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  1. Development
  2. ===========
  3. Vagrant environment
  4. -------------------
  5. The `Vagrant <>`_ environment and the `Ansible <>`_
  6. playbook is used only for local tests and development of the application.
  7. The installation of Vagrant is described at
  8. To speedup the provisioning you can install the Vagrant plugin `vagrant-cachier <>`_.
  9. .. code::
  10. $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
  11. Bootstrap the Vagrant environment.
  12. .. code::
  13. $ vagrant up
  14. Now it is possible to login with SSH.
  15. .. code::
  16. $ vagrant ssh
  17. Open a new screen or tmux session. Aftwards run the api, worker, and producer
  18. services in the foreground, each service in a separate window.
  19. * :code:`faafo-api`
  20. * :code:`faafo-worker`
  21. * :code:`faafo-producer`
  22. RabbitMQ server
  23. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  24. The webinterface of the RabbitMQ server is reachable on TCP port :code:`15672`. The login is
  25. possible with the user :code:`guest` and the password :code:`guest`.
  26. MySQL server
  27. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
  28. The password of the user :code:`root` is :code:`secretsecret`. The password of the user :code:`faafo`
  29. for the database :code:`faafo` is also :code:`secretsecret`.
  30. Virtual environment
  31. -------------------
  32. Create a new virtual environment, install all required dependencies and
  33. the application itself.
  34. .. code::
  35. $ virtualenv .venv
  36. $ source .venv/bin/activate
  37. $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  38. $ python install
  39. Open a new screen or tmux session. Aftwards run the api and worker
  40. services in the foreground, each service in a separate window.
  41. .. code::
  42. $ source .venv/bin/activate; faafo-api
  43. $ source .venv/bin/activate; faafo-worker