); /* SDA */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_05, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0); /* SCL */ #else
volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_DIV/4; /* Set the I2C/BSC1 pins to the Alt 0 function to enable I2C access on them */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_03, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0); /* SDA */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_05, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_ALT0); /* SCL */ #endif
/* Read the clock divider register */ cdiv = bcm2835_peri_read(paddr); /* Calculate time for transmitting one byte
// 1000000 = micros seconds in a second
// 9 = Clocks per byte : 8 bits + ACK
*/ i2c_byte_wait_us = ((float)cdiv / BCM2835_CORE_CLK_HZ) * 1000000 * 9;
return 1; }
void bcm2835_i2c_end(void) { #ifdef I2C_V1
/* Set all the I2C/BSC0 pins back to input */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_03, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* SDA */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_05, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* SCL */ #else
/* Set all the I2C/BSC1 pins back to input */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_03, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* SDA */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_V2_GPIO_P1_05, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* SCL */ #endif
void bcm2835_i2c_setSlaveAddress(uint8_t addr) { /* Set I2C Device Address */ #ifdef I2C_V1
volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_A/4; #else
volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_A/4; #endif
bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, addr); }
/* defaults to 0x5dc, should result in a 166.666 kHz I2C clock frequency.
// The divisor must be a power of 2. Odd numbers
// rounded down.
*/ void bcm2835_i2c_setClockDivider(uint16_t divider) { #ifdef I2C_V1
volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_DIV/4; #else
volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_DIV/4; #endif
bcm2835_peri_write(paddr, divider); /* Calculate time for transmitting one byte
// 1000000 = micros seconds in a second
// 9 = Clocks per byte : 8 bits + ACK
*/ i2c_byte_wait_us = ((float)divider / BCM2835_CORE_CLK_HZ) * 1000000 * 9; }
/* set I2C clock divider by means of a baudrate number */ void bcm2835_i2c_set_baudrate(uint32_t baudrate) { uint32_t divider; /* use 0xFFFE mask to limit a max value and round down any odd number */ divider = (BCM2835_CORE_CLK_HZ / baudrate) & 0xFFFE; bcm2835_i2c_setClockDivider( (uint16_t)divider ); }
/* Writes an number of bytes to I2C */ uint8_t bcm2835_i2c_write(const char * buf, uint32_t len) { #ifdef I2C_V1
volatile uint32_t* dlen = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_DLEN/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_FIFO/4; volatile uint32_t* status = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_S/4; volatile uint32_t* control = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_C/4; #else
volatile uint32_t* dlen = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_DLEN/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_FIFO/4; volatile uint32_t* status = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_S/4; volatile uint32_t* control = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_C/4; #endif
uint32_t remaining = len; uint32_t i = 0; uint8_t reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_OK;
/* Clear FIFO */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_CLEAR_1 , BCM2835_BSC_C_CLEAR_1 ); /* Clear Status */ bcm2835_peri_write(status, BCM2835_BSC_S_CLKT | BCM2835_BSC_S_ERR | BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE); /* Set Data Length */ bcm2835_peri_write(dlen, len); /* pre populate FIFO with max buffer */ while( remaining && ( i < BCM2835_BSC_FIFO_SIZE ) ) { bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, buf[i]); i++; remaining--; } /* Enable device and start transfer */ bcm2835_peri_write(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_I2CEN | BCM2835_BSC_C_ST); /* Transfer is over when BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE */ while(!(bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE )) { while ( remaining && (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_TXD )) { /* Write to FIFO */ bcm2835_peri_write(fifo, buf[i]); i++; remaining--; } }
/* Received a NACK */ if (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_ERR) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_NACK; }
/* Received Clock Stretch Timeout */ else if (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_CLKT) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_CLKT; }
/* Not all data is sent */ else if (remaining) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_DATA; }
bcm2835_peri_set_bits(control, BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE , BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE);
return reason; }
/* Read an number of bytes from I2C */ uint8_t bcm2835_i2c_read(char* buf, uint32_t len) { #ifdef I2C_V1
volatile uint32_t* dlen = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_DLEN/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_FIFO/4; volatile uint32_t* status = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_S/4; volatile uint32_t* control = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_C/4; #else
