#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "timequiz.h"
void timequiz();
int getRandomQuestionIndex(int askedQuestions[], int totalQuestions);
void displayQuestion(char* question, char* answers[], int correctIndex);
void processUserAnswer(int userAnswer, int correctIndex, int* score, int* totalCorrectAnswers, char* answers[]);
void timequiz() {
printf("Welcome to our Time Quiz!\n"); printf("You have 60 seconds to answer the questions. Have fun!\n");
char* questions[] = { "What is the capital of France?", };
char* answers[][4] = { {"Paris", "London", "Berlin", "Madrid"}, };
int correctAnswers[] = { 1 };
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(questions) / sizeof(questions[0]); i++) { int j = rand() % 4; char* temp = answers[i][0]; answers[i][0] = answers[i][j]; answers[i][j] = temp;
if (j == 0) { correctAnswers[i] = 1; } else if (j == 1) { correctAnswers[i] = 2; } else if (j == 2) { correctAnswers[i] = 3; } else { correctAnswers[i] = 4; } }
int score = 0; int totalAnsweredQuestions = 0; int totalCorrectAnswers = 0; time_t startTime = time(NULL); time_t currentTime; int elapsedTime = 0; int totalQuestions = sizeof(questions) / sizeof(questions[0]); int askedQuestions[40];
memset(askedQuestions, 0, sizeof(askedQuestions)); srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
while (elapsedTime < 60 && totalAnsweredQuestions < totalQuestions) { int questionIndex = getRandomQuestionIndex(askedQuestions, totalQuestions); askedQuestions[questionIndex] = 1;
int correctIndex = correctAnswers[questionIndex] - 1;
displayQuestion(questions[questionIndex], answers[questionIndex], correctIndex);
int userAnswer; printf("Answer (1-4): "); scanf_s("%d", &userAnswer); } }
int getRandomQuestionIndex(int askedQuestions[], int totalQuestions) { int questionIndex; do { questionIndex = rand() % totalQuestions; } while (askedQuestions[questionIndex] == 1); return questionIndex; }
void displayQuestion(char* question, char* answers[], int correctIndex) { printf("\nQuestion: %s\n", question); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf("%d. %s\n", i + 1, answers[i]); } }
void processUserAnswer(int userAnswer, int correctIndex, int* score, int* totalCorrectAnswers, char* answers[]) { }