45 changed files with 4012 additions and 9 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
{ |
"configurations": [ |
{ |
"name": "linux-gcc-x64", |
"includePath": [ |
"${workspaceFolder}/**" |
], |
"defines": [], |
"compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc", |
"cStandard": "${default}", |
"cppStandard": "${default}", |
"intelliSenseMode": "linux-gcc-x64" |
} |
], |
"version": 4 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
{ |
"version": "0.2.0", |
"configurations": [ |
{ |
"name": "C/C++ Runner: Debug Session", |
"type": "cppdbg", |
"request": "launch", |
"args": [], |
"stopAtEntry": false, |
"externalConsole": false, |
"cwd": "/home/js/Desktop/caschenrechner/src/test/c", |
"program": "/home/js/Desktop/caschenrechner/src/test/c/build/Debug/outDebug", |
"MIMode": "gdb", |
"miDebuggerPath": "gdb", |
"setupCommands": [ |
{ |
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", |
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing", |
"ignoreFailures": true |
} |
] |
} |
] |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
{ |
"C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "disabled", |
"files.associations": { |
"testforoperator.h": "c", |
"testfornumber.h": "c", |
"programmingmode.h": "c" |
}, |
"C_Cpp_Runner.msvcBatchPath": "" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include "BasicMode.h" |
// convert decimal to binary |
long long int DecToBin(long long int n) { |
long long int bin = 0; |
long long int rem, i = 1; |
while (n != 0) { |
rem = n % 2; |
bin += rem * i; |
i *= 10; |
n /= 2; |
} |
return bin; |
} |
// convert binary to decimal |
long long int BinToDec(long long int n) { |
long long int dec = 0, i = 0, rem; |
while (n != 0) { |
rem = n % 10; |
dec += rem * pow(2, i); |
i++; |
n /= 10; |
} |
return dec; |
} |
//addition |
long long int additionbin(long long int a, long long int b) { |
long long int dec1, dec2; |
dec1 = BinToDec(a); |
dec2 = BinToDec(b); |
dec1 = dec1 + dec2; |
dec2 = DecToBin(dec1); |
return dec2; |
} |
// multiplication |
long long int multiplicationbin(long long int a, long long int b) { |
long long int dec1, dec2; |
dec1 = BinToDec(a); |
dec2 = BinToDec(b); |
dec1 = dec1 * dec2; |
dec2 = DecToBin(dec1); |
return dec2; |
} |
//subtraction |
long long int subtractionbin(long long int a, long long int b) { |
long long int dec1, dec2; |
dec1 = BinToDec(a); |
dec2 = BinToDec(b); |
dec1 = dec1 - dec2; |
dec2 = DecToBin(dec1); |
return dec2; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ |
#ifndef BasicMode |
#define BasicMode |
long long int DecToBin(long long int n); |
long long int BinToDec(long long int n); |
long long int additionbin(long long int a, long long int b); |
long long int multiplicationbin(long long int a, long long int b); |
long long int subtractionbin(long long int a, long long int b); |
#endif // BasicMode |
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include <stdbool.h> |
// Unit converter mode |
int choice, startingUnit, endingUnit; |
double value, result; |
char Distance[] = { 'mm', 'cm', 'm', 'km', 'feet/inch', 'miles'}; |
char Weight[] = { 'mg', 'g', 'kg', 't', 'pounds'}; |
char Fluid[] = { 'ml', 'l' , 'gallon'}; |
char Temp[] = { 'celsius', 'fahrenheit' }; |
char Speed[] = { 'km/h','mp/h' }; |
char Data[] = { 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PT' }; |
char Time[] = { 'ms', 's', 'min', 'h', 'd', 'w', 'mon', 'y'}; |
char currency[] = { 'E', 'D', 'R' }; |
double getValue(int choice) { |
printf("\nEnter the value to be converted: "); |
scanf("%lf", &value); |
while (choice < 0 && choice >= 15) { |
switch (choice) |
{ |
case 1: |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 mm, 1 cm, 2 m, 3 km): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
//1 10 1.000 1.000.000 |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 mm, 1 cm, 2 m, 3 km): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConMeter(value, startingUnit,endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Distance[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 2: |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 feet/Inch, 1 meter): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 feet/Inch, 1 meter): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConMeterToFoot(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
if (endingUnit == 0) { //if feet/inch change to 4. in array of Distance |
endingUnit = 4; |
} |
else if (endingUnit == 1) { //if meter change to 2. in array of Distance |
endingUnit = 2; |
} |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Distance[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 3: |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 miles, 1 kilometer): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 miles, 1 kilometer): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConKilometerToMiles(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
if (endingUnit == 0) { //if miles change to 5. in array of Distance |
endingUnit = 5; |
} |
else if (endingUnit == 1) { //if kilometer change to 2. in array of Distance |
endingUnit = 3; |