volatile uint32_t* dlen = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_DLEN/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_FIFO/4; volatile uint32_t* status = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_S/4; volatile uint32_t* control = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_C/4; #endif
uint32_t remaining = len; uint32_t i = 0; uint8_t reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_OK;
/* Clear FIFO */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_CLEAR_1 , BCM2835_BSC_C_CLEAR_1 ); /* Clear Status */ bcm2835_peri_write_nb(status, BCM2835_BSC_S_CLKT | BCM2835_BSC_S_ERR | BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE); /* Set Data Length */ bcm2835_peri_write_nb(dlen, len); /* Start read */ bcm2835_peri_write_nb(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_I2CEN | BCM2835_BSC_C_ST | BCM2835_BSC_C_READ); /* wait for transfer to complete */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read_nb(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE)) { /* we must empty the FIFO as it is populated and not use any delay */ while (bcm2835_peri_read_nb(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_RXD) { /* Read from FIFO, no barrier */ buf[i] = bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo); i++; remaining--; } } /* transfer has finished - grab any remaining stuff in FIFO */ while (remaining && (bcm2835_peri_read_nb(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_RXD)) { /* Read from FIFO, no barrier */ buf[i] = bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo); i++; remaining--; } /* Received a NACK */ if (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_ERR) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_NACK; }
/* Received Clock Stretch Timeout */ else if (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_CLKT) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_CLKT; }
/* Not all data is received */ else if (remaining) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_DATA; }
bcm2835_peri_set_bits(control, BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE , BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE);
return reason; }
/* Read an number of bytes from I2C sending a repeated start after writing
// the required register. Only works if your device supports this mode
*/ uint8_t bcm2835_i2c_read_register_rs(char* regaddr, char* buf, uint32_t len) { #ifdef I2C_V1
volatile uint32_t* dlen = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_DLEN/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_FIFO/4; volatile uint32_t* status = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_S/4; volatile uint32_t* control = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_C/4; #else
volatile uint32_t* dlen = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_DLEN/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_FIFO/4; volatile uint32_t* status = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_S/4; volatile uint32_t* control = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_C/4; #endif
uint32_t remaining = len; uint32_t i = 0; uint8_t reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_OK; /* Clear FIFO */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_CLEAR_1 , BCM2835_BSC_C_CLEAR_1 ); /* Clear Status */ bcm2835_peri_write(status, BCM2835_BSC_S_CLKT | BCM2835_BSC_S_ERR | BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE); /* Set Data Length */ bcm2835_peri_write(dlen, 1); /* Enable device and start transfer */ bcm2835_peri_write(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_I2CEN); bcm2835_peri_write(fifo, regaddr[0]); bcm2835_peri_write(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_I2CEN | BCM2835_BSC_C_ST); /* poll for transfer has started */ while ( !( bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_TA ) ) { /* Linux may cause us to miss entire transfer stage */ if(bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE) break; } /* Send a repeated start with read bit set in address */ bcm2835_peri_write(dlen, len); bcm2835_peri_write(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_I2CEN | BCM2835_BSC_C_ST | BCM2835_BSC_C_READ ); /* Wait for write to complete and first byte back. */ bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(i2c_byte_wait_us * 3); /* wait for transfer to complete */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE)) { /* we must empty the FIFO as it is populated and not use any delay */ while (remaining && bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_RXD) { /* Read from FIFO */ buf[i] = bcm2835_peri_read(fifo); i++; remaining--; } } /* transfer has finished - grab any remaining stuff in FIFO */ while (remaining && (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_RXD)) { /* Read from FIFO */ buf[i] = bcm2835_peri_read(fifo); i++; remaining--; } /* Received a NACK */ if (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_ERR) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_NACK; }
/* Received Clock Stretch Timeout */ else if (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_CLKT) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_CLKT; }
/* Not all data is sent */ else if (remaining) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_DATA; }
bcm2835_peri_set_bits(control, BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE , BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE);
return reason; }
/* Sending an arbitrary number of bytes before issuing a repeated start
// (with no prior stop) and reading a response. Some devices require this behavior.
