Ultra Geile Studenten Benutzer Oberfläche (UGSBO)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

99 lines
3.5 KiB

package com.ugsbo.matrixcalc;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class MatrixCalcIOUtils {
* Prints a given 2D-Array to the output text Field.
* @param output2DArray The Array that gets Displayed
protected String outputMatrixToOutputText(double[][] output2DArray) {
// convert array to String
String DisplayableString = convertsArrayToStringInOrderToDisplayIt(output2DArray);
// Display output
return DisplayableString;
* Converts Array to String in oder to Display it.
* @param array2D the array wich will be converted to an Displayable String
* @return The Displayable String
protected String convertsArrayToStringInOrderToDisplayIt(double[][] array2D) {
String displayableString = "";
for (int i = 0; i < array2D.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < array2D[0].length; j++) {
displayableString += array2D[i][j] + " ";
// System.out.println(result[i][j]);
displayableString += "\n\n";
return displayableString;
* Chcks if the Input is Valid, with Regex. Returns true if the Matrix can be
* matched by the regular Expression.
* @param matrix It is the InputMatrix
* @return true if the Matrix is valid Input.
protected void checkInput(String matrix) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (matrix.length() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please insert a Matrix");
// Matches digits witch following spaces 1 to 3 times
String row1 = "(\\d*\\u0020*){1,3}";
// Matches newlineCurrierReturn followed by digits witch following spaces 1 to
// 3times
String row2 = "(\\n){0,3}(\\d*\\u0020*){0,3}";
String row3 = "(\\n){0,3}(\\d*\\u0020*){0,3}";
// TODO get the input check more stricktly missing matrix slots are allowed.
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(row1 + row2 + row3);
Matcher m = p.matcher(matrix);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A Matrix is not in the right format, Matrix ");
* Converts a String form the Inputfield to an 2D-Array aka Matrix.
* @param stringMatrix The String form the Inputfield
* @return Matrix as a 2D-Array
public double[][] stringToMatrix(String stringMatrix) {
ArrayList<String[]> singleNumbersArr = new ArrayList<String[]>();
// Splitting the strings into their rows
String[] singleNumbers = null;
String[] rows = stringMatrix.split("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
// System.out.println(rows[i]);
// Splitting rows into their Numbers
singleNumbers = rows[i].split("\\s");
int rowlength = singleNumbersArr.get(0).length; // row.length
int columCount = singleNumbersArr.size(); // output.length
double[][] matrix = new double[columCount][rowlength];
for (int columIndex = 0; columIndex < columCount; columIndex++) {
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < singleNumbers.length; rowIndex++) {
matrix[columIndex][rowIndex] = Double.parseDouble(singleNumbersArr.get(columIndex)[rowIndex]);
return matrix;