} |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Distance[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 4://'mg', 'g', 'kg', 't' |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 mg, 1 g, 2 kg , 3 t): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 mg, 1 g, 2 kg , 3 t): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConGram(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Weight[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 5://'kg', 'pounds' |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 kg, 1 pounds): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 kg, 1 pounds): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConGramToPounds(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Weight[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 6://'celsius', 'fahrenheit' |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 celsius, 1 fahrenheit): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 celsius, 1 fahrenheit): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConTemp(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Temp[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 7://'km/h','mp/h' |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 km/h, 1 mp/h): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 km/h, 1 mp/h): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConSpeed(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Speed[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 8://'ml', 'l' |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 ml, 1 l): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 ml, 1 l): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConLiter(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Fluid[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 9://'ml', 'l' |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 l, 1 gallon): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 l, 1 gallon): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConLiterToGallon(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Fluid[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 10://char Data[] = { 'B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PT' }; |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 B, 1 KB, 2 MB , 3 GB, 4 TB, 5 PT): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 B, 1 KB, 2 MB , 3 GB, 4 TB, 5 PT): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConData(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Data[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 11://char Distance[] = { 'mm', 'cm', 'm', 'km', 'feet/inch', 'miles'}; |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 mm, 1 cm, 2 m , 3 km,): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 mm, 1 cm, 2 m , 3 km,): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConArea(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Distance[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 12://char Distance[] = { 'mm', 'cm', 'm', 'km', 'feet/inch', 'miles'}; |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 mm, 1 cm, 2 m , 3 km,): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 mm, 1 cm, 2 m , 3 km,): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConArea(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Distance[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 13://char Time[] = { 'ms', 's', 'min', 'h', 'd', 'w', 'mon', 'y' }; |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 ms, 1 s, 2 min, 3 h, 4 d, 5 w, 6 mon, 7 y): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 ms, 1 s, 2 min, 3 h, 4 d, 5 w, 6 mon, 7 y): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConTime(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Distance[endingUnit]); |
break; |
case 14: |
printf("\nEnter what the Unit is starting with (0 (24h), 1 (12h)): "); |
scanf("%d", &startingUnit); |
printf("\nEnter what the value should it be changed to (0 (24h), 1 (12h)): "); |
scanf("%d", &endingUnit); |
result = ConClock(value, startingUnit, endingUnit); |
printf("\nThe convertet result is %dlf %d", result, Distance[endingUnit]); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
void unitConverterMode() { |
printf("Unit Converter Mode:\n"); |
printf("Distance conversions:\n"); |
printf("1. Convert Meter (cm, m, km)\n"); |
printf("2. Meter to foot/inches\n"); |
printf("3. Kilometer to Miles\n"); |
printf("Weight conversion:\n"); |
printf("4. Convert Gram (mg, g, kg)\n"); |
printf("5. Gram to Pounds \n"); |
printf("Temprature conversion:\n"); |
printf("6. Celsius to Fahrenheit\n"); |
printf("Speed conversion:\n"); |
printf("7. km/h to mph \n"); |
printf("Fluid conversion:\n"); |
printf("8. Convert Liter (ml, l, kl) \n"); |
printf("9. Liter to Gallon\n"); |
printf("Data conversions:\n"); |
printf("10. Convert Data size (MB, GB, TB)\n"); |
printf("Area/Volume conversions \n"); |
printf("11. Convert area (cm, m, km) \n"); |
printf("12. Convert Volume (cm, m, km)\n"); |
printf("Time conversion \n"); |
printf("13. Convert time (s, m, h, d, w, m, y) \n"); |
printf("14. Convert Clock (12 Hour, 24 Hour) \n"); |
printf("Time conversion \n"); |
printf("15. Convert currency (Euro, Dollar, Russian Rubel) \n"); |
printf("\nEnter your choice (Exit with 0): "); |
scanf("%d", &choice); |
getValue(choice); |
} |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ |
// add function |
double add(double a, double b); |
// minus function |
double minus(double a, double b); |
// multiply function |
double multiply(double a, double b); |
// divide function |
double divide(double a, double b); |
// Square root function |
double squareRootFunction(double x); |
//.. |
// Trigonometric functions |
double sineFunction(double angle); |
double cosineFunction(double angle); |
double tangentFunction(double angle); |
//.. |
// Logarithmic functions |
double logarithmFunction(double x); |
double naturalLogarithmFunction(double x); |
double logarithmBase2Function(double x); |
//.. |
// Exponential function |
double exponentialFunction(double x); |
// .. |
// Bitwise AND function |
int bitwiseAND(int num1, int num2); |
// Bitwise OR function |
int bitwiseOR(int num1, int num2); |
// Bitwise XOR function |
int bitwiseXOR(int num1, int num2); |
int mode(int userChoice); |
int displayMenu(); |
// Conversion Functions |