*/ uint8_t bcm2835_i2c_write_read_rs(char* cmds, uint32_t cmds_len, char* buf, uint32_t buf_len) { #ifdef I2C_V1
volatile uint32_t* dlen = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_DLEN/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_FIFO/4; volatile uint32_t* status = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_S/4; volatile uint32_t* control = bcm2835_bsc0 + BCM2835_BSC_C/4; #else
volatile uint32_t* dlen = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_DLEN/4; volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_FIFO/4; volatile uint32_t* status = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_S/4; volatile uint32_t* control = bcm2835_bsc1 + BCM2835_BSC_C/4; #endif
uint32_t remaining = cmds_len; uint32_t i = 0; uint8_t reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_OK; /* Clear FIFO */ bcm2835_peri_set_bits(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_CLEAR_1 , BCM2835_BSC_C_CLEAR_1 );
/* Clear Status */ bcm2835_peri_write(status, BCM2835_BSC_S_CLKT | BCM2835_BSC_S_ERR | BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE);
/* Set Data Length */ bcm2835_peri_write(dlen, cmds_len); /* pre populate FIFO with max buffer */ while( remaining && ( i < BCM2835_BSC_FIFO_SIZE ) ) { bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, cmds[i]); i++; remaining--; }
/* Enable device and start transfer */ bcm2835_peri_write(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_I2CEN | BCM2835_BSC_C_ST); /* poll for transfer has started (way to do repeated start, from BCM2835 datasheet) */ while ( !( bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_TA ) ) { /* Linux may cause us to miss entire transfer stage */ if(bcm2835_peri_read_nb(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE) break; } remaining = buf_len; i = 0;
/* Send a repeated start with read bit set in address */ bcm2835_peri_write(dlen, buf_len); bcm2835_peri_write(control, BCM2835_BSC_C_I2CEN | BCM2835_BSC_C_ST | BCM2835_BSC_C_READ ); /* Wait for write to complete and first byte back. */ bcm2835_delayMicroseconds(i2c_byte_wait_us * (cmds_len + 1)); /* wait for transfer to complete */ while (!(bcm2835_peri_read_nb(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE)) { /* we must empty the FIFO as it is populated and not use any delay */ while (remaining && bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_RXD) { /* Read from FIFO, no barrier */ buf[i] = bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo); i++; remaining--; } } /* transfer has finished - grab any remaining stuff in FIFO */ while (remaining && (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_RXD)) { /* Read from FIFO */ buf[i] = bcm2835_peri_read(fifo); i++; remaining--; } /* Received a NACK */ if (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_ERR) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_NACK; }
/* Received Clock Stretch Timeout */ else if (bcm2835_peri_read(status) & BCM2835_BSC_S_CLKT) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_CLKT; }
/* Not all data is sent */ else if (remaining) { reason = BCM2835_I2C_REASON_ERROR_DATA; }
bcm2835_peri_set_bits(control, BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE , BCM2835_BSC_S_DONE);
return reason; }
/* Read the System Timer Counter (64-bits) */ uint64_t bcm2835_st_read(void) { volatile uint32_t* paddr; uint32_t hi, lo; uint64_t st;
if (bcm2835_st==MAP_FAILED) return 0;
paddr = bcm2835_st + BCM2835_ST_CHI/4; hi = bcm2835_peri_read(paddr);
paddr = bcm2835_st + BCM2835_ST_CLO/4; lo = bcm2835_peri_read(paddr); paddr = bcm2835_st + BCM2835_ST_CHI/4; st = bcm2835_peri_read(paddr); /* Test for overflow */ if (st == hi) { st <<= 32; st += lo; } else { st <<= 32; paddr = bcm2835_st + BCM2835_ST_CLO/4; st += bcm2835_peri_read(paddr); } return st; }
/* Delays for the specified number of microseconds with offset */ void bcm2835_st_delay(uint64_t offset_micros, uint64_t micros) { uint64_t compare = offset_micros + micros;
while(bcm2835_st_read() < compare) ; }
/* PWM */
void bcm2835_pwm_set_clock(uint32_t divisor) { if ( bcm2835_clk == MAP_FAILED || bcm2835_pwm == MAP_FAILED) return; /* bcm2835_init() failed or not root */ /* From Gerts code */ divisor &= 0xfff; /* Stop PWM clock */ bcm2835_peri_write(bcm2835_clk + BCM2835_PWMCLK_CNTL, BCM2835_PWM_PASSWRD | 0x01); bcm2835_delay(110); /* Prevents clock going slow */ /* Wait for the clock to be not busy */ while ((bcm2835_peri_read(bcm2835_clk + BCM2835_PWMCLK_CNTL) & 0x80) != 0) bcm2835_delay(1); /* set the clock divider and enable PWM clock */ bcm2835_peri_write(bcm2835_clk + BCM2835_PWMCLK_DIV, BCM2835_PWM_PASSWRD | (divisor << 12)); bcm2835_peri_write(bcm2835_clk + BCM2835_PWMCLK_CNTL, BCM2835_PWM_PASSWRD | 0x11); /* Source=osc and enable */ }
