package de.hs_fulda.ciip.projjpn; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class Games { private String databaseURL = "jdbc:ucanaccess://GamesDB.accdb"; /** * Checks if the connection to the database can be established * * @return Returns true if it connects successfully and false if the connection * fails. */ public boolean checkConnection() { try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); connection.close(); return true; } catch (SQLException e) { return false; } } /** * Prints the whole table for those, who cannot access the Database for some * reason. * * @return Returns a String of the whole table. */ public String printTable() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT * FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); result += "Name, Console, Developer, Publisher EU, Publisher JP, Publisher NA, Genre, Release EU, Release JP, Release NA, Release AU, USK Rating, PEGI Rating, ESRB Rating, CERO Rating, ACB Rating, Players\n\n"; while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameConsole = resultSet.getString("Game_Console"); String gameDeveloper = resultSet.getString("Game_Developer"); String gamePublisherEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_EU"); String gamePublisherJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_JP"); String gamePublisherNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_NA"); String gameGenre = resultSet.getString("Game_Genre"); String gameReleaseEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_EU"); String gameReleaseEuDots = gameReleaseEu.substring(8, 10) + "." + gameReleaseEu.substring(5, 7) + "." + gameReleaseEu.substring(0, 4); String gameReleaseJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_JP"); String gameReleaseJpDots = gameReleaseJp.substring(8, 10) + "." + gameReleaseJp.substring(5, 7) + "." + gameReleaseJp.substring(0, 4); String gameReleaseNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_NA"); String gameReleaseNaDots = gameReleaseNa.substring(8, 10) + "." + gameReleaseNa.substring(5, 7) + "." + gameReleaseNa.substring(0, 4); String gameReleaseAu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_AU"); String gameReleaseAuDots; if (gameReleaseAu != null) { gameReleaseAuDots = gameReleaseAu.substring(8, 10) + "." + gameReleaseAu.substring(5, 7) + "." + gameReleaseAu.substring(0, 4); } else { gameReleaseAuDots = "Unknown"; } int gameUsk = resultSet.getInt("Game_USK_Rating"); int gamePegi = resultSet.getInt("Game_PEGI_Rating"); String gameEsrb = resultSet.getString("Game_ESRB_Rating"); String gameCero = resultSet.getString("Game_CERO_Rating"); String gameAcb = resultSet.getString("Game_ACB_Rating"); String gamePlayers = resultSet.getString("Game_Players"); if (gamePegi != 0) { result += gameName + ", " + gameConsole + ", " + gameDeveloper + ", " + gamePublisherEu + ", " + gamePublisherJp + ", " + gamePublisherNa + ", " + gameGenre + ", " + gameReleaseEuDots + ", " + gameReleaseJpDots + ", " + gameReleaseNaDots + ", " + gameReleaseAuDots + ", " + gameUsk + ", " + gamePegi + ", " + gameEsrb + ", " + gameCero + ", " + gameAcb + ", " + gamePlayers + "\n"; } else { result += gameName + ", " + gameConsole + ", " + gameDeveloper + ", " + gamePublisherEu + ", " + gamePublisherJp + ", " + gamePublisherNa + ", " + gameGenre + ", " + gameReleaseEuDots + ", " + gameReleaseJpDots + ", " + gameReleaseNaDots + ", " + gameReleaseAuDots + ", " + gameUsk + ", Unknown, " + gameEsrb + ", " + gameCero + ", " + gameAcb + ", " + gamePlayers + "\n"; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // The substring removes the last New line in the String. return result.substring(0, result.length() - 1); } /** * Prints out all game names from the table. * * @return Returns a String with the game names */ public String checkGames() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); result += gameName + ", "; } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Prints out all of the consoles which are represented in the table. * * @return Returns a String with the consoles. */ public String checkConsoles() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Console FROM Games"; boolean ninSwitch = false; boolean xbox = false; boolean multiplat = false; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameConsole = resultSet.getString("Game_Console"); if (ninSwitch && gameConsole.equals("Nintendo Switch")) { continue; } else if (xbox && gameConsole.equals("Xbox")) { continue; } else if (multiplat && gameConsole.equals("Multiplatform")) { continue; } switch (gameConsole) { case "Nintendo Switch": ninSwitch = true; break; case "Xbox": xbox = true; break; case "Multiplatform": multiplat = true; break; } result += gameConsole + ", "; } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game has the same publishers across Europe, Japan and North * America * * @return Prints the games, that have the same publishers. */ public String checkAllSamePublishers() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Publisher_EU, Game_Publisher_JP, Game_Publisher_NA FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gamePublisherEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_EU"); String gamePublisherJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_JP"); String gamePublisherNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_NA"); if (gamePublisherEu.equals(gamePublisherJp) && gamePublisherJp.equals(gamePublisherNa) && gamePublisherEu.equals(gamePublisherNa)) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game has not the same publishers across Europe, Japan and North * America * * @return Prints the games, that do not have the same publishers. */ public String checkAllDifferentPublishers() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Publisher_EU, Game_Publisher_JP, Game_Publisher_NA FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gamePublisherEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_EU"); String gamePublisherJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_JP"); String gamePublisherNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_NA"); if (!gamePublisherEu.equals(gamePublisherJp) && !gamePublisherJp.equals(gamePublisherNa) && !gamePublisherEu.equals(gamePublisherNa)) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the developers and the publishers are all the same. * * @return Prints the games, where publishers and developers are the same. */ public String checkAllDifferentPublishersDeveloper() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Developer, Game_Publisher_EU, Game_Publisher_JP, Game_Publisher_NA FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameDeveloper = resultSet.getString("Game_Developer"); String gamePublisherEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_EU"); String gamePublisherJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_JP"); String gamePublisherNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_NA"); if (gamePublisherEu.equals(gamePublisherJp) && gamePublisherJp.equals(gamePublisherNa) && gamePublisherEu.equals(gamePublisherNa) && gameDeveloper.equals(gamePublisherEu) && gameDeveloper.equals(gamePublisherJp) && gameDeveloper.equals(gamePublisherNa)) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the release dates are all the same across Europe, Japan, North * America and Australia. * * @return Prints the games which have the same release dates. */ public String checkAllSameReleaseDates() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Release_EU, Game_Release_JP, Game_Release_NA, Game_Release_AU FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameReleaseEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_EU"); String gameReleaseJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_JP"); String gameReleaseNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_NA"); String gameReleaseAu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_AU"); if (gameReleaseAu == null) { if (gameReleaseEu.equals(gameReleaseJp) && gameReleaseJp.equals(gameReleaseNa) && gameReleaseEu.equals(gameReleaseNa)) { result += gameName + ", "; } } else { if (gameReleaseEu.equals(gameReleaseJp) && gameReleaseJp.equals(gameReleaseNa) && gameReleaseEu.equals(gameReleaseNa) && gameReleaseAu.equals(gameReleaseEu) && gameReleaseAu.equals(gameReleaseJp) && gameReleaseAu.equals(gameReleaseNa)) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the release dates are not all the same across Europe, Japan, North * America and Australia. * * @return Prints the games which do not have the same release dates. */ public String checkAllDifferentReleaseDates() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Release_EU, Game_Release_JP, Game_Release_NA, Game_Release_AU FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameReleaseEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_EU"); String gameReleaseJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_JP"); String gameReleaseNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_NA"); String gameReleaseAu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_AU"); if (gameReleaseAu == null) { if (!gameReleaseEu.equals(gameReleaseJp) && !gameReleaseJp.equals(gameReleaseNa) && !gameReleaseEu.equals(gameReleaseNa)) { result += gameName + ", "; } } else { if (!gameReleaseEu.equals(gameReleaseJp) && !gameReleaseJp.equals(gameReleaseNa) && !gameReleaseEu.equals(gameReleaseNa) && !gameReleaseAu.equals(gameReleaseEu) && !gameReleaseAu.equals(gameReleaseJp) && !gameReleaseAu.equals(gameReleaseNa)) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks the game genres that are available in the table * * @return Prints all the available game genres from the table. */ public String checkGameGenres() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Genre FROM Games"; boolean actAd = false; boolean rpg = false; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameGenre = resultSet.getString("Game_Genre"); if (actAd && gameGenre.equals("Action-Adventure")) { continue; } else if (rpg && gameGenre.equals("RPG")) { continue; } switch (gameGenre) { case "Action-Adventure": actAd = true; break; case "RPG": rpg = true; break; } result += gameGenre + ", "; } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the games genre is Action-Adventure * * @return Prints all the Action-Adventure games. */ public String checkGameGenreActionAdventure() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Genre FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameGenre = resultSet.getString("Game_Genre"); if (gameGenre.equals("Action-Adventure")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the games genre is RPG * * @return Prints all the RPG games. */ public String checkGameGenreRPG() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Genre FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameGenre = resultSet.getString("Game_Genre"); if (gameGenre.equals("RPG")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Prints out all of the games which are on a PlayStation console. * * @return Returns a String with the games from a PlayStation console. */ public String checkConsolePlayStation() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Console FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameConsole = resultSet.getString("Game_Console"); if (gameConsole.length() >= 11) { if (gameConsole.substring(0, 11).equals("PlayStation")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Prints out all of the games which are on a Nintendo console. * * @return Returns a String with the games from a Nintendo console. */ public String checkConsoleNintendo() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Console FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameConsole = resultSet.getString("Game_Console"); if (gameConsole.length() >= 8) { if (gameConsole.substring(0, 8).equals("Nintendo")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Prints out all of the games which are on a Xbox console. * * @return Returns a String with the games from a Xbox console. */ public String checkConsoleXbox() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Console FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameConsole = resultSet.getString("Game_Console"); if (gameConsole.length() >= 4) { if (gameConsole.substring(0, 4).equals("Xbox")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Prints out all of the games which are multiplatform. * * @return Returns a String with the multiplatform games . */ public String checkConsoleMultiplatform() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Console FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameConsole = resultSet.getString("Game_Console"); if (gameConsole.length() >= 13) { if (gameConsole.substring(0, 13).equals("Multiplatform")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Prints out all of the games which are on a Nintendo Switch. * * @return Returns a String with the games from a Nintendo Switch. */ public String checkConsoleNintendoSwitch() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Console FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameConsole = resultSet.getString("Game_Console"); if (gameConsole.equals("Nintendo Switch")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the developer of the game is Atlus. * * @return Prints the games developed by Atlus. */ public String checkDeveloperAtlus() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Developer FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameDeveloper = resultSet.getString("Game_Developer"); if (gameDeveloper.equals("Atlus")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks the developers that are available in the table. * * @return Prints the developers from the table. */ public String checkDevelopers() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Developer FROM Games"; boolean atlus = false; boolean nintendoSpd = false; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameDeveloper = resultSet.getString("Game_Developer"); if (atlus && gameDeveloper.equals("Atlus")) { continue; } else if (nintendoSpd && gameDeveloper.equals("Nintendo SPD")) { continue; } switch (gameDeveloper) { case "Atlus": atlus = true; break; case "Nintendo SPD": nintendoSpd = true; break; } result += gameDeveloper + ", "; } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game has the publisher Nintendo across Europe, Japan and North * America * * @return Prints the games, that have Nintendo as a publisher. */ public String checkPublisherNintendo() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Publisher_EU, Game_Publisher_JP, Game_Publisher_NA FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gamePublisherEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_EU"); String gamePublisherJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_JP"); String gamePublisherNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_NA"); if (gamePublisherEu.equals("Nintendo") || gamePublisherJp.equals("Nintendo") || gamePublisherNa.equals("Nintendo")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game has the publisher Sega across Europe, Japan and North * America * * @return Prints the games, that have Sega as a publisher. */ public String checkPublisherSega() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Publisher_EU, Game_Publisher_JP, Game_Publisher_NA FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gamePublisherEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_EU"); String gamePublisherJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_JP"); String gamePublisherNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_NA"); if (gamePublisherEu.equals("Sega") || gamePublisherJp.equals("Sega") || gamePublisherNa.equals("Sega")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks the publishers that are available in the table across Europe, Japan * and North America * * @return Prints the publishers from Europe, Japan and North America. */ public String checkPublishers() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Publisher_EU, Game_Publisher_JP, Game_Publisher_NA FROM Games"; boolean sega = false; boolean atlus = false; boolean sce = false; boolean nintendo = false; boolean namco = false; boolean spikeChun = false; boolean bandaiNamco = false; boolean activision = false; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gamePublisherEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_EU"); String gamePublisherJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_JP"); String gamePublisherNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_NA"); while (true) { while (true) { if (sega && gamePublisherEu.equals("Sega")) { break; } else if (atlus && gamePublisherEu.equals("Atlus")) { break; } else if (sce && gamePublisherEu.equals("Sony Computer Entertainment")) { break; } else if (nintendo && gamePublisherEu.equals("Nintendo")) { break; } else if (namco && gamePublisherEu.equals("Namco")) { break; } else if (spikeChun && gamePublisherEu.equals("Spike Chunsoft")) { break; } else if (bandaiNamco && gamePublisherEu.equals("Bandai Namco Games")) { break; } else if (activision && gamePublisherEu.equals("Activision")) { break; } switch (gamePublisherEu) { case "Sega": sega = true; break; case "Atlus": atlus = true; break; case "Sony Computer Entertainment": sce = true; break; case "Nintendo": nintendo = true; break; case "Namco": namco = true; break; case "Spike Chunsoft": spikeChun = true; break; case "Bandai Namco Games": bandaiNamco = true; break; case "Activision": activision = true; break; } result += gamePublisherEu + ", "; break; } if (sega && gamePublisherJp.equals("Sega")) { break; } else if (atlus && gamePublisherJp.equals("Atlus")) { break; } else if (sce && gamePublisherJp.equals("Sony Computer Entertainment")) { break; } else if (nintendo && gamePublisherJp.equals("Nintendo")) { break; } else if (namco && gamePublisherJp.equals("Namco")) { break; } else if (spikeChun && gamePublisherJp.equals("Spike Chunsoft")) { break; } else if (bandaiNamco && gamePublisherJp.equals("Bandai Namco Games")) { break; } else if (activision && gamePublisherJp.equals("Activision")) { break; } switch (gamePublisherJp) { case "Sega": sega = true; break; case "Atlus": atlus = true; break; case "Sony Computer Entertainment": sce = true; break; case "Nintendo": nintendo = true; break; case "Namco": namco = true; break; case "Spike Chunsoft": spikeChun = true; break; case "Bandai Namco Games": bandaiNamco = true; break; case "Activision": activision = true; break; } result += gamePublisherJp + ", "; break; } if (sega && gamePublisherNa.equals("Sega")) { continue; } else if (atlus && gamePublisherNa.equals("Atlus")) { continue; } else if (sce && gamePublisherNa.equals("Sony Computer Entertainment")) { continue; } else if (nintendo && gamePublisherNa.equals("Nintendo")) { continue; } else if (namco && gamePublisherNa.equals("Namco")) { continue; } else if (spikeChun && gamePublisherNa.equals("Spike Chunsoft")) { continue; } else if (bandaiNamco && gamePublisherNa.equals("Bandai Namco Games")) { continue; } else if (activision && gamePublisherNa.equals("Activision")) { continue; } switch (gamePublisherNa) { case "Sega": sega = true; break; case "Atlus": atlus = true; break; case "Sony Computer Entertainment": sce = true; break; case "Nintendo": nintendo = true; break; case "Namco": namco = true; break; case "Spike Chunsoft": spikeChun = true; break; case "Bandai Namco Games": bandaiNamco = true; break; case "Activision": activision = true; break; } result += gamePublisherNa + ", "; } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks the publishers that are available in the table across Europe * * @return Prints the publishers from Europe. */ public String checkPublishersEu() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Publisher_EU FROM Games"; boolean sega = false; boolean nintendo = false; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gamePublisherEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_EU"); if (sega && gamePublisherEu.equals("Sega")) { continue; } else if (nintendo && gamePublisherEu.equals("Nintendo")) { continue; } switch (gamePublisherEu) { case "Sega": sega = true; break; case "Nintendo": nintendo = true; break; } result += gamePublisherEu + ", "; } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks the publishers that are available in the table across Japan * * @return Prints the publishers from Japan. */ public String checkPublishersJp() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Publisher_JP FROM Games"; boolean atlus = false; boolean nintendo = false; boolean sega = false; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gamePublisherJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_JP"); if (atlus && gamePublisherJp.equals("Atlus")) { continue; } else if (nintendo && gamePublisherJp.equals("Nintendo")) { continue; } else if (sega && gamePublisherJp.equals("Sega")) { continue; } switch (gamePublisherJp) { case "Atlus": atlus = true; break; case "Nintendo": nintendo = true; break; case "Sega": sega = true; break; } result += gamePublisherJp + ", "; } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks the publishers that are available in the table across North America * * @return Prints the publishers from North America. */ public String checkPublishersNa() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Publisher_NA FROM Games"; boolean atlus = false; boolean nintendo = false; boolean sega = false; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gamePublisherNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Publisher_Na"); if (atlus && gamePublisherNa.equals("Atlus")) { continue; } else if (nintendo && gamePublisherNa.equals("Nintendo")) { continue; } else if (sega && gamePublisherNa.equals("Sega")) { continue; } switch (gamePublisherNa) { case "Atlus": atlus = true; break; case "Nintendo": nintendo = true; break; case "Sega": sega = true; break; } result += gamePublisherNa + ", "; } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks the release dates that are unknown. * * @return Prints the games which do not have a release date. */ public String checkReleaseDateUnknown() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Release_AU FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameReleaseAu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_AU"); if (gameReleaseAu == null) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the release years are all the same across Europe, Japan, North * America and Australia. * * @return Prints the games which have the same release year. */ public String checkAllSameReleaseYear() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Release_EU, Game_Release_JP, Game_Release_NA, Game_Release_AU FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameReleaseEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_EU"); String gameReleaseJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_JP"); String gameReleaseNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_NA"); String gameReleaseAu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_AU"); if (gameReleaseAu == null) { } else { if (gameReleaseEu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseJp.substring(0, 4)) && gameReleaseJp.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(0, 4)) && gameReleaseEu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(0, 4)) && gameReleaseAu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseEu.substring(0, 4)) && gameReleaseAu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseJp.substring(0, 4)) && gameReleaseAu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(0, 4))) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the release year are not all the same across Europe, Japan, North * America and Australia. * * @return Prints the games which do not have the same release year. */ public String checkAllDifferentReleaseYear() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Release_EU, Game_Release_JP, Game_Release_NA, Game_Release_AU FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameReleaseEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_EU"); String gameReleaseJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_JP"); String gameReleaseNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_NA"); String gameReleaseAu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_AU"); if (gameReleaseAu == null) { result += gameName + ", "; } else { if (!gameReleaseEu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseJp.substring(0, 4)) || !gameReleaseJp.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(0, 4)) || !gameReleaseEu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(0, 4)) || !gameReleaseAu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseEu.substring(0, 4)) || !gameReleaseAu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseJp.substring(0, 4)) || !gameReleaseAu.substring(0, 4).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(0, 4))) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the release months are all the same across Europe, Japan, North * America and Australia. * * @return Prints the games which have the same release month. */ public String checkAllSameReleaseMonth() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Release_EU, Game_Release_JP, Game_Release_NA, Game_Release_AU FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameReleaseEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_EU"); String gameReleaseJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_JP"); String gameReleaseNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_NA"); String gameReleaseAu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_AU"); if (gameReleaseAu == null) { } else { if (gameReleaseEu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseJp.substring(5, 7)) && gameReleaseJp.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(5, 7)) && gameReleaseEu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(5, 7)) && gameReleaseAu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseEu.substring(5, 7)) && gameReleaseAu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseJp.substring(5, 7)) && gameReleaseAu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(5, 7))) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the release months are not all the same across Europe, Japan, North * America and Australia. * * @return Prints the games which do not have the same release month. */ public String checkAllDifferentReleaseMonth() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Release_EU, Game_Release_JP, Game_Release_NA, Game_Release_AU FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameReleaseEu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_EU"); String gameReleaseJp = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_JP"); String gameReleaseNa = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_NA"); String gameReleaseAu = resultSet.getString("Game_Release_AU"); if (gameReleaseAu == null) { result += gameName + ", "; } else { if (!gameReleaseEu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseJp.substring(5, 7)) || !gameReleaseJp.