double ConMeter(double meter, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConMeterToFoot(double distance, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConKilometerToMiles(double distance, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConGram(double weight, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConGramToPounds(double weight, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConTemp(double temp, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConSpeed(double speed, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConLiter(double liter, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConLiterToGallon(double fluid, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConData(double data, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConArea(double area, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConVolume(double volum, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConClock(double time, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
double ConTime(double time, int startingUnit, int endingUnit); |
#endif // CALCULATOR |
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ |
// programmingMode |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include "programmingMode.h" |
// Function to convert an integer to binary representation |
char* binaryRepresentation(int num); |
// get the NUmbers from the user |
int getIntegerInput(const char* prompt) { |
int num; |
printf("%s", prompt); |
scanf("%d", &num); |
return num; |
} |
// Display the diffrent operations and scan them |
char getOperatorInput() { |
char operator; |
printf("Enter operator (+, -, *, /): "); |
scanf(" %c", &operator); |
return operator; |
} |
// Calculation |
int performOperation(int num1, char operatorType, int num2) { |
switch (operatorType) { |
case '+': |
return num1 + num2; |
case '-': |
return num1 - num2; |
case '*': |
return num1 * num2; |
case '/': |
if (num2 != 0) { |
return num1 / num2; |
} else { |
return 0; |
} |
default: |
printf("Invalid operator\n"); |
return 0; |
} |
} |
void programmingMode() { |
char choice; |
do { |
int num1 = getIntegerInput("Enter first integer: "); |
char operator = getOperatorInput(); |
int num2 = getIntegerInput("Enter second integer: "); |
// Calculation |
int result = performOperation(num1, operator, num2); |
// Display the result in different bases based on user choice |
int base; |
printf("Choose base to print the result (2 for binary, 8 for octal, 16 for hexadecimal): "); |
scanf("%d", &base); |
switch (base) { |
case 2: |
printf("Result (Binary): %s\n", binaryRepresentation(result)); |
break; |
case 8: |
printf("Result (Octal): %o\n", result); |
break; |
case 16: |
printf("Result (Hexadecimal): %x\n", result); |
break; |
default: |
printf("Invalid base choice\n"); |
break; |
} |
// Ask user if they want to continue |
printf("Do you want to continue? (y/n): "); |
scanf(" %c", &choice); |
} while (choice == 'y' || choice == 'Y'); |
} |
// Function to convert an integer to binary representation |
char* binaryRepresentation(int num) { |
static char binary[32]; |
for (int i = 31; i >= 0; i--) { |
binary[i] = (num & 1) + '0'; |
num >>= 1; |
} |
binary[32] = '\0'; |
return binary; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
// to test some calculations |
int performOperation(int num1, char operatorType, int num2); |
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ |
// scientificMode |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <math.h> |
// get the number which has to be calculated |
double getNumberFromUser() { |
double num; |
printf("Enter a number: "); |
scanf("%lf", &num); |
return num; |
} |
// Choice for ScientificMode |
int getScientificModeChoice() { |
int choice; |
printf("Scientific mode Options:\n"); |
printf("1: Square root\n"); |
printf("2: Exponential\n"); |
printf("3: Logarithm\n"); |
printf("4: Trigonometric\n"); |
printf("0: Exit\n"); |
scanf("%d", &choice); |
return choice; |
} |
// Choice for Logarithm |
int getLogarithmChoice() { |
int logChoice; |
printf("Logarithm Options:\n"); |
printf("1: Logarithm (base 10)\n"); |
printf("2: Natural Logarithm (ln)\n"); |
printf("3: Logarithm (base 2)\n"); |
printf("0: Exit Logarithm Menu\n"); |
scanf("%d", &logChoice); |
return logChoice; |
} |
// Choice for Trigonomtri |
int getTrigonometricChoice() { |
int trigChoice; |
printf("Trigonometric functions:\n"); |
printf("1: Sine\n"); |
printf("2: Cosine\n"); |
printf("3: Tangent\n"); |
printf("0: Exit Trigonometric Menu\n"); |
scanf("%d", &trigChoice); |
return trigChoice; |
} |
// Logarithm |
void executeLogarithmFunction(double num) { |
int logChoice; |
do { |
logChoice = getLogarithmChoice(); |
switch (logChoice) { |
case 1: // Logarithm (base 10) |
printf("Result: %lf\n", logarithmFunction(num)); |
break; |
case 2: // Natural Logarithm (ln) |
printf("Result: %lf\n", naturalLogarithmFunction(num)); |
break; |
case 3: // Logarithm (base 2) |
printf("Result: %lf\n", logarithmBase2Function(num)); |
break; |
case 0: // Exit the logarithm menu |
break; |
default: |
printf("Invalid logarithm function choice. Please try again.\n"); |
} |
} while (logChoice != 0); |
} |
// Trigonometric |
void executeTrigonometricFunction(double num) { |
int trigChoice; |
do { |
trigChoice = getTrigonometricChoice(); |
switch (trigChoice) { |
case 1: // Sine |
printf("Result: %lf\n", sineFunction(num)); |
break; |
case 2: // Cosine |
printf("Result: %lf\n", cosineFunction(num)); |
break; |
case 3: // Tangent |
printf("Result: %lf\n", tangentFunction(num)); |
break; |
case 0: // Exit the trigonometric menu |
break; |
default: |
printf("Invalid trigonometric function choice. Please try again.\n"); |
} |
} while (trigChoice != 0); |
} |
void executeScientificFunction(double num, int choice) { |
double result; |
switch (choice) { |
case 1: // Square root |
result = squareRootFunction(num); |