void bcm2835_pwm_set_mode(uint8_t channel, uint8_t markspace, uint8_t enabled) { if ( bcm2835_clk == MAP_FAILED || bcm2835_pwm == MAP_FAILED) return; /* bcm2835_init() failed or not root */
uint32_t control = bcm2835_peri_read(bcm2835_pwm + BCM2835_PWM_CONTROL);
if (channel == 0) { if (markspace) control |= BCM2835_PWM0_MS_MODE; else control &= ~BCM2835_PWM0_MS_MODE; if (enabled) control |= BCM2835_PWM0_ENABLE; else control &= ~BCM2835_PWM0_ENABLE; } else if (channel == 1) { if (markspace) control |= BCM2835_PWM1_MS_MODE; else control &= ~BCM2835_PWM1_MS_MODE; if (enabled) control |= BCM2835_PWM1_ENABLE; else control &= ~BCM2835_PWM1_ENABLE; }
/* If you use the barrier here, wierd things happen, and the commands dont work */ bcm2835_peri_write_nb(bcm2835_pwm + BCM2835_PWM_CONTROL, control); /* bcm2835_peri_write_nb(bcm2835_pwm + BCM2835_PWM_CONTROL, BCM2835_PWM0_ENABLE | BCM2835_PWM1_ENABLE | BCM2835_PWM0_MS_MODE | BCM2835_PWM1_MS_MODE); */
void bcm2835_pwm_set_range(uint8_t channel, uint32_t range) { if ( bcm2835_clk == MAP_FAILED || bcm2835_pwm == MAP_FAILED) return; /* bcm2835_init() failed or not root */
if (channel == 0) bcm2835_peri_write_nb(bcm2835_pwm + BCM2835_PWM0_RANGE, range); else if (channel == 1) bcm2835_peri_write_nb(bcm2835_pwm + BCM2835_PWM1_RANGE, range); }
void bcm2835_pwm_set_data(uint8_t channel, uint32_t data) { if ( bcm2835_clk == MAP_FAILED || bcm2835_pwm == MAP_FAILED) return; /* bcm2835_init() failed or not root */
if (channel == 0) bcm2835_peri_write_nb(bcm2835_pwm + BCM2835_PWM0_DATA, data); else if (channel == 1) bcm2835_peri_write_nb(bcm2835_pwm + BCM2835_PWM1_DATA, data); }
/* Allocate page-aligned memory. */ void *malloc_aligned(size_t size) { void *mem; errno = posix_memalign(&mem, BCM2835_PAGE_SIZE, size); return (errno ? NULL : mem); }
/* Map 'size' bytes starting at 'off' in file 'fd' to memory.
// Return mapped address on success, MAP_FAILED otherwise.
// On error print message.
*/ static void *mapmem(const char *msg, size_t size, int fd, off_t off) { void *map = mmap(NULL, size, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, fd, off); if (map == MAP_FAILED) fprintf(stderr, "bcm2835_init: %s mmap failed: %s\n", msg, strerror(errno)); return map; }
static void unmapmem(void **pmem, size_t size) { if (*pmem == MAP_FAILED) return; munmap(*pmem, size); *pmem = MAP_FAILED; }
/* Initialise this library. */ int bcm2835_init(void) { int memfd; int ok; FILE *fp;
if (debug) { bcm2835_peripherals = (uint32_t*)BCM2835_PERI_BASE;
bcm2835_pads = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_GPIO_PADS/4; bcm2835_clk = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_CLOCK_BASE/4; bcm2835_gpio = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_GPIO_BASE/4; bcm2835_pwm = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_GPIO_PWM/4; bcm2835_spi0 = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_SPI0_BASE/4; bcm2835_bsc0 = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_BSC0_BASE/4; bcm2835_bsc1 = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_BSC1_BASE/4; bcm2835_st = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_ST_BASE/4; bcm2835_aux = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_AUX_BASE/4; bcm2835_spi1 = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_SPI1_BASE/4;
return 1; /* Success */ }
/* Figure out the base and size of the peripheral address block
// using the device-tree. Required for RPi2, optional for RPi 1
*/ if ((fp = fopen(BMC2835_RPI2_DT_FILENAME , "rb"))) { unsigned char buf[4]; fseek(fp, BMC2835_RPI2_DT_PERI_BASE_ADDRESS_OFFSET, SEEK_SET); if (fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp) == sizeof(buf)) bcm2835_peripherals_base = (uint32_t *)((long)buf[0] << 24 | buf[1] << 16 | buf[2] << 8 | buf[3] << 0); fseek(fp, BMC2835_RPI2_DT_PERI_SIZE_OFFSET, SEEK_SET); if (fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp) == sizeof(buf)) bcm2835_peripherals_size = (buf[0] << 24 | buf[1] << 16 | buf[2] << 8 | buf[3] << 0); fclose(fp); } /* else we are prob on RPi 1 with BCM2835, and use the hardwired defaults */
/* Now get ready to map the peripherals block
