![BitBiome Logo](src/main/resources/LogoBitbiome.png)

# BitBiome - TextAdventure
## What is the game about?
BitBiome is an exciting text adventure. Whether you want to travel through exciting biomes or measure with dangerous opponents. You can prove your knowledge in a quiz and buy new items in the shop as a reward.
BitBiome is a game for everyone who likes dangerous adventures.

## Commands:
- help
- exit / quit
- shop
  - quiz
  - blackjack
- travel
- location
- gold
- inventory
- use
- lookaround
  - collect
- map
- runaway

## Our developers:
- David Hermann
- Julia Kunze
- Friederike von Gruben
- Philipp Völler
- Tanja Herche
- Max Gerbeth


*Fulda University of Applied Sciences - Applied Computer Science (#AI1001 Papendieck)*