printf("Result: %lf\n", result); |
break; |
case 2: // Exponential |
result = exponentialFunction(num); |
printf("Result: %lf\n", result); |
break; |
case 3: // Logarithm |
executeLogarithmFunction(num); |
break; |
case 4: // Trigonometric |
executeTrigonometricFunction(num); |
break; |
case 0: // Exit the loop |
break; |
default: |
printf("Invalid choice. Please try again.\n"); |
} |
} |
// scientificMode |
double scientificMode() { |
double result; |
int choice; |
do { |
double num = getNumberFromUser(); |
choice = getScientificModeChoice(); |
executeScientificFunction(num, choice); |
} while (choice != 0); |
return result; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include <ctype.h> |
#include "testForNumber.h" |
double testForNumber() { |
double num; |
char storage[25]; |
char* notANumber; |
do { |
//Emptys the standart output buffer to ensure that this function works in loops |
//and returns the value of num after every loop |
fflush(stdout); |
//fgets() reads the user input into the buffer storage (storage) |
//the if condition is true as long as the input isn't empty |
if (fgets(storage, sizeof storage, stdin) != NULL) { |
//strtod() tries to convert the input into a double |
//if there is anything but a number at any point of the array the pointer notANumber will point to this position |
num = strtod(storage, ¬ANumber); |
} |
//isspace makes sure that notANumber doesn't point to an empty space |
//the secount part makes sure that notANumber isn't pointing at 0 |
} while (!isspace(*notANumber) && *notANumber != 0); |
return num; |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
// get input and check if its a number |
double testForNumber(); |
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <math.h> |
#include <stdbool.h> |
#include "testForOperator.h" |
char testForOperator() { |
//saving the number of operators in a variable so it only needs to be changed in one location |
int numberOfOperators = 5; |
//array where all valid Operators are saved, can be esily expanded |
char oppArray[] = { '+','-','*','/','=' }; |
char input; |
bool validInput = false; |
//Loops as long as input isn't valid, enters at least one time |
while (!validInput) { |
scanf("%c\n", &input); |
//checks every position of the array if a position is equal to input returns the input, which also stopps the function |
for (int i = 0; i <= numberOfOperators; i++) { |
if (input == oppArray[i]) { |
return input; |
} |
} |
//if the input was deemed invalid it asks for new input and goes to the top of the while loop |
printf("The input was not allowed. Please try again!\n"); |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
// get input and check if its a operator |
char testForOperator(); |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
--- |
src/main/c/main_calculator.c: |
- TEST |
src/main/c/testForOperator.c: |
- TEST |
src/main/c/testForNumber.c: |
- TEST |
src/main/c/programmingMode.c: |
- TEST |
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ |
--- |
:project: |
:use_exceptions: false |
:use_mocks: true |
:compile_threads: 1 |
:test_threads: 1 |
:use_test_preprocessor: true |
:use_preprocessor_directives: false |
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:auto_link_deep_dependencies: false |
:test_file_prefix: test_ |
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:build_root: target |
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:ceedling_version: 0.31.1 |
:default_tasks: |
- test:all |
:release_build: |
:use_assembly: false |
:artifacts: [] |
:paths: |
:test: |
- "+:src/test/c/**" |
- "-:src/test/c/support" |
:source: |
- "+:src/main/c/**" |
:support: |
- src/test/c/support |
:include: [] |
:libraries: [] |
:test_toolchain_include: [] |
:release_toolchain_include: [] |
:files: |
:test: [] |
:source: [] |
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:include: [] |
:environment: |
- :rake_columns: '120' |
:defines: |
:test: |
- &1 [] |
- TEST |
:test_preprocess: |
- *1 |
- TEST |
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:use_test_definition: false |
:common: [] |
:libraries: |
:flag: "-l${1}" |
:path_flag: "-L ${1}" |
:test: [] |
:test_preprocess: [] |
:release: [] |
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:system: |
- m |
:flags: {} |
:extension: |
:header: ".h" |
:source: ".c" |
:assembly: ".s" |
:object: ".o" |
:libraries: |
- ".a" |
- ".so" |
:executable: ".out" |
:map: ".map" |
:list: ".lst" |
:testpass: ".pass" |
:testfail: ".fail" |
:dependencies: ".d" |
:unity: |
:vendor_path: "/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor" |
:defines: [] |
:cmock: |
:vendor_path: "/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor" |
:defines: [] |
:includes: [] |
:mock_prefix: mock_ |
:when_no_prototypes: :warn |
:enforce_strict_ordering: true |
:plugins: |
- :ignore |
- :callback |
:treat_as: |
uint8: HEX8 |
uint16: HEX16 |
uint32: UINT32 |
int8: INT8 |
bool: UINT8 |
:mock_path: target/test/mocks |
:verbosity: 3 |
:unity_helper: false |
:cexception: |
:vendor_path: "/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor" |
:defines: [] |
:test_runner: |
:includes: [] |
:file_suffix: _runner |
:tools: |
:test_compiler: |
:executable: gcc |
:name: default_test_compiler |
:stderr_redirect: :none |
:background_exec: :none |
:optional: false |
:arguments: |
- '' |
- '' |
- "-g" |
- '' |
- -c "${1}" |
- -o "${2}" |
- "-MMD" |
- -MF "${4}" |
:test_fixture: |
:executable: "${1}" |
:name: default_test_fixture |
:stderr_redirect: :auto |
:background_exec: :none |
:optional: false |
:arguments: [] |
:test_linker: |
:executable: gcc |
:name: default_test_linker |
:stderr_redirect: :none |
:background_exec: :none |
:optional: false |
:arguments: |
- '' |
- '' |
- '' |
- '"${1}"' |
- "${5}" |
- -o "${2}" |
- '' |
- "${4}" |