* If we are not root, try for the new /dev/gpiomem interface and accept * the fact that we can only access GPIO * else try for the /dev/mem interface and get access to everything */ memfd = -1; ok = 0; if (geteuid() == 0) { /* Open the master /dev/mem device */ if ((memfd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC) ) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bcm2835_init: Unable to open /dev/mem: %s\n", strerror(errno)) ; goto exit; } /* Base of the peripherals block is mapped to VM */ bcm2835_peripherals = mapmem("gpio", bcm2835_peripherals_size, memfd, (off_t)bcm2835_peripherals_base); if (bcm2835_peripherals == MAP_FAILED) goto exit; /* Now compute the base addresses of various peripherals,
// which are at fixed offsets within the mapped peripherals block
// Caution: bcm2835_peripherals is uint32_t*, so divide offsets by 4
*/ bcm2835_gpio = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_GPIO_BASE/4; bcm2835_pwm = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_GPIO_PWM/4; bcm2835_clk = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_CLOCK_BASE/4; bcm2835_pads = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_GPIO_PADS/4; bcm2835_spi0 = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_SPI0_BASE/4; bcm2835_bsc0 = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_BSC0_BASE/4; /* I2C */ bcm2835_bsc1 = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_BSC1_BASE/4; /* I2C */ bcm2835_st = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_ST_BASE/4; bcm2835_aux = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_AUX_BASE/4; bcm2835_spi1 = bcm2835_peripherals + BCM2835_SPI1_BASE/4;
ok = 1; } else { /* Not root, try /dev/gpiomem */ /* Open the master /dev/mem device */ if ((memfd = open("/dev/gpiomem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC) ) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bcm2835_init: Unable to open /dev/gpiomem: %s\n", strerror(errno)) ; goto exit; } /* Base of the peripherals block is mapped to VM */ bcm2835_peripherals_base = 0; bcm2835_peripherals = mapmem("gpio", bcm2835_peripherals_size, memfd, (off_t)bcm2835_peripherals_base); if (bcm2835_peripherals == MAP_FAILED) goto exit; bcm2835_gpio = bcm2835_peripherals; ok = 1; }
exit: if (memfd >= 0) close(memfd);
if (!ok) bcm2835_close();
return ok; }
/* Close this library and deallocate everything */ int bcm2835_close(void) { if (debug) return 1; /* Success */
unmapmem((void**) &bcm2835_peripherals, bcm2835_peripherals_size); bcm2835_peripherals = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_gpio = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_pwm = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_clk = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_pads = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_spi0 = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_bsc0 = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_bsc1 = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_st = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_aux = MAP_FAILED; bcm2835_spi1 = MAP_FAILED; return 1; /* Success */ }
#ifdef BCM2835_TEST
/* this is a simple test program that prints out what it will do rather than
// actually doing it
*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Be non-destructive */ bcm2835_set_debug(1);
if (!bcm2835_init()) return 1;
/* Configure some GPIO pins fo some testing
// Set RPI pin P1-11 to be an output
*/ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_11, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_OUTP); /* Set RPI pin P1-15 to be an input */ bcm2835_gpio_fsel(RPI_GPIO_P1_15, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT); /* with a pullup */ bcm2835_gpio_set_pud(RPI_GPIO_P1_15, BCM2835_GPIO_PUD_UP); /* And a low detect enable */ bcm2835_gpio_len(RPI_GPIO_P1_15); /* and input hysteresis disabled on GPIOs 0 to 27 */ bcm2835_gpio_set_pad(BCM2835_PAD_GROUP_GPIO_0_27, BCM2835_PAD_SLEW_RATE_UNLIMITED|BCM2835_PAD_DRIVE_8mA);
#if 1
/* Blink */ while (1) { /* Turn it on */ bcm2835_gpio_write(RPI_GPIO_P1_11, HIGH); /* wait a bit */ bcm2835_delay(500); /* turn it off */ bcm2835_gpio_write(RPI_GPIO_P1_11, LOW); /* wait a bit */ bcm2835_delay(500); } #endif
#if 0
/* Read input */ while (1) { /* Read some data */ uint8_t value = bcm2835_gpio_lev(RPI_GPIO_P1_15); printf("read from pin 15: %d\n", value); /* wait a bit */ bcm2835_delay(500); } #endif
#if 0
/* Look for a low event detection
// eds will be set whenever pin 15 goes low
*/ while (1) { if (bcm2835_gpio_eds(RPI_GPIO_P1_15)) { /* Now clear the eds flag by setting it to 1 */ bcm2835_gpio_set_eds(RPI_GPIO_P1_15); printf("low event detect for pin 15\n"); }
/* wait a bit */ bcm2835_delay(500); } #endif
if (!bcm2835_close()) return 1;
return 0; } #endif