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(5, 7)) || !gameReleaseEu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(5, 7)) || !gameReleaseAu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseEu.substring(5, 7)) || !gameReleaseAu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseJp.substring(5, 7)) || !gameReleaseAu.substring(5, 7).equals(gameReleaseNa.substring(5, 7))) { result += gameName + ", "; } } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is compatible with one player or more. * * @return Prints out the games that can be played with one or more players. */ public String checkOnePlayer() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Players FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gamePlayers = resultSet.getString("Game_Players"); if (gamePlayers.equals("1") || gamePlayers.equals("1-2") || gamePlayers.equals("1-4") || gamePlayers.equals("1-8")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is compatible with two players or more. * * @return Prints out the games that can be played with two or more players. */ public String checkTwoPlayer() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Players FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gamePlayers = resultSet.getString("Game_Players"); if (gamePlayers.equals("1-2") || gamePlayers.equals("1-4") || gamePlayers.equals("1-8")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is compatible with four players or more. * * @return Prints out the games that can be played with four or more players. */ public String checkFourPlayer() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Players FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gamePlayers = resultSet.getString("Game_Players"); if (gamePlayers.equals("1-4") || gamePlayers.equals("1-8")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is compatible with eight players * * @return Prints out the games that can be played with eight players. */ public String checkEightPlayer() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Players FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gamePlayers = resultSet.getString("Game_Players"); if (gamePlayers.equals("1-8")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is compatible with one player only. * * @return Prints out the games that can only be played alone. */ public String checkOnePlayerOnly() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_Players FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gamePlayers = resultSet.getString("Game_Players"); if (gamePlayers.equals("1")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is USK 0 * * @return Prints all the USK 0 games. */ public String checkUskZero() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_USK_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gameUsk = resultSet.getInt("Game_USK_Rating"); if (gameUsk == 0) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is USK 6 * * @return Prints all the USK 6 games. */ public String checkUskSix() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_USK_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gameUsk = resultSet.getInt("Game_USK_Rating"); if (gameUsk == 6) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is USK 12 * * @return Prints all the USK 12 games. */ public String checkUskTwelve() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_USK_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gameUsk = resultSet.getInt("Game_USK_Rating"); if (gameUsk == 12) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is USK 16 * * @return Prints all the USK 16 games. */ public String checkUskSixteen() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_USK_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gameUsk = resultSet.getInt("Game_USK_Rating"); if (gameUsk == 16) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is USK 18 * * @return Prints all the USK 18 games. */ public String checkUskEighteen() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_USK_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gameUsk = resultSet.getInt("Game_USK_Rating"); if (gameUsk == 18) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is PEGI 3. * * @return Prints all the PEGI 3 games. */ public String checkPegiThree() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_PEGI_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gamePegi = resultSet.getInt("Game_PEGI_Rating"); if (gamePegi == 3) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is PEGI 7. * * @return Prints all the PEGI 7 games. */ public String checkPegiSeven() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_PEGI_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gamePegi = resultSet.getInt("Game_PEGI_Rating"); if (gamePegi == 7) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is PEGI 12. * * @return Prints all the PEGI 12 games. */ public String checkPegiTwelve() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_PEGI_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gamePegi = resultSet.getInt("Game_PEGI_Rating"); if (gamePegi == 12) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is PEGI 16. * * @return Prints all the PEGI 16 games. */ public String checkPegiSixteen() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_PEGI_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gamePegi = resultSet.getInt("Game_PEGI_Rating"); if (gamePegi == 16) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is PEGI 