- '' |
:test_file_preprocessor: |
:executable: gcc |
:name: default_test_file_preprocessor |
:stderr_redirect: :none |
:background_exec: :none |
:optional: false |
:arguments: |
- '' |
- '' |
- "-E" |
- '"${1}"' |
- -o "${2}" |
:test_file_preprocessor_directives: |
:executable: gcc |
:name: default_test_file_preprocessor_directives |
:stderr_redirect: :none |
:background_exec: :none |
:optional: false |
:arguments: |
- "-E" |
- "-fdirectives-only" |
- '"${1}"' |
- -o "${2}" |
:test_includes_preprocessor: |
:executable: gcc |
:name: default_test_includes_preprocessor |
:stderr_redirect: :none |
:background_exec: :none |
:optional: false |
:arguments: |
- '' |
- '' |
- "-E" |
- "-MM" |
- "-MG" |
- '"${1}"' |
:test_compiler: |
:arguments: [] |
:test_linker: |
:arguments: [] |
:test_fixture: |
:arguments: [] |
:link_objects: [] |
:test_includes_preprocessor: |
:arguments: [] |
:test_file_preprocessor: |
:arguments: [] |
:test_file_preprocessor_directives: |
:arguments: [] |
:test_dependencies_generator: |
:arguments: [] |
:release_compiler: |
:arguments: [] |
:release_linker: |
:arguments: [] |
:release_assembler: |
:arguments: [] |
:release_dependencies_generator: |
:arguments: [] |
:plugins: |
:load_paths: |
- "/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/lib/../plugins" |
:enabled: |
- stdout_pretty_tests_report |
- module_generator |
:display_raw_test_results: false |
:stdout_pretty_tests_report_path: "/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/lib/../plugins/stdout_pretty_tests_report" |
:module_generator_path: "/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/lib/../plugins/module_generator" |
:gcov: |
:reports: |
- HtmlDetailed |
:gcovr: |
:html_medium_threshold: 75 |
:html_high_threshold: 90 |
:module_generator: |
:project_root: "./" |
:source_root: src/ |
:test_root: test/ |
@ -0,0 +1,520 @@ |
#include "src/main/c/programmingMode.h" |
#include "src/main/c/testForNumber.h" |
#include "src/main/c/testForOperator.h" |
#include "src/main/c/main_calculator.h" |
#include "/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity.h" |
void setUp(void) |
{ |
} |
void tearDown(void) |
{ |
} |
void test_addition(void) |
{ |
double result = add(1, 2); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((3)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_minus(void) |
{ |
double result = minus(3, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((2)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_multiply(void) |
{ |
double result = multiply(1, 2); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((2)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_divide(void) |
{ |
double result = divide(4, 2); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((2)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
double result1 = divide(4, 0); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0)), (UNITY_INT)((result1)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConMeter(void) { |
double result = ConMeter(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.5)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConMeterToFoot(void) { |
double result = ConMeterToFoot(5, 1, 0); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((16.4042)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConKilometerToMiles(void) { |
double result = ConKilometerToMiles(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((8.04672)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConGram(void) { |
double result = ConGram(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.005)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConGramToPounds(void) { |
double result = ConGramToPounds(5, 0, 0); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((11.0231)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConTemp(void) { |
double result = ConTemp(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((41)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConSpeed(void) { |
double result = ConSpeed(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((3.10686)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConLiter(void) { |
double result = ConLiter(5, 1, 0); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((5000)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConLiterToGallon(void) { |
double result = ConLiterToGallon(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((1.32086)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConData(void) { |
double result = ConData(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.005)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConArea(void) { |
double result = ConData(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.05)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConVolume(void) { |
double result = ConData(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.005)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConClock(void) { |
double result = ConClock(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((5)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConTime(void) { |
double result = ConData(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.005)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_squareRootFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((2.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((2.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((squareRootFunction(4.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(115))); |
} |
void test_sineFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((sineFunction(0.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(121))); |
} |
void test_cosineFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((cosineFunction(0.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(127))); |
