Features of this pull request
Interaction loop
JSON parser
Extern boot class
Command interface
Command listener
Help command
Quit command
2 unit tests for the commands
Interaction loop
The main game engine. This engine is looping through interactions and is asking for a user input every time.
JSON parser
A help class to read keys and values from JSON files. With that comes the library "org.json".
Extern boot class
An instance of this class is generated from the main class. This is to make the command handling easier.
Command interface
This is an interface for general commands. Every command has the same method and different own methods.
Command listener
All commands are registered here.
Help command
This command prints a list of all available commands with description for the player.
Quit command
This command ends the game.
Unit tests
The two unit tests for the two commands are checking if the output string is correct or if the output string exists.