@ -106,20 +106,52 @@ function drawCanavas(){ |
var board = document.getElementById("board"); |
//get the tables measurements
tableMes = board.getBoundingClientRect() |
tableWidth = tableMes.width; |
tableHight = tableMes.height; |
console.log(tableHight, tableWidth) |
//set canavas to table size
ctx.height = tableHight |
ctx.width = tableHight |
//divide canvas x and y by the number of rows // coloums
//find center of each cell
} |
//canvas point objects
function canvasPoint () { |
this.cellNumber |
this.x |
this.y |
} |
function canvasPointGen(canvasPointArr){ |
//get canvas size
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); |
//get induvidual cell sizes
cellSize = (canvas.width/10) |
halfCell = (cellSize/2) |
//starting position for both axises
xTracker = halfCell |
yTracker = halfCell |
//tracker for cell count
let count = 100 |
//for each cell create a point at its center
for(let y = 0; y < 10; y++){ |
for(let x = 0; x < 10; x++ ){ |
//create new cell point obj
let newPoint = new canvasPoint() |
//set new objects variables
newPoint.cellNumber = count |
newPoint.x = xTracker |
newPoint.y = yTracker |
canvasPointArr.push(newPoint) |
//advance x and count
xTracker += cellSize |
count-- |
} |
yTracker += cellSize |
} |
} |
//function that draws a line using x,y cooridinates of two points