4 changed files with 648 additions and 4 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include "tictactoe.h" |
void printBoard(); |
struct ticTacToe GAME; |
struct command COMMANDS[MAX_COMMANDS] = { |
{ 1, "\"start menu\" - startet das menu", startMenu}, |
{ 2, "\"start game\" - startet das spiel", startGame} |
}; |
void startTicTacToe(){ |
setbuf(stdout, 0); |
printf( "%s\n", getWelcomeMessageTicTacToe() ); |
printf( "%s\n\n", getRulesMessageTicTacToe() ); |
GAME = createTicTacToe(); |
while( GAME.currentState != -1 ){ |
commandFunction command; |
printf("search command!\n"); |
command = getCommandById( GAME.currentState + 1); |
if( command != NULL) |
command(0); |
else{ |
printf("command not found"); |
return; |
} |
} |
} |
char* getWelcomeMessageTicTacToe(){ |
return "Hallo und willkommen zu unserem TicTacToe Spiel. Anbei die Anleitung:\n"; |
} |
char* getRulesMessageTicTacToe(){ |
return "Das spiel wird über die Komandozeile gespielt.\n" |
"Jeder Spielzug ist eine Eingabe in die Konsole. Die enstsprechenden Befehle stehen jeweils unterhalb des Spielfelds.\n" |
"Um ein Zug zu tätigen musst du \"set x,y\" in die Konsole Eingeben. Die Koordinaten stehen dabei für Zeile und Spalte.\n" |
"Mit dem Befehl \"start\" startest du das Spiel" |
"Mit dem Befehl \"rules\" kannst du diese Nachricht erneut aufrufen."; |
} |
struct ticTacToe createTicTacToe() { |
struct ticTacToe newGame; |
newGame.currentState = 0; |
return newGame; |
} |
int handleCommand( char* input ){ |
if( strcmp(input, "start menu") == 0 ){ |
return 0; |
}else if( strcmp(input, "start game") == 0 ){ |
return 1; |
}else{ |
return -1; |
} |
} |
commandFunction getCommandById( int id ){ |
commandFunction result = NULL; |
size_t arraySize = sizeof(COMMANDS) / sizeof(COMMANDS[0]); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { |
//printf( "%s", COMMANDS[i].description ); |
if( COMMANDS[i].id == id ){ |
result = COMMANDS[i].fun; |
break; |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
char* getUserInput(){ |
static char userInput[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; |
printf( ":" ); |
fgets(userInput, sizeof(userInput), stdin); |
size_t len = strlen(userInput); |
if (len > 0 && userInput[len - 1] == '\n') { |
userInput[len - 1] = '\0'; |
} |
return userInput; |
} |
void initializeBoard( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE] ){ |
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { |
board[i][j] = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
int handleGameInput( char* input ){ |
if( strstr(input, "set") != NULL ){ |
return 1; |
}else{ |
return -1; |
} |
} |
int startMenu( int code ){ |
if( code == -1 ){ // command test |
return 1; |
} |
printf("Welcome to the menu!\n"); |
while( GAME.currentState == 0 ){ |
int nextState = handleCommand( getUserInput() ); |
if( nextState == -1 ){ |
printf("command not found!"); |
}else{ |
GAME.currentState = nextState; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
void printBoard(){ |
for( int i = 0; i < BORAD_SIZE*4+1; i++ ){ |
printf("-"); |
} |
printf("\n"); |
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { |
printf("| "); |
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { |
if( GAME.board[i][j] == true ) |
printf( "X" ); |
else |
printf ( " " ); |
printf(" | "); |
} |
printf( "\n" ); |
} |
for( int i = 0; i < BORAD_SIZE*4+1; i++ ){ |
printf("-"); |
} |
printf("\n"); |
} |
int* getMarkerParameters( char* input ){ |
int* array = (int*)malloc(2 * sizeof(int)); |
int index = strchr(input, ',') - input; |
int firstArgument = input[index-1] - '0'; |
int secondArgument = input[index+1] - '0'; |
array[0] = firstArgument-1; |
array[1] = secondArgument-1; |
return array; |
} |
void setBoardMarker( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE], int* params ){ |
board[params[0]][params[1]] = 1; |
} |
void handleGame(){ |
char* input = getUserInput(); |
int nextState = handleCommand( input ); |
// check commands, if no command found return for new Input |
// gameCommands are saved and processed after this block |
int gameCommand = -1; |
if( nextState == -1 ){ // no stateCommand |