18. * * @return Prints all the PEGI 18 games. */ public String checkPegiEighteen() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_PEGI_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gamePegi = resultSet.getInt("Game_PEGI_Rating"); if (gamePegi == 18) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game has no PEGI rating. * * @return Prints all the games without a PEGI rating. */ public String checkPegiUnknown() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_PEGI_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); int gamePegi = resultSet.getInt("Game_PEGI_Rating"); if (gamePegi == 0) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is ESRB E. * * @return Prints all the ESRB E games. */ public String checkEsrbE() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_ESRB_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameEsrb = resultSet.getString("Game_ESRB_Rating"); if (gameEsrb.equals("E")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is ESRB E10+. * * @return Prints all the ESRB E10+ games. */ public String checkEsrbEten() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_ESRB_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameEsrb = resultSet.getString("Game_ESRB_Rating"); if (gameEsrb.equals("E10+")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is ESRB T. * * @return Prints all the ESRB T games. */ public String checkEsrbT() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_ESRB_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameEsrb = resultSet.getString("Game_ESRB_Rating"); if (gameEsrb.equals("T")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is ESRB M. * * @return Prints all the ESRB M games. */ public String checkEsrbM() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_ESRB_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameEsrb = resultSet.getString("Game_ESRB_Rating"); if (gameEsrb.equals("M")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is CERO A. * * @return Prints all the CERO A games. */ public String checkCeroA() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_CERO_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameCero = resultSet.getString("Game_CERO_Rating"); if (gameCero.equals("A")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is CERO B. * * @return Prints all the CERO B games. */ public String checkCeroB() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_CERO_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameCero = resultSet.getString("Game_CERO_Rating"); if (gameCero.equals("B")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is CERO C. * * @return Prints all the CERO C games. */ public String checkCeroC() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_CERO_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameCero = resultSet.getString("Game_CERO_Rating"); if (gameCero.equals("C")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is CERO D. * * @return Prints all the CERO D games. */ public String checkCeroD() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_CERO_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameCero = resultSet.getString("Game_CERO_Rating"); if (gameCero.equals("D")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is CERO Z. * * @return Prints all the CERO Z games. */ public String checkCeroZ() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_CERO_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameCero = resultSet.getString("Game_CERO_Rating"); if (gameCero.equals("Z")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is ACB G. * * @return Prints all the ACB G games. */ public String checkAcbG() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_ACB_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameAcb = resultSet.getString("Game_ACB_Rating"); if (gameAcb.equals("G")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is ACB PG. * * @return Prints all the ACB PG games. */ public String checkAcbPg() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_ACB_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameAcb = resultSet.getString("Game_ACB_Rating"); if (gameAcb.equals("PG")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is ACB M. * * @return Prints all the ACB M games. */ public String checkAcbM() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_ACB_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameAcb = resultSet.getString("Game_ACB_Rating"); if (gameAcb.equals("M")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is ACB MA 15+. * * @return Prints all the ACB MA 15+ games. */ public String checkAcbMaFifteen() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_ACB_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameAcb = resultSet.getString("Game_ACB_Rating"); if (gameAcb.equals("MA 15+")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } /** * Checks if the game is ACB R 18+. * * @return Prints all the ACB R 18+ games. */ public String checkAcbReighteen() { String result = ""; String query = "SELECT Game_Name, Game_ACB_Rating FROM Games"; try { Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseURL); Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query); while ( { String gameName = resultSet.getString("Game_Name"); String gameAcb = resultSet.getString("Game_ACB_Rating"); if (gameAcb.equals("R 18+")) { result += gameName + ", "; } } statement.close(); connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); } }