package playground; // import utilities.* ; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.font.TextAttribute; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import*; import java.text.AttributedString; import java.util.LinkedList; import controller.EnemyController; import controller.FallingStarController; import controller.LimitedTimeController; import controller.ObjectController; import controller.EgoController; import controller.CollisionAwareEgoController; import gameobjects.AnimatedGameobject; import gameobjects.FallingStar; import gameobjects.GameObject; import gameobjects.EgoObject; import gameobjects.TextObject; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; /** * Class that realizes all the game logic of a very simple game level. The level contains for now * only two objects that are {@link GameObject} subclasses: {@link FallingStar} and * {@link EgoObject}. Functions performed by this class are: * */ public class SpaceInvadersLevel extends Playground { public static final double SHOTSPEED = 175; public static final double EGOSPEED = 220; protected static final int LEVEL2STARS = 80; protected static final double BONUS_DURATION = 1.; protected static final double ENEMYSPEEDX = 60; protected static final double ENEMYSPEEDY = 40; protected static final double ENEMYSCALE = 1.0; protected static final double ENEMYSHOTSPEED = 75; protected static final int NRSHARDS = 50; protected static final double EXPL_DURATION = 1.; protected static final int NR_ENEMIES = 30; protected static final int NR_COLLECT = 5; protected static final Color EXPL_COLOR = Color.RED; protected static final double SHARDSPEED = 200; protected static final double STARSPEED = 100; protected static final double STARTTEXTSPEED = 75; protected static final double STARTPERIOD = 5.; protected static final double DYING_INTERVAL = 2.0; protected static final int CANVASX = 700; protected static final int CANVASY = 700; protected static final double EGORAD = 15; protected static final double LEVEL_INIT_TIME = 1.0; protected int nextShot = 0; protected boolean lost = false; protected boolean doneLevel = false; protected double starttime = 0; protected File smash = null; protected File laser = null; protected BufferedImage[] alienImage = null; protected double[] alienshowTime = null; protected BufferedImage[] heartImage = null; protected double[] heartshowTime = null; protected Animation enemyAnim = null; protected Animation heartAnim = null; private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(SpaceInvadersLevel.class); public SpaceInvadersLevel() { super(); this.canvasX = this.preferredSizeX(); this.canvasY = this.preferredSizeY(); } /** * initially sets up the level. Not called by user interaction, but called every time a layer is * restarted from scratch. So make sure that this is possible. Here, resources are loaded only * once even if method is called several times. * * @param id String identifies level. */ @Override public void prepareLevel(String id) {"PREPARE"); reset(); this.doneLevel = false; this.lost = false; resetFlags(FLAGS_LEVEL); // set up flags that some objects rely on setLevelFlag("delete", new LinkedList()); setLevelFlag("replace", new LinkedList()); getOrCreateGlobalFlag("points", Integer.valueOf(0)); setLevelFlag("enemyShotCounter", Integer.valueOf(0)); setLevelFlag("gameStatus", "start"); setLevelFlag("detailedStatus", "std"); getOrCreateGlobalFlag("egoLives", Integer.valueOf(5)); setLevelFlag("dying", Double.valueOf(-1)); // start time measure this.starttime = this.getGameTime(); // music load if (this.smash == null) { this.smash = new File("./audio/smash.wav"); } if (this.laser == null) { this.laser = new File("./audio/laser.wav"); } // ----- Alien if (this.enemyAnim == null) { String dateiName = "./video/sweetAlien.txt"; this.enemyAnim = new Animation(dateiName); } // -----Heart if (this.heartAnim == null) { String heartName = "./video/heart.txt"; this.heartAnim = new Animation(heartName); } // load highscore and update HighscoreManager dh = new HighscoreManager(); int alltimeHighscore = dh.readHSFromFile(); setGlobalFlag("highscore", alltimeHighscore);"HIGHSCORE" + alltimeHighscore); } /** * (re)draws the level but NOT the objects, they draw themselves. Called by the main game loop. * This method mainly draws the background and the scoreboard. * * @param g2 Graphics2D object that can, and should be, draw on. */ @Override public void redrawLevel(Graphics2D g2) { // Set anti-alias! g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); // Set anti-alias for text g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_OFF); // fill background with black int[] x = {0, canvasX, canvasX, 0}; int[] y = {0, 0, canvasY, canvasY}; Polygon bg = new Polygon(x, y, 4); g2.setColor(Color.BLACK); g2.fill(bg); // draw score in upper left part of playground Integer pts = (Integer) getGlobalFlag("points"); Font drawFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 20); AttributedString as = new AttributedString("Points: " + pts); as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, drawFont); as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, Color.yellow); g2.drawString(as.getIterator(), 10, 20); // draw lives counter in upper left part of playground Integer lives = (Integer) getGlobalFlag("egoLives"); Font drawFont2 = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 20); AttributedString as2 = new AttributedString("Lives: " + lives); as2.