#include #include #include "operationHandler.h" char buffer[100]; int main() { printf("Please enter the id of a specific operation...\n1. addition\n2. subtraction\n3. multiplication\n4. division\n"); int input; scanf("%d", &input); if(!checkOperationInput(input)) { printf("Invalid operation id\n"); return 0; } printf("\nPlease enter the first and the second number separated by a space...\n"); while(fgets(buffer, 100, stdin)) { buffer[strcspn(buffer, "\n")] = '\0'; if (strlen(buffer) > 0) { break; } } int* result = evaluateInput(buffer, input); if(result == NULL) { printf("\nInvalid formatting. Two numbers need to be separated by a space\n"); return 0; } printf("\nResult: %d", *result); }