} |
void test_tangentFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((tangentFunction(0.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(133))); |
} |
void test_logarithmFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((logarithmFunction(10.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(139))); |
} |
void test_naturalLogarithmFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((naturalLogarithmFunction(1.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(145))); |
} |
void test_logarithmBase2Function(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((3.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((3.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((logarithmBase2Function(8.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(151))); |
} |
void test_exponentialFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((exponentialFunction(0.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(157))); |
} |
void test_performOperation_Subtraction(void) { |
int result; |
result = performOperation(10, '-', 3); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((7)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_performOperation_Multiplication(void) { |
int result; |
result = performOperation(4, '*', 6); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((24)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_performOperation_Division(void) { |
int result; |
result = performOperation(8, '/', 2); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((4)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_performOperation_division_by_zero(void) { |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0)), (UNITY_INT)((performOperation(10, '/', 0))), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
target/test/out/c/cmock.o: \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/cmock/src/cmock.c \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/cmock/src/cmock.h \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/cmock/src/cmock_internals.h \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity.h \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity_internals.h |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
target/test/out/c/main_calculator.o: src/main/c/main_calculator.c \ |
src/main/c/main_calculator.h |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
target/test/out/c/programmingMode.o: src/main/c/programmingMode.c \ |
src/main/c/programmingMode.h |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
target/test/out/c/testForNumber.o: src/main/c/testForNumber.c \ |
src/main/c/testForNumber.h |
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ |
target/test/out/c/testForOperator.o: src/main/c/testForOperator.c \ |
src/main/c/testForOperator.h |
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ |
target/test/out/c/test_calculator.o: src/test/c/test_calculator.c \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity.h \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity_internals.h \ |
src/main/c/main_calculator.h src/main/c/testForOperator.h \ |
src/main/c/testForNumber.h src/main/c/programmingMode.h |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
target/test/out/c/test_calculator_runner.o: \ |
target/test/runners/test_calculator_runner.c \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity.h \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity_internals.h |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
target/test/out/c/unity.o: \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity.c \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity.h \ |
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity_internals.h |
@ -0,0 +1,520 @@ |
#include "src/main/c/programmingMode.h" |
#include "src/main/c/testForNumber.h" |
#include "src/main/c/testForOperator.h" |
#include "src/main/c/main_calculator.h" |
#include "/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity.h" |
void setUp(void) |
{ |
} |
void tearDown(void) |
{ |
} |
void test_addition(void) |
{ |
double result = add(1, 2); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((3)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_minus(void) |
{ |
double result = minus(3, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((2)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_multiply(void) |
{ |
double result = multiply(1, 2); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((2)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_divide(void) |
{ |
double result = divide(4, 2); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((2)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
double result1 = divide(4, 0); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0)), (UNITY_INT)((result1)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConMeter(void) { |
double result = ConMeter(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.5)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConMeterToFoot(void) { |
double result = ConMeterToFoot(5, 1, 0); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((16.4042)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConKilometerToMiles(void) { |
double result = ConKilometerToMiles(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((8.04672)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConGram(void) { |
double result = ConGram(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.005)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConGramToPounds(void) { |
double result = ConGramToPounds(5, 0, 0); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((11.0231)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConTemp(void) { |