gameCommand = handleGameInput( input ); |
if( gameCommand == -1 ){ |
printf("command not found!"); |
return; |
} |
}else{ |
GAME.currentState = nextState; |
return; |
} |
// gameCommand processing |
if( gameCommand == 1 ) { // set marker in field |
int* params = getMarkerParameters( input ); |
setBoardMarker( GAME.board, params ); |
free(params); |
printBoard(); |
if( playerHasWon( GAME.board ) ){ |
printf("\n\nDu hast gewonnwn!\n\n"); |
// start menu |
GAME.currentState=0; |
} |
} |
} |
bool playerHasWon( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]){ |
bool player = 1; |
// Überprüfe Zeilen und Spalten |
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { |
// Überprüfe Zeilen |
if ((board[i][0] == player && board[i][1] == player && board[i][2] == player) || |
// Überprüfe Spalten |
(board[0][i] == player && board[1][i] == player && board[2][i] == player)) { |
return true; // Spieler hat gewonnen |
} |
} |
// Überprüfe Diagonalen |
if ((board[0][0] == player && board[1][1] == player && board[2][2] == player) || |
(board[0][2] == player && board[1][1] == player && board[2][0] == player)) { |
return true; // Spieler hat gewonnen |
} |
return false; |
} |
int startGame( int code ){ |
if( code == -1 ){ // command test |
return 1; |
} |
printf("Welcome to the game!\n"); |
bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]; |
initializeBoard( board ); |
printBoard(); |
while( GAME.currentState == 1 ){ |
handleGame(); |
} |
return 0; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
#ifndef TICTACTOE_H |
#define TICTACTOE_H |
#include <stdbool.h> |
#define MAX_INPUT_LENGTH 20 |
#define MAX_COMMANDS 3 |
#define BORAD_SIZE 3 |
struct ticTacToe{ |
int currentState; |
bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]; |
}; |
// Typdefinition für einen Funktionszeiger |
typedef int (*commandFunction)( int ); |
struct command{ |
int id; |
char* description; |
commandFunction fun; |
}; |
extern struct ticTacToe GAME; |
extern struct command COMMANDS[MAX_COMMANDS]; |
void startTicTacToe(); |
char* getWelcomeMessageTicTacToe(void); |
char* getRulesMessageTicTacToe(void); |
struct ticTacToe createTicTacToe(); |
int handleCommand( char* input ); |
void initializeBoard( bool board[3][3] ); |
int handleGameInput( char* input ); |
int* getMarkerParameters(); |
void setBoardMarker( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE], int* params ); |
bool playerHasWon( bool board[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE] ); |
/* commands */ |
commandFunction getCommandById(int id); |
int startMenu( int code ); |
int startGame( int code ); |
#endif //TICTACTOE_H |
@ -0,0 +1,358 @@ |
#include "tictactoe.h" |
#include "unity.h" |
void setup(void){ |
} |
void tearDown(void){ |
} |
void test_compileTest_shutBeAllwaysTrue(void){ |
} |
void test_welcome_message(void){ |
// arrange |
char* expectedMessage = "Hallo und willkommen zu unserem TicTacToe Spiel. Anbei die Anleitung:\n"; |
// act |
char* message = getWelcomeMessageTicTacToe(); |
// aassert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expectedMessage, message); |
} |
void test_rules_message(void){ |
// arrange |
char* expectedMessage = "Das spiel wird über die Komandozeile gespielt.\n" |
"Jeder Spielzug ist eine Eingabe in die Konsole. Die enstsprechenden Befehle stehen jeweils unterhalb des Spielfelds.\n" |
"Um ein Zug zu tätigen musst du \"set x,y\" in die Konsole Eingeben. Die Koordinaten stehen dabei für Zeile und Spalte.\n" |
"Mit dem Befehl \"start\" startest du das Spiel" |
"Mit dem Befehl \"rules\" kannst du diese Nachricht erneut aufrufen."; |
// act |
char* message = getRulesMessageTicTacToe(); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(expectedMessage, message); |
} |
void test_initial_state(void){ |
// arrange |
struct ticTacToe newGame; |
int expectedState = 0; |
// act |
newGame = createTicTacToe(); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedState, newGame.currentState ); |
} |
void test_command_startGame(void){ |
// arrange |
int expectedState = 1; |
char* input = "start game"; |
// act |
int actualState = handleCommand( input ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedState, actualState ); |
