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54 lines
1007 B

8 years ago
  1. \documentclass[11pt,ngerman]{beamer}
  2. \usetheme{AnnArbor}
  3. \usecolortheme{seagull}
  4. \begin{document}
  5. \begin{frame}
  6. \title{Implement Updates \textit{Over the Air} for ESP8266 microcontrollers}
  7. \author{Dustin Frisch\\ C/C++ for Embedded Systems and Physical Computing\\ Angewandte Informatik\\ University of Applied Sciences Fulda\\ \texttt{}}
  8. \date{\today}
  9. \titlepage
  10. \end{frame}
  11. \begin{frame}
  12. \frametitle{About the Project}
  13. \end{frame}
  14. \begin{frame}
  15. \frametitle{Why Updates?}
  16. \end{frame}
  17. \begin{frame}
  18. \frametitle{Why \textit{Over the Air}?}
  19. \end{frame}
  20. \begin{frame}
  21. \frametitle{Implementation - Update mechanism}
  22. \end{frame}
  23. \begin{frame}
  24. \frametitle{Implementation - Supporting multiple devices}
  25. \end{frame}
  26. \begin{frame}
  27. \frametitle{Implementation - Automatic deployment and roll-out}
  28. \end{frame}
  29. \begin{frame}
  30. \end{frame}
  31. \begin{frame}
  32. \end{frame}
  33. \begin{frame}
  34. \end{frame}
  35. \begin{frame}
  36. \end{frame}
  37. \begin{frame}
  38. \end{frame}
  39. \end{document}}