double result = ConTemp(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((41)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConSpeed(void) { |
double result = ConSpeed(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((3.10686)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConLiter(void) { |
double result = ConLiter(5, 1, 0); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((5000)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConLiterToGallon(void) { |
double result = ConLiterToGallon(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((1.32086)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConData(void) { |
double result = ConData(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.005)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConArea(void) { |
double result = ConData(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.05)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConVolume(void) { |
double result = ConData(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.005)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConClock(void) { |
double result = ConClock(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((5)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_ConTime(void) { |
double result = ConData(5, 0, 1); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0.005)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_squareRootFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((2.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((2.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((squareRootFunction(4.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(115))); |
} |
void test_sineFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((sineFunction(0.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(121))); |
} |
void test_cosineFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((cosineFunction(0.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(127))); |
} |
void test_tangentFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((tangentFunction(0.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(133))); |
} |
void test_logarithmFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((logarithmFunction(10.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(139))); |
} |
void test_naturalLogarithmFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((0.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((naturalLogarithmFunction(1.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(145))); |
} |
void test_logarithmBase2Function(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((3.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((3.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((logarithmBase2Function(8.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(151))); |
} |
void test_exponentialFunction(void) { |
UnityAssertFloatsWithin((UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0)) * (UNITY_FLOAT)(0.00001f)), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((1.0))), (UNITY_FLOAT)((UNITY_FLOAT)((exponentialFunction(0.0)))), (( |
((void *)0) |
)), (UNITY_UINT)((UNITY_UINT)(157))); |
} |
void test_performOperation_Subtraction(void) { |
int result; |
result = performOperation(10, '-', 3); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((7)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_performOperation_Multiplication(void) { |
int result; |
result = performOperation(4, '*', 6); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((24)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_performOperation_Division(void) { |
int result; |
result = performOperation(8, '/', 2); |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((4)), (UNITY_INT)((result)), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
void test_performOperation_division_by_zero(void) { |
UnityAssertEqualNumber((UNITY_INT)((0)), (UNITY_INT)((performOperation(10, '/', 0))), ( |
((void *)0) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
--- |
- "/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/ceedling-0.31.1/vendor/unity/src/unity.h" |
- src/main/c/main_calculator.h |
- src/main/c/testForOperator.h |
- src/main/c/testForNumber.h |
- src/main/c/programmingMode.h |
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ |
--- |
:source: |
:path: src/test/c |
:file: test_calculator.c |
:successes: |
- :test: test_addition |
:line: 16 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_minus |
:line: 22 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_multiply |
:line: 28 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_divide |
:line: 34 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConMeter |
:line: 43 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConMeterToFoot |
:line: 48 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConKilometerToMiles |
:line: 52 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConGram |
:line: 57 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConGramToPounds |
:line: 62 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConTemp |
:line: 67 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConSpeed |
:line: 72 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConLiter |
:line: 77 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConLiterToGallon |
:line: 82 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConData |
:line: 87 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConArea |
:line: 92 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConVolume |
:line: 97 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConClock |
:line: 102 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_ConTime |
:line: 107 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_squareRootFunction |
:line: 114 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_sineFunction |
