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58 lines
1.6 KiB

  1. use crate::builtins::{Builtin, BuiltinConfig};
  2. use crate::error::ShellError;
  3. use colored::Colorize;
  4. use sysinfo::{CpuExt, System, SystemExt};
  5. use uname::uname;
  6. use whoami::{hostname, username};
  7. pub struct Fetch;
  8. impl Builtin for Fetch {
  9. fn execute(&mut self, _: &mut BuiltinConfig, _: Vec<String>) -> Result<(), ShellError> {
  10. let mut sys = System::new();
  11. sys.refresh_all();
  12. let line = "-".repeat(username().len() + hostname().len() + 1);
  13. println!(
  14. "\n{}{}{}",
  15. username().bright_green().bold(),
  16. "@".bold(),
  17. hostname().bright_green().bold()
  18. );
  19. println!("{}", line);
  20. println!(
  21. "{} {} {}",
  22. "OS".bright_blue().bold(),
  24. uname().unwrap().machine
  25. );
  26. println!(
  27. "{} {}",
  28. "KERNEL".yellow().bold(),
  29. sys.kernel_version().unwrap_or_default()
  30. );
  31. println!("{} {}", "UPTIME".red().bold(), format_uptime(sys.uptime()));
  32. println!("{} {}", "CPU".magenta().bold(), sys.cpus()[0].brand());
  33. println!(
  34. "{} {}MB / {}MB",
  35. "MEMORY".cyan().bold(),
  36. bytes_to_mega_bytes(sys.used_memory()),
  37. bytes_to_mega_bytes(sys.total_memory())
  38. );
  39. Ok(())
  40. }
  41. }
  42. fn format_uptime(uptime: u64) -> String {
  43. let h = uptime / 3600;
  44. let m = (uptime - h * 3600) / 60;
  45. let s = uptime - (h * 3600 + m * 60);
  46. format!("{:.0}h {:.0}m {:.0}s", h, m, s)
  47. }
  48. fn bytes_to_mega_bytes(bytes: u64) -> u64 {
  49. bytes / 1024 / 1024
  50. }