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37 lines
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#ifdef TEST
#include "unity.h"
#include "addition.h"
int* nullcarry = NULL;
void setUp(void)
void tearDown(void)
void test_addition_volladdierer_nullplusnullgleichnull(void)
int result[1];
int expected = 0;
volladdierer(result, nullcarry, 0, 0, 0);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expected, result[0]);
void test_addition_volladdierer_nullplusnullgleichnullmituebertrag(void)
int result[1];
int expected = 1;
volladdierer(result, nullcarry, 0, 0, 1);
TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(expected, result[0]);
#endif // TEST