:line: 119 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_cosineFunction |
:line: 125 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_tangentFunction |
:line: 131 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_logarithmFunction |
:line: 137 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_naturalLogarithmFunction |
:line: 143 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_logarithmBase2Function |
:line: 149 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_exponentialFunction |
:line: 155 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_performOperation_Subtraction |
:line: 161 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_performOperation_Multiplication |
:line: 173 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_performOperation_Division |
:line: 185 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
- :test: test_performOperation_division_by_zero |
:line: 197 |
:message: '' |
:unity_test_time: 0 |
:failures: [] |
:ignores: [] |
:counts: |
:total: 30 |
:passed: 30 |
:failed: 0 |
:ignored: 0 |
:stdout: [] |
:time: 0.0015222660003928468 |
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ |
/*=======Automagically Detected Files To Include=====*/ |
#include "unity.h" |
int GlobalExpectCount; |
int GlobalVerifyOrder; |
char* GlobalOrderError; |
/*=======External Functions This Runner Calls=====*/ |
extern void setUp(void); |
extern void tearDown(void); |
extern void test_addition(void); |
extern void test_minus(void); |
extern void test_multiply(void); |
extern void test_divide(void); |
extern void test_ConMeter(void); |
extern void test_ConMeterToFoot(void); |
extern void test_ConKilometerToMiles(void); |
extern void test_ConGram(void); |
extern void test_ConGramToPounds(void); |
extern void test_ConTemp(void); |
extern void test_ConSpeed(void); |
extern void test_ConLiter(void); |
extern void test_ConLiterToGallon(void); |
extern void test_ConData(void); |
extern void test_ConArea(void); |
extern void test_ConVolume(void); |
extern void test_ConClock(void); |
extern void test_ConTime(void); |
extern void test_squareRootFunction(void); |
extern void test_sineFunction(void); |
extern void test_cosineFunction(void); |
extern void test_tangentFunction(void); |
extern void test_logarithmFunction(void); |
extern void test_naturalLogarithmFunction(void); |
extern void test_logarithmBase2Function(void); |
extern void test_exponentialFunction(void); |
extern void test_performOperation_Subtraction(void); |
extern void test_performOperation_Multiplication(void); |
extern void test_performOperation_Division(void); |
extern void test_performOperation_division_by_zero(void); |
/*=======Mock Management=====*/ |
static void CMock_Init(void) |
{ |
GlobalExpectCount = 0; |
GlobalVerifyOrder = 0; |
GlobalOrderError = NULL; |
} |
static void CMock_Verify(void) |
{ |
} |
static void CMock_Destroy(void) |
{ |
} |
/*=======Test Reset Options=====*/ |
void resetTest(void); |
void resetTest(void) |
{ |
tearDown(); |
CMock_Verify(); |
CMock_Destroy(); |
CMock_Init(); |
setUp(); |
} |
void verifyTest(void); |
void verifyTest(void) |
{ |
CMock_Verify(); |
} |
/*=======Test Runner Used To Run Each Test=====*/ |
static void run_test(UnityTestFunction func, const char* name, UNITY_LINE_TYPE line_num) |
{ |
Unity.CurrentTestName = name; |
Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = line_num; |
if (!UnityTestMatches()) |
return; |
#endif |
Unity.NumberOfTests++; |
CMock_Init(); |
{ |
setUp(); |
func(); |
} |
{ |
tearDown(); |
CMock_Verify(); |
} |
CMock_Destroy(); |
UnityConcludeTest(); |
} |
/*=======MAIN=====*/ |
int main(void) |
{ |
UnityBegin("test_calculator.c"); |
run_test(test_addition, "test_addition", 16); |
run_test(test_minus, "test_minus", 22); |
run_test(test_multiply, "test_multiply", 28); |
run_test(test_divide, "test_divide", 34); |
run_test(test_ConMeter, "test_ConMeter", 43); |
run_test(test_ConMeterToFoot, "test_ConMeterToFoot", 48); |
run_test(test_ConKilometerToMiles, "test_ConKilometerToMiles", 52); |
run_test(test_ConGram, "test_ConGram", 57); |
run_test(test_ConGramToPounds, "test_ConGramToPounds", 62); |
run_test(test_ConTemp, "test_ConTemp", 67); |
run_test(test_ConSpeed, "test_ConSpeed", 72); |
run_test(test_ConLiter, "test_ConLiter", 77); |
run_test(test_ConLiterToGallon, "test_ConLiterToGallon", 82); |
run_test(test_ConData, "test_ConData", 87); |
run_test(test_ConArea, "test_ConArea", 92); |
run_test(test_ConVolume, "test_ConVolume", 97); |
run_test(test_ConClock, "test_ConClock", 102); |
run_test(test_ConTime, "test_ConTime", 107); |
run_test(test_squareRootFunction, "test_squareRootFunction", 114); |
run_test(test_sineFunction, "test_sineFunction", 119); |
run_test(test_cosineFunction, "test_cosineFunction", 125); |
run_test(test_tangentFunction, "test_tangentFunction", 131); |
run_test(test_logarithmFunction, "test_logarithmFunction", 137); |
run_test(test_naturalLogarithmFunction, "test_naturalLogarithmFunction", 143); |
run_test(test_logarithmBase2Function, "test_logarithmBase2Function", 149); |
run_test(test_exponentialFunction, "test_exponentialFunction", 155); |
run_test(test_performOperation_Subtraction, "test_performOperation_Subtraction", 161); |
run_test(test_performOperation_Multiplication, "test_performOperation_Multiplication", 173); |
run_test(test_performOperation_Division, "test_performOperation_Division", 185); |
run_test(test_performOperation_division_by_zero, "test_performOperation_division_by_zero", 197); |
return UnityEnd(); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
- Thomas Papendieck, fdai0127 |
- fdai7782 (Jatin Saroay), fdai7782 |
- Enrico Schellenberger, fdai7766 |
- lukazieg, fdai7814 |
- Kabrel, fdai7801 |
Reference in new issue