} |
void test_command_startMenu(void){ |
// arrange |
int expectedState = 0; |
char* input = "start menu"; |
// act |
int actualState = handleCommand( input ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedState, actualState ); |
} |
void test_checkCommandlist(void){ |
// arrange |
// act |
size_t arraySize = sizeof(*COMMANDS) / sizeof(COMMANDS[0]); |
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { |
} |
} |
void test_callCommandById(void){ |
// arrange |
// act |
commandFunction actualCommand = getCommandById( 1 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR( startMenu, actualCommand ); |
} |
void test_callCommandById_startGame(void){ |
// arrange |
// act |
commandFunction actualCommand = getCommandById( 2); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_PTR( startGame, actualCommand ); |
} |
void test_initializeBoard(void){ |
// arrange |
bool expectedBoard[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
// act |
bool actualBoard[BORAD_SIZE][BORAD_SIZE]; |
initializeBoard(actualBoard); |
// assert |
for (size_t i = 0; i < BORAD_SIZE; i++) { |
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < BORAD_SIZE; ii++) { |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expectedBoard[i][ii], actualBoard[i][ii]); |
} |
} |
} |
void test_handleGameInput(void){ |
// arrange |
char* teststring = "set 3,4"; |
int expectedCommand = 1; |
// act |
int actualState = handleGameInput( teststring ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedCommand, actualState ); |
} |
void test_getMarkerParameters(void){ |
// arrange |
char* teststring = "set 3,3"; |
int expectedParams[2] = {2, 2}; |
// act |
int* actualParams = getMarkerParameters( teststring ); |
// assert |
for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ){ |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( expectedParams[i], actualParams[i] ); |
} |
} |
void test_setBoardFields(){ |
// arrange |
// arrange |
bool board[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
int params[2] = {2,2}; |
// act |
setBoardMarker( board, params ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 1, board[2][2] ); |
} |
void test_checkOnWin_vertically(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{0,0,1}, |
{0,0,1}, |
{0,0,1} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,1,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{1,0,0}, |
{1,0,0}, |
{1,0,0} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 1, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 1, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 1, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_horizontally(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{1,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,1} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_horizontally2(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{1,1,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,1,1}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{1,0,1} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_vertically(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{1,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{1,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{1,0,0} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_vertically2(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,1,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,1,0} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
void test_negativ_checkOnWin_vertically3(void){ |
// arrange |
bool board1[3][3]={ |
{0,0,1}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board2[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,1}, |
{0,0,0} |
}; |
bool board3[3][3]={ |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,0}, |
{0,0,1} |
}; |
// act |
bool result = playerHasWon( board1 ); |
bool result2 = playerHasWon( board2 ); |
bool result3 = playerHasWon( board3 ); |
// assert |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result2 ); |
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT( 0, result3 ); |
} |
Reference in new issue