104 Commits (a83adacd60ad97a6c4ee06e60523b9425cf95059)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Lukas Reichwein e8dfdfd5c9 Added conjugationOf to the ComplexNumber object 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 457af8fd1d removed a typo and added documentation to the absoluteValueOf function 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 4f3f9399a8 Added the functionality to calculate the absolute value of an complex number 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein eef6b9ee6e The absolute value of an complex Number with only a real part can is now implemented in the absolutValueOf function 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 6757bfe86d added division of ComplexNumbers to the ComplexNumber Object. 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein db1c0d25a0 added multiplying two ComplexNumbers with imaginary parts 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein ac21b68eac Added the multiply functionality for ComplexNumbers it can multiply ComplexNumbers without an Imaginary part 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 8252779c8f Correct a Typo and added substract function to the ComplexNumber Object 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 24da1c0969 Added add function to the ComplexNumber Object 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 793c47bad1 Added equal function to the ComplexNumber Object 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 6ea3c6c3ec Object ComplexNumber created 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 8339da416d correct some typos, and finishing up to get verion 1 of the Matrix Calculator ready to merge 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 2077778546 REFACTORING, extracted more form the event Heandler to get even more Readabillity 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein a1ec4a577c Added try catch around the operations of addition, transponation and multiplication. 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 1e2f5969d9 REFACTORING, mainly extracting multiple try catch blocks to get the code more Readable. 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 0871928e84 Added IllegalArgumentException to checkInput instead of returning false, get tests and invoking methodes adapted 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 197721b332 Added try catch to DetA and subtraction inOrder to Display the reason why the input is Invalid 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 04bbd02fae Added try catch to DetB inOrder to Display the reason why the input is Invalid 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 95d3d1cb28 linked calculating the Determinants of the input Matrices to their Buttons 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein e33c57aa2d Created Buttons for Determinat calculation of MatrixA and MatrixB 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 638ecdb125 connected Matrix Substraction to the substract Button 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 067e433763 connected matrix Addition to the add Button 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 2d2c08e674 connected Transponation to the tranpose Button 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein dd72739d3c Tests 2D-Array to String funtionality, this functionallity was extracted and can now be tested. 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein e7a4fe7a7d REFACTORING Moved some methodes in order to get a cleaner Struckture 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 4d92178abe Refactoring, mostly extracting code 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 9ad79c0f2e connected matrixMultiplication to the multiply Button 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein 023b0dfe38 String to matrix function is finished. 5 years ago
Lukas Reichwein c6b1fae7a6 String to matrix Method functional to parse 2by2 matrices 5 years ago
Christian Baltzer 2abcba3047 Alle tests grün 5 years ago
Christian Baltzer a91ee44386 Auswertung-class fertig 5 years ago
Christian Baltzer 5fa8bbf2b7 Blockchain Logik fertig 5 years ago
Christian Baltzer ef9ea41b38 Blockchain abgeschlossen 5 years ago
Christian Baltzer a38ee183ad Block hinzugefügt 5 years ago
elephant12 218572c64e Änderung der Testklasse 5 years ago
Christian Baltzer 75440479dd Tests Blockchain 5 years ago
Christian Baltzer b04cb71abc init 5 years ago
elephant12 19b6b06b4b Implementieren der Main + Fehlerkorrektur 5 years ago
elephant12 e35f176f6b Implementierung der Methode fragen() 5 years ago
elephant12 6fe47fb798 kleiner Fehlerkorrektur im Test 5 years ago
elephant12 944ee04702 Änderungen in Test fragenTest() 5 years ago
elephant12 966d76e12d Erweiterung des Tests ergebnisTest und neuer Fall in ergebnis() 5 years ago
elephant12 5764865bd2 Ergänzung in Methode ergebnis() 5 years ago
elephant12 6602891e5c neuer Testfall in ergebnisTest 5 years ago
elephant12 82d12b024d Implementierung der Methode ergebnis() 5 years ago
elephant12 f4d2f14195 neuer Test + Korrektur Test ergebnisTest 5 years ago
elephant12 c317fbe035 Implementierung Methode skalaTest 5 years ago
elephant12 97981358b7 Korrektur von skalaTestTest 5 years ago
elephant12 c931a740ee Korrektur und Implementierung 5 years ago
elephant12 f250f09599 Korrektur der TestKlasse 5 years ago