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, drawFont2); as2.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, Color.yellow); g2.drawString(as2.getIterator(), canvasX - 100, 20); // draw highscore in left part of playground under score Integer highscore = (Integer) getGlobalFlag("highscore"); Font drawFont3 = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 20); AttributedString as3 = new AttributedString("Highscore: " + highscore); as3.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, drawFont3); as3.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, Color.yellow); g2.drawString(as3.getIterator(), 10, 40); if (isPaused()) { Font drawFont4 = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, 50); AttributedString as4 = new AttributedString("Das Spiel wurde pausiert."); as4.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, drawFont4); as4.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND,; g2.drawString(as4.getIterator(), 30, 400); } } /** * applies the logic of the level: For now, this is just about deleting shots that are leaving the * screen and calling methods 'actionIf..' in case objects collide. * */ @Override public void applyGameLogic() { double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); String gameStatus = (String) getLevelFlag("gameStatus"); String subStatus = (String) getLevelFlag("detailedStatus"); if (gameStatus.equals("start") == true) { setupInitialState(); } else if (gameStatus.equals("starting") == true) { if ((gameTime - starttime) > LEVEL_INIT_TIME) { setLevelFlag("gameStatus", "init"); } } else if (gameStatus.equals("init") == true) { this.createEnemies(); this.createCollectables(); setLevelFlag("gameStatus", "playing"); } else if (gameStatus.equals("playing") == true) { GameObject s = this.getObject("ego"); if (subStatus.equals("std")) { // check for collisions of enemy and shots, reuse shots list from before.. LinkedList enemies = collectObjects("enemy", false); // check whether all enemies have been destroyed or escaped if (enemies.size() == 0) { HighscoreManager hsm = new HighscoreManager(); HighscoreManager.writeHSToFile((Integer) Playground.getGlobalFlag("points"), (Integer) Playground.getGlobalFlag("highscore")); this.doneLevel = true;"no enemies left, level done."); } // loop over enemies to check for collisions or suchlike ... LinkedList shots = collectObjects("simpleShot", true); for (GameObject e : enemies) { // if ego collides with enemy.. if (s.collisionDetection(e)) { actionIfEgoCollidesWithEnemy(e, s); } // if shot collides with enemy for (GameObject shot : shots) { if (e.collisionDetection(shot)) { actionIfEnemyIsHit(e, shot); } } } // collecting hearts LinkedList collects = collectObjects("collect", false); for (GameObject c : collects) { if (s.collisionDetection(c)) { actionIfEgoCollidesWithCollect(c, s); } } // loop over enemies and, with a certain probability, launch an enemy shot for each one for (GameObject e : enemies) { createEnemyShot(e); } // check for collisions between ego object and enemy shots LinkedList eshots = collectObjects("enmyShot", true); for (GameObject eshot : eshots) { if (s.collisionDetection(eshot)) { logger.trace("COLLISION" + eshot.scol.get(0) + "/" + s.scol.get(0)); actionIfEgoObjectIsHit(eshot, s); } } } // if substatus.. else if (subStatus.equals("dying")) { Double t0 = (Double) getLevelFlag("t0"); if (gameTime - t0 > DYING_INTERVAL) { LinkedList enemies = collectObjects("enemy", false); setLevelFlag("detailedStatus", "std"); s.setActive(true); for (GameObject e : enemies) { logger.trace("activating" + e.getId()); e.setActive(true); } } } } // if (gameStatus == "playing") } public boolean gameOver() { return lost; } public boolean levelFinished() { return doneLevel; } /** * calculates and returns the preferred size of the level (in pixel) for X-direction */ public int preferredSizeX() { return CANVASX; } /** * calculates and returns the preferred size of the level (in pixel) for Y-direction */ public int preferredSizeY() { return CANVASY; } /** Adds ego object and stars and displays startup message. Is called from applyGameLogic */ protected void setupInitialState() { double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); setLevelFlag("gameStatus", "starting"); this.createStars(); // set up ego object this.createEgoObject(); // add text object to playground ObjectController ctrl = new LimitedTimeController(gameTime, 3.); GameObject readyText = new TextObject("ready?", this, getSizeX() / 2, 0, 0, 100, this.getStartupMessage(), 50, Color.RED).addController(ctrl); addObject(readyText); } /** * simply returns the text that should be displayed at level start * * @return a string that is displayed at start. Should be not longer than 30 characters. */ protected String getStartupMessage() { return "Get ready for level X!"; } /** * returns a number representing the speed of an enemy object in X direction (pixels/second) * * @return a positive value */ protected double calcEnemySpeedX() { return SpaceInvadersLevel.ENEMYSPEEDX; } /** * returns a number representing the speed of an enemy object in Y direction (pixels/second) * * @return a positive value */ protected double calcEnemySpeedY() { return SpaceInvadersLevel.ENEMYSPEEDY; } /** * returns the maximum number of enemy instances (which are created at level start) * * @return a positive value */ protected int calcNrEnemies() { return SpaceInvadersLevel.NR_ENEMIES; } /** * returns the maximum number of collectables' instances (which are created at level start) * * @return a positive value */ protected int calcNrCollect() { return SpaceInvadersLevel.NR_COLLECT; } protected GameObject createEnemyShotObject(GameObject parentObject, String name, ObjectController limitedTimeController) { GameObject to = new TextObject(name, this, parentObject.getX(), parentObject.getY(), 0, ENEMYSHOTSPEED, "I", 20, Color.YELLOW).generateColliders().addController(limitedTimeController); /* * // also possible: GameObject to = new RectObject(name, this, parentObject.getX(), * parentObject.getY(), 0, ENEMYSHOTSPEED, 4, 20, * Color.YELLOW).addController(limitedTimeController) ; to.generateColliders(); */ return to; } protected void createEnemyShot(GameObject e) { double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); double PROB = calcEnemyShotProb(); double diceThrow = Math.random(); Integer nrEnemyShots = (Integer) (getLevelFlag("enemyShotCounter")); if (diceThrow < PROB) { setLevelFlag("enemyShotCounter", Integer.valueOf(++nrEnemyShots)); LimitedTimeController limitedTimeController = new LimitedTimeController(gameTime, 10.); GameObject textObject = createEnemyShotObject(e, "enmyShot" + nrEnemyShots, limitedTimeController); addObject(textObject); } } /** * calculates and returns the probability that an enemy shots. Used by * {@link SpaceInvadersLevel#createEnemyShot(GameObject)}. * * @return a positive value between 0 (no chance) to 1 (for sure). */ double calcEnemyShotProb() { return 0.1 * this.getTimestep(); } ObjectController createEnemyController() { return new EnemyController(); } GameObject createSingleEnemy(String name, double x_enemy, double y_enemy, double vx_enemy, double vy_enemy, ObjectController enemyController, double gameTime) { GameObject tmp = new AnimatedGameobject(name, this, x_enemy, y_enemy, vx_enemy, vy_enemy, ENEMYSCALE, this.enemyAnim, gameTime, "loop").addController(enemyController).generateColliders(); return tmp; } GameObject createSingleCollect(String name) { double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); double cspeedy = 20.; double x_collect = Math.random() * this.canvasX; double y_collect = Math.random() * this.canvasY / 3; double vx_collect = 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * 0; double vy_collect = Math.random() * cspeedy; GameObject tmp = new AnimatedGameobject(name, this, x_collect, y_collect, vx_collect, vy_collect, 0.3, this.heartAnim, gameTime, "loop").generateColliders() .addController(new EnemyController()); return tmp; } void createEnemies() { // create enemies double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); double speedx = this.calcEnemySpeedX(); double speedy = this.calcEnemySpeedY(); for (int i = 0; i < this.calcNrEnemies(); i++) { double x_enemy = Math.random() * this.canvasX; double y_enemy = Math.random() * this.canvasY / 3; double vx_enemy = 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * speedx; double vy_enemy = Math.random() * speedy; ObjectController enemyController = createEnemyController(); GameObject enemy = createSingleEnemy("enemy" + i, x_enemy, y_enemy, vx_enemy, vy_enemy, enemyController, gameTime); addObject(enemy); } } void createCollectables() { double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); // create collectables for (int i = 0; i < this.calcNrCollect(); i++) { GameObject collect = createSingleCollect("collect" + i); addObject(collect); } } void createEgoObject() { // add ego to playground at lower bottom EgoController egoController = new CollisionAwareEgoController(SpaceInvadersLevel.EGORAD, this.laser); GameObject ego = new EgoObject("ego", this, canvasX / 2, canvasY - (EGORAD * 2), 0, 0, EGORAD) .addController(egoController).generateColliders(); addObject(ego); } void createStars() { // add stars to playground for (int i = 1; i <= LEVEL2STARS; i++) { FallingStarController fsc = new FallingStarController(); GameObject star = new FallingStar("star" + i, this, Math.random() * canvasX, Math.random() * 15, 0.0, Math.random() * STARSPEED, Color.WHITE, 1.).addController(fsc); addObject(star); } } void createExplosion(double gameTime, GameObject e, String basename, double interval, Color color) { // spawn a cloud of exploded shards for (int i = 0; i < NRSHARDS; i++) { double vx = 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * SHARDSPEED + e.getVX(); double vy = 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * SHARDSPEED + e.getVY(); addObject( new FallingStar("shard" + gameTime + "/" + i, this, e.getX(), e.getY(), vx, vy, color, 2) .addController(new LimitedTimeController(gameTime, interval))); } } /** * implements game behavior if an enemy object is hit by a players' shot. It creates an explosion * effect, plays a sound and adds 200 points to the current score (and it removes the enemy object * and the shot object). * * @param e enemy which was hit * @param shot the shot object that hit the enemy */ void actionIfEnemyIsHit(GameObject e, GameObject shot) { double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); createExplosion(gameTime, e, "shard", DYING_INTERVAL, Color.RED);; // delete enemy deleteObject(e.getId()); // delete shot deleteObject(shot.getId()); // add to points counter Integer pts = (Integer) getGlobalFlag("points"); setGlobalFlag("points", pts + 200); } /** * implements game behavior if ego object of player touches a collectable * {@link gameobjects.GameObject }. Here it adds one extra life and displays a text for a limited * time on screen "Extra life!!". The duration is set in constant * {@link SpaceInvadersLevel#EXPL_DURATION}. * * * @param collect item touched by ego * @param ego the players ego object */ void actionIfEgoCollidesWithCollect(GameObject collect, GameObject ego) { double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); if (this.getObject("bonustext") == null) { // spawn a bonus points object double vx = 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * SHARDSPEED + collect.getVX(); double vy = 2 * (Math.random() - 0.5) * SHARDSPEED + collect.getVY(); LimitedTimeController bonusTextController = new LimitedTimeController(gameTime, SpaceInvadersLevel.EXPL_DURATION); GameObject bonusText = new TextObject("bonustext", this, collect.getX(), collect.getY(), vx, vy, "Extra life!!", 20, Color.YELLOW).addController(bonusTextController); addObject(bonusText); // delete collect deleteObject(collect.getId()); // add to points counter Integer lives = (Integer) getGlobalFlag("egoLives"); lives++; setGlobalFlag("egoLives", lives); } } /** * implements behaviour of game when ego object is touching an enemy. It displays a text "AUAA!!" * for a certain time on the game screen. Time span is defined as constant in * {@link SpaceInvadersLevel#BONUS_DURATION } . * * @param enemy the enemy that was hit * @param ego the ego object of the player */ void actionIfEgoCollidesWithEnemy(GameObject enemy, GameObject ego) { /** * set temporary text over ego. This object lives only for a short time. While it lives, further * collisions are ignored. Otherwise a single collision would result in a lot of deducted * points... */ double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); GameObject auaObj = this.getObject("AUA-EGO"); if (auaObj == null) { addObject(new TextObject("AUA-EGO", this, ego.getX(), ego.getY() - 20, ego.getVX(), ego.getVY(), "AUAA!!", 10, Color.RED) .addController(new LimitedTimeController(gameTime, BONUS_DURATION))); // deduct points Integer pts = (Integer) getGlobalFlag("points"); setGlobalFlag("points", pts - 500); } } /** * implements what happens if the eog object of player is hit by a shot. It removes the shot from * screen, reduces lives by 1, removes the ego and end current playing. * * @param eshot the shot object that hits the ego * @param ego the ego object of the player */ void actionIfEgoObjectIsHit(GameObject eshot, GameObject ego) { logger.debug("collision of " + eshot.getId() + " and " + ego.getId()); double gameTime = this.getGameTime(); this.deleteObject(eshot.getId()); Integer oldLives = (Integer) getGlobalFlag("egoLives"); int newLives = oldLives - 1; setGlobalFlag("egoLives", newLives); logger.debug("set egoLives to " + newLives + " (was " + oldLives + ")"); if (newLives <= 0) { lost = true; HighscoreManager.writeHSToFile((Integer) Playground.getGlobalFlag("points"), (Integer) Playground.getGlobalFlag("highscore")); } LinkedList eshots = collectObjects("enmyShot", true); for (GameObject _eshot : eshots) { deleteObject(_eshot.getId()); } setLevelFlag("detailedStatus", "dying"); setLevelFlag("t0", gameTime); ego.setActive(false); createExplosion(gameTime, ego, "egoexp", DYING_INTERVAL, Color.WHITE); LinkedList enemies = collectObjects("enemy", false); for (GameObject enemy : enemies) { enemy.setY(0); enemy